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The Big Screen



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    [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Oh yeah, and as for that film at half time - what was that all about? All I could hear on the appalling sound quality was a load of young girls giggling incessantly - had no idea what about or what they were saying.

    I'm with you ... it was almost incomprehensible. From the bit I could make out, they seemed to be discussing death.

    Nice ...
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    [cite]Posted By: northstandsteve[/cite]feck the big screen we can't even afford a fourth officials board that works

    Yeah - isn't that two games running now? I know we're potless - but surely the budget can extend to a new pack of Duracell?
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    What happend to half time entertainment, I always stay in my seat as know I wouldn't get a beer until well into 2nd half if I hadn't gone by 30mins played? Where's the dog display teams? The penalty shoot outs? Might help lift the spirts alittle, get the opera singer back for the leeds game to raise the roof, have a word with mr tillbrook to knock out a few classics either pre or halftime. The 3 second blast of house of pain is so funny, just as its about to kick in they always kick off.
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    We could always have a public flogging or two at half time to cheer us all up.
    Stewards or catering staff from the concourse refreshment bars could be selected at random on a match by match basis, seems a fair enough way to spend a few minutes or so if you ask me.

    "The floggings will continue until moral improves."
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    You're weird......
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    I suggest this thread is now re-titled....The Small Screen.
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    Just switch it off

    Save some money and the money budgeted for it could be spent elsewere
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    Or just have a large cricket style score board with the team names on it and the score that can be changed via a step ladder
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    Go retro and bring back the half time board with the letters! It'd encourage programme sales as well, as everyone tried to work out which of our rivals was winning 3-0 at half time.
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    Is back according to some tweets I've read. S new better one.
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    Being fixed as we speak.
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    Yay !!
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    We really are on the up if the screen makes a comeback.
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    Temp one till bigger one comes close season
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    When reading the news article it made me to think we will have 2 screens?
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    Bring you own glasses, I heard its in 3d ; )
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    I remember being at the Valley for a big screen beam back from Manure.
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    I read it one screen, the one they are putting in is leased til the end of the season, to be replaced by a bigger one in the summer, not sure why. As as east stander I wish it could be in the southwest corner, or a second one there to save my neck craning. :)

    I notice we are paying more for our season tickets still too, although the table on the website suggests only the East central upper, derr... shame I might have bought one otherwise.
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    So we are not getting a screen in every corner? Bbbbbbooooooooooooooooo
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    edited February 2011
    Confirmed on OS. Bigger, brighter and better than before!
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    Not bigger, but higher res and it works
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    well done the club and all involved, would be blinding if they get it sorted in time for the tribute! fingers crossed.
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    It is working so presumably will be used on Saturday for the tribute.
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    Good news! not what about the potholes in the car park ?
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