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So who we voting for on here then?

edited March 2010 in Not Sports Related
This general election is going to be my first that i have voted in and i need someone to influence me to not to vote for Lib dems as i think the other two partys are just so usless. I have not voted before as i have not been educated enough in the world of polotics to make a decission but feel this year that i am so was looking for some influence from my CL companinons.

So Labour have made enough mistakes so i feel another party deserves a crack at the whip now. Conservatives are generally poor and i feel would be going backwards but i am still learning so who are others on here going to vote for because as far as i can see its not going to be easy to make a decission?


  • Make your own mind up, don't let anyone else influence you.
  • Labour for me. Still the best we have. Can't bring myself to vote for the Tories.
  • I'll be voting for the same lot as I've always voted for. Bit like a football team, if you are of a certain political persuasion then you stick with them through thick and thin. I wouldn't presume as to whom to influence you to vote for but I'd prefer it if you'd give Labour a miss please.
  • Will vote Labour. Do not want the country run by the Eton class of 84 or whenever !
  • Fed up to the back teeth with the LabLibCON.

    UKIP for me.
  • Don't vote.

    Unless the entire election in your constituency is decided by a single vote, any effort you expend will be wasted. By voting you will merely have neutralised the effort of someone else who voted for another candidate.

    I appreciate that this principle breaks down when a lot of people adopt it ... but most people don't adopt it, so you're OK.

    There ... I saved you the hassle.
  • Tories, clearing up after years of Labour missrule again.............I promise to keep it quiet though ;0)
  • Two points from comments made above.

    I don't understand sticking with the same party when the policies change all the time? Ideolegies within parties change, if another party changes to come in line more with your beliefs it does not make sense to me to stick with your original party.

    Always vote - if you don't have any faith in any of the parties, go along and spoil your ballot paper - it shows that you care about politics, but not what the parties actually have to offer. Spoilt ballot papers are taken seriously. Just write "None of the above" on the bottom of the paper.
  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Spoilt ballot papers are taken seriously. Just write "None of the above" on the bottom of the paper.

    I'll be doing this then.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]This general election is going to be my first that i have voted in and i need someone to influence me to not to vote for Lib dems as i think the other two partys are just so usless. I have not voted before as i have not been educated enough in the world of polotics to make a decission but feel this year that i am so was looking for some influence from my CL companinons.

    So Labour have made enough mistakes so i feel another party deserves a crack at the whip now. Conservatives are generally poor and i feel would be going backwards but i am still learning so who are others on here going to vote for because as far as i can see its not going to be easy to make a decission?

    15 grammatical or spelling errors in there Ru - you vote for whoever you fancy mate.

    Education, Education, Education
  • Ok so it seems to be more labour than anything else on here. Which is reasonably encouraging to se i spose it means you dont think the country is in the state the media would like us all to believe you all know me and what i am like and how much i love Englandso that brings a smile to my face lol. Becasue of my background i think my family might disown me if i vote Torrie :-). I was thinking Lib Dems but i dont want my vote to be a wasted one. I dont want to not vote because i feel i can this time as i am not a snotty 18 year old who only cares for himself like i was in the last general election (i know hard to believe init?) this time i am a reasonably well educated 23 year old who has responsibilities and can make real decisions about things now if you get my meaning.
  • As my dear departed mum used to say...'Once a Tory, always a Tory'
  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite].....Which is reasonably encouraging to se i spose..... Becasue of my background i think my family might disown me if i vote Torrie :-).....I dont want to not vote because i feel i can this time as i am not a snotty 18 year old who only cares for himself like i was in the last general election (i know hard to believe init?).... this time i am a reasonably well educated 23 year old who has responsibilities and can make real decisions about things now if you get my meaning.

    Something tells me this is going to be a classic thread
  • Spot on Algarve - I've always tended to vote on policies which I agree with and haven't stuck to a particular party.
  • I've traditionally voted Labour, but can't bring myself to vote for that self-preserving rabble this time.

    But then looking at Liberal or Con, they're just the same meat different gravy - mostly giving the impresion of another bunch of self-serving, egocentrics.

    People say that you most vote.
    Okay - but that's like a Vegetarian being made to choose between beef, pork or liver.
  • Monster Raving Loonies.
  • Rupert, what do you look for in a parties manifesto?
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Rupert, what do you look for in a parties manifesto?

