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10 and a half things you never knew about..... Millwall



  • [cite]Posted By: seth plum[/cite]Millwall fans describe their walk as 'bowling' due to their desire to play with their balls while walking.
    When in large groups Millwall fans enjoy bowling together.

    LOL! This made me laugh. They really are twats.
  • Shouting racist obscenties and abusive language is prohibited at the New Den for the under 75s.
  • I find all this sarcasm directed towards Millwall fans out of place in the modern world.  
    Having the ability to walk on hind legs while dragging their knuckles on the ground has its advantages as any Millwall fan will confirm. Picking up fag ends and discarded part-eaten sandwiches becomes a doddle.  Darwin's theory of evolution as demonstrated in SE16. 

    LeroyAmbrose may be superb on IT but can he unpeel a banana with his bare feet like Stuwall??  I think not!!  And while on the subject of that intellectual Colossus, OK he may not be able to book his seat because someone (him) has already done so but he had solved Fermats Last Theorem on the back of a fag packet years before Wiles did so (Off_it can you check that this last claim is accurate???)

    All supporters of football league clubs should celebrate Millwall and its loonies fans.  Without them someone else would be at the bottom of the heap.

    If Jayajosh is correct and shouting racist obscenties and abusive language is prohibited at the New Den for the under 75s then the place will be as silent as a morgue.  So not much different than the usual match day then.
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