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  • Was disapointed by Tinker Tailor.... I didn't mind that it was slow, but I found the character development quite poor, the plot wasn't all that interesting and their was absolutley no tension throughout. By the end I couldn't care what happened to anyone in it.
  • Johnny English - OK just
    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy - Just wasted 2 hours of my life - utter cack.
    Taking my lad to see johnny english this weekend.

    Really was looking forward to seeing Tinker........ but not heard a single decent review yet, so disappointed before I even see it. I'll wait for dvd release I think.
    TTSS a great film every newspaper gave it 4 or 5 *. a film you need to concentrate on but worth it.
    I am sorry - its a case of the Emperors New Clothes. 

    For a film to start with around ten minutes of George Smiley saying nothing, and then pretty much nothing happens until he unveils the mole. 

    I am of reasonable intelligence. I went with a mate who is a fully paid up genius and a member of Mensa and he was bored witless by it. 

    It is such a boring film - at least the original TV series was able to tease things out. In the end I didn't care whether he found out who was the mole, let alone which one the prime suspects it was. 

    Yes there were subtle clues but frankly I couldn't bother with them.

    Contrast that to say a film like Six Sense, which grips your attention, where the clues are there but most don't spot them until towards the end, but we are able to re think what we have seen to make sense of where the clues were that we missed.

    With this film I just couldn't be bothered.

    As for the cast - yes it was a stellar one. Apart from Gary Oldman's impression of Alec Guiness playing Smiley and a reasonable amount of Benedict Cumberbatch, players like Hurt and Firth and Burke had so little involvement.

  • Was disapointed by Tinker Tailor.... I didn't mind that it was slow, but I found the character development quite poor, the plot wasn't all that interesting and their was absolutley no tension throughout. By the end I couldn't care what happened to anyone in it.
    Yes spot on.
  • TTSS in its original version nothing happened for long periods and does not the film bring the 1970s flooding back?    it is lit like the 70's and kind of feels like the 70's;  oh and the 70's was often boring.

    just my view
  • It's brilliantly shot and captures the 70s down to a tee, but that only took the film so far for me. Maybe a 2nd watch will make me feel different.
  • The problem with TTSS is that Gary Oldman spent most of his time trying to do an Alec Guiness impression rather than actually play the part of Smiley, the sets were far too lavish and it was always going to be difficult to do the plot justice in just over two hours on a cinema screen.

    They should have spent the money more wisely and re-made the series (it probably would have been cheaper too or even then perhaps they could have had a real go at the 'Karla trilogy').

    I liked Drive, some people were howling with laughter at the violence but for a cheap American flick the cinematography was pretty good, the soundtrack was fitting and Gosling was superb.
  • Thought that TTSS was fairly disappointing.  The problem with taking an 8 hour thickly plotted TV series and cutting it down to a two hour snapshot.  All the pant wetting from th critics had my expectations set at an unrealistic level.  Nicely shot, great actors and all that jazz, but ultimately fairly dull.  Too obvious who the mole was.  If there's three suspects and only one of them gets any kind of back story then you don't have to be MI5 to work it out. 

    Got TTSS and Smiley's People box set on Amazon for 9 quid.  Wish I'd done that in the first place.

  • TTSS in its original version nothing happened for long periods and does not the film bring the 1970s flooding back?    it is lit like the 70's and kind of feels like the 70's;  oh and the 70's was often boring.

    just my view
    Especially the 6 weeks summer holidays. '75 and '76 were so hot. I remember being quite bored.
  • Boredom can be a positive thing - teaches you self sufficiency.

  • A Lonely Place To Die is very good - action packed and a decent British action/thriller for a change.
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  • If anyone's thinking if watching Lars Von Triers - Melancholia . Don't . You will never get those two hours back !
  • If anyone's thinking if watching Lars Von Triers - Melancholia . Don't . You will never get those two hours back !
    ditto big mommas house
  • Das Leben Der Anderen, about the german SS. Very good (not sure if it's new though).
  • Das Leben Der Anderen, about the german SS. Very good (not sure if it's new though).
    It was 2006 ish, not about the SS but the Stasi, the East German security police. Superb film.
  • The Life Of Others I presume? Superb film.
  • Just got back from seeing The Adventures of Tin Tin with my youngest son and what a pleasant surprise I got.
    I cracking little film that has some amazing animation. If you stuck for what to do with the kids this week , you won't go wrong watching this one.
  • Just seen paranormal activity 3. Loved the first two but this is cack. Greedy Hollywood leaving doors open for more sub-standard sequels or prequels. Not one scene from the trailer was in the film.
  • Just seen paranormal activity 3. Loved the first two but this is cack. Greedy Hollywood leaving doors open for more sub-standard sequels or prequels. Not one scene from the trailer was in the film.
    Well its all about opinions. I have just watched PA1 and PA2 on DVD - I don't generally like that kind of film. I also watched Insidious. To me both PA's were so incredibly boring where nothing happens. I imagine in the cinema, they were able to build tension but I had lost interest long before the climaxes of the films. 

    Insidious on the other hand was really excellent and made me jump a few times.

    Can't see me bothering with PA3 though.
  • Without a paddle, Shawshank Redemption, Saving Private Ryan, Boy in Striped Pyjamas.....

    Alll great films. give them a go if you havent seen any one of them

  • Not new, but The Devil's Backbone is a cracking film, from the same stable as Pan's Labyrinth.

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  • Thanks for the tips. Just watched Cemetary Junction and loved it. Watched Submarine a month or so ago which was also very good.
  • Just watched The Hangover 2 . Terrible movie.
  • senna - magnificent.
  • Finally get to see Drive this week, one of my most anticipated films of the year.
  • edited October 2011
    Finally get to see Drive this week, one of my most anticipated films of the year.
    I'd steer clear of it
    Its wheely bad.
    I car nt recommend it.
    It will e road you love of films. etc
  • going to see contagion this afternoon , anyone seen it yet ?

    looks very good and has the added bonus of Marion Cotillard in it

  • Off to see Tintin this p.m. with my friend and her nephew, I am looking forward to it (the 2d not 3d version as 3d generally brings on a blinding headache for poor old me)
  • Off to see Tintin this p.m. with my friend and her nephew, I am looking forward to it (the 2d not 3d version as 3d generally brings on a blinding headache for poor old me)

    You will enjoy it. I watched it in 2d also and I was pleasently surprised .

  • The skin i live in - On its way out now in London but saw it recently.
    Spanish with subtitles by Almodovar. Slghtly comical, and far fetched but well made and plausible with plenty of twists.
  • going to see contagion this afternoon , anyone seen it yet ?

    looks very good and has the added bonus of Marion Cotillard in it

    Huge let-down IMO. A plot that has been done many times before and a lot better before too.
    Slow moving pace that never quite picks up. Great cast that should have warranted a good script, but failed to.
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