    The price of cider ....?

  • The country is a mess.

    Whether a Tory government over the past 13 years would've been worse or better we shall never know.

    Going forward I don't have much faith in any of them to improve the country I live in. The fabric of society has been eroded for decades, the sense of community has gone, disintegrating through years of greed, neglect, poor education and a melting pot of different cultures and morals.

    Whilst there are still so many great things about London and Great Britain, there are just as many bad things bringing us down. There is no quick fix and this current Labour government or any of the prospective opposition parties have not developed any meaningful, innovative or engaging policies that connect with me at all.

    Everyone is too scared to stand up and make the changes needed, through fear of being called a left wing bleeding heart or a right wing nazi.

    Ru, see if on BBC iplayer you can find the Youth Question Time, was on a few weeks ago. Some of the most egotistical, out of touch and ignorant people on the panel that could not connect to any of the young people in the audience. The only person who could was Tim Campbell (the first Apprentice winner). The government needs youth, fresh ideas and impetus to unite and face up to problems. However, it seems the youth of today are more concerned with where to get drunk, how to get drugs, what rival gang is walking through their postcode and when their mummy & daddy are going to give them another score to go out & get wasted or buy their new Ecko tracksuit, rather than paying any attention to political issues that affect us all and getting educated and thriving.
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  • [cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Always vote - if you don't have any faith in any of the parties, go along and spoil your ballot paper - it shows that you care about politics

    Or that you have arthritic hands, for example.
  • [cite]Posted By: ValleyGary[/cite]Rupert, what do you look for in a parties manifesto?

    Well i am guessing that someone with the right ideas for the country and an open minded way of thinking. Polices about the upkeep of our roads and more benefits to local smaller businesses i spose. I say that purely for the fact that i now live in the countryside and allot of my mates around here parents own small businesses and the state of the roads is shocking around here (well throught the country im sure) they need to be able to extend the roads to allow more traffic maybe bug Freeways like in the states is the way forward. That was just of the top of my head so sorry if i am barking up the wrong tree.
  • Bald Brummies Against The Big-Footed Conspiracy Party
  • [cite]Posted By: Ru1986[/cite]Well i am guessing that someone with the right ideas for the country and an open minded way of thinking, etc .......

    But at least you're trying to think about the overall good of the nation.

    Unlike the politicians, who'll stab each other in the back for the chance to serve only themselves.
  • This Labour government has been the most incompetent government this country has ever had. Second biggest trade deficit in the world, biggest budget deficit, national debt at well over 100% of GDP, sterling fallen by it's biggest margin ever, not forgetting to mention that in 13 years we've seen the rich become richer than ever before, the poor getting poorer and as a consequence a tax system that has benefited the rich and proportionately targeted the poor to a higher degree. That same tax system is twice the size it was in 1997, yet the government is producing a record deficit for this year alone of £167bn. They have been phenomenally incompetent. Just like the Labour Party themselves, anyone who votes for them doesn't understand economies or business.

    And you know what? The economy isn't even half of it for me. I'm sick of spin, sick and tired of being told what's right for me, sick and tired of seeing a government consistently fail to deliver on it's promises, sick and tired of hearing about corruption in government, sick and tired of seeing our soldiers coming home in coffins and sick and tired of general day-to-day things that effect me from paying for NHS prescriptions when people in Scotland don't have to right the way up to local councils behaving with the same disregard for taxpayers money. I don't really care who I end up voting for, I just want this government out.
  • [cite]Posted By: Sparrows Lane Lion[/cite]However, it seems the youth of today are more concerned with where to get drunk, how to get drugs, what rival gang is walking through their postcode and when their mummy & daddy are going to give them another score to go out & get wasted or buy their new Ecko tracksuit.....

    ...and smashing up the toilets in the away end ?
  • ...or throwing policeman hats around?
  • hate the lefties always have always will. True Blue in politics
  • Never really bothered with it all - the way i see it a party (eg. Labour) gets elected, break their promises and everyone wants the opposite party (eg. Tories) in. That party comes in and the cycle is repeated. They're all as bad as each other.
  • [cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]People say that you most vote.
    Okay - but that's like a Vegetarian being made to choose between beef, pork or liver.

    Choose the Beef its lovely ;-)
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