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Needing to go......



  • Great thread. Never had myself down as one for toilet humour but obviously I am as been in bits reading through this on the train home.

    One morning after an absolute skin full my lovely missus made me a bacon sarnie to nurse me back to humanity. Little did I know that innocuous act of kindness would lead to one of the most humiliating experiences in a relatively short lifetime peppered with frequent humiliating experiences.

    About half an hour after devouring said sarnie with the gusto of John Prescott attacking a tin of condensed milk I knew something was not right.

    Managed to drag myself out of my pit whack on the dressing gown and plonk myself in front of Soccer Am as my guts did somersaults. Missus popped down the shops and I was doing the obligatory contemplation of “must crack one off as am alone in the flat with a window of opportunity” pondering that seemed to take up most of my twenties and as I considered firing up the laptop and mustering enough enthusiasm to rouse a very sad, alcohol- demolished “little Rodders” I felt a very overwhelming urge to fart….and so I did. Stomach felt much better and all was well with the world for a microsecond (I believe I even may have mustered a chuckle at a hackneyed Lovejoy gag) until I glanced downwards and saw the stream of liquid shite that adorned my dressing gown resembling an oil slick in the Atlantic that would dominate 4 consecutive episodes of Newsround in my childhood and seen Craven distraught at the mammoth yet futile clean-up effort required to get back to any semblance of normality.

    Little did I know this was just the pre cursor to the big boy. The false alarm, the warm up act so to speak.
    Cut this part short… ended up with a trip to the Princess Royal a few days later after pretty much 36 hours of brown bukkake- ing out of my harris and a diagnosis of salmonella from the dodgy bacon sarnie.

    Fast forward to Rodder’s humiliating episode #386… the following weekend me and the missus (then girlfriend) were due to attend Kent’s premier music festival “Wardstock” as an in law was playing one of the main sets. The missus suggested swerving it due to my ailments but being a hard bastard Charlton fan I wasn’t going to let some poxy virus that Edwina Curry had banged on about inbetween between being slipped Major lengths in the late 80s stop me from having a weekend of debauchery in the outskirts of Maidstone.

    As a concession I took my antibiotics and switched to Boddingtons for the day conceding that my usual choice of gaseous lager probably wouldn’t do my shaky stomach any favours. A quality day/ night was had by all, future brother in law’s band smashed it and even saw a band of middle age rockers (one decked out in a Charlton shirt) do a cracking set and all was good with the world. Then near the end of the gig I saw one of the best bands I’ve ever seen at a random place (can’t remember the name of them but they had a song on FIFA back in the day). They were hugely unknown (and still are) and there were probably only 500 people in this little recreation ground festival but in my Boddington’s- induced state of euphoria they were the next Oasis and me and the missus raved about them in gurning disbelief that they weren’t headlining V.

    The lead singer had the voice of an angel and was a bloody good looking fella n’all (not in my league of course but definitely up there) and although one of the hottest days of summer it was like Glastonbury in the mud such was the effect he had on the lust- struck female attendees in the audience.

    Anyway just as they finished their set the old stomach started proper growling and my missus helped me to the portaloos at the side of the stage. 12 hours of drinking and eating crap at the back end of food poisioning it was only going to be a matter of time. Huge queue and the festival was winding down so about 10 people in front of me and I was starting to think that caning a crate of bitter 4 days into major bout of salmonella wasn’t my brightest idea.

    Made it to the front of the queue and dived into a portaloo with my girlfriend waiting next to it to make sure I didn’t pass out and die as I had the house keys. Sat there and being prude and shy felt really self conscious as aware of the huge number of people outside on the other side of the paper thin portaloo walls who I could hear chatting and even breathing. “Fuck it” I thought “at least the music will drown out the sounds I’m about to bestow”….just about then I heard my girlfriend on the other side of the door getting chatted up by none other than the pretty boy Bon Jovi fucker who’d just absolutely smashed the festival on stage in the way Hendrix did at Wardstock.

    As I sat there waiting to unleash inevitable hell, with my stomach now gurgling and growling like a cornered hyena I could hear my girlfriend telling this Michael Hutchence protégé how amazing their set was and what a great voice yada yada yada yada….just then then music stopped as the very last song from the very last band ended and the festival location was draped in a silence that trappist monks would be proud of….just as 11 cans of Boddingtons, 2 cheeseburgers and a jerk chicken wrap decided to vacate the premises of chez Rodder’s arse in a cacophony of sound, bodily fluids, stench emotion (and no doubt blood) that surely inspired the opening 10 minutes of Saving Private Ryan and the closing bits of Apocalypse Now.

    All I recall is the deathly silence outside being broken by horrified shrieks of “Jaysus fecking christ!!”, “My God!!!” and “What the fuck!” as horrified hipster festival goers were treated to an impromptu symphony of Rodder’s dicky tum.
    In that instant I made my mind up…that was it I would stay in the portaloo and live out the remainder of my days there either dying of starvation or more likely from the smell and unleashed detritus rather than opening the door and facing the audience who had just heard the soundtrack and would soon get the director’s cut visual tour once I stepped out of the now floodlit bog.

    All this time I can still hear smooth talking Bon Jovi junior trying it on with my missus and surely now by virtue of having delivered a cracking set minutes earlier (and being an extraordinarily good looking potential rock star rather than a part- qualified accountant with salmonella poisoning who has just destroyed a portaloo in full sound of about 50 people) I may have deemed it somewhat reasonable had she walked off with him there and then rather than claim the perpetrator of the shock and awe campaign that had been unleashed in the bog.

    Sheepishly I made my way out to looks of disgust usually reserved for chicken molesters and Tories and my girlfriend asked “Are you ok Rodders?” to which Kid Rock said “You know him?!!!” with a look of bemusement and disgust.

    “Yes he’s my boyfriend”. Weak and barely able to stand after the relinquishing of 5 days of bodily fluids in 45 seconds i limped away into the night supported by my future wife. And it was at that moment covered head to toe in beer shit in a rec in medway I knew she was a keeper.

    PS sorry for the essay. This has been a form of counselling for me.

  • Absolutely howling at those two stories @MrOneLung and @RodneyCharltonTrotta
  • Dazzler21 said:


    I woke up this morning and headed to the loo to take my daily good morning dump.

    Nothing happening... Quite uncomfortable in fact.

    I have a shake for breakfast and bang a couple of prunes in... Just to test their effectiveness.

    Before leaving home I think 'why not try for another squeeze?' Still nothing happening...

    10:30 rolls around so I come to the loos, ready for the mid morning dump that usually arrives now when the morning regularity isn't there.

    So here I was sat on the work kkhazi still nothing. I decide I'll give it a minute and have a little read. Just as your story starts getting funny some bloke comes in and sits in the stall next to mine. It's a row of 3 I picked the furthest one when the loo was empty... He's the only person to come into the loos and he picks the one next to the one in use? Weirdo.

    Anyway no doubt he could hear me muffling my laughs as I read about your experience and he probably thinks I'm cracking one off...

    Just as I get to the end of your story I attempt the old coughing fit laughter muffle as I do I release a demonic smelling, ear shattering wave of brown sludge and gas into the bowl.

    Now I'm waiting for him to leave so that I can! I'm terrified that if I hit the flusher he'll purposefully open his door to see which fucker had just released a chemical warfare level of stink into the loos


    Not being up with modern "speak", is that what you actually had for breakfast or a celebration of what you did at breakfast?
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  • Sharted outside a brewery once, had to discard my boxers in the local Tesco toilets.
  • A woman who threw her poo out of her date's toilet window because it "would not flush" had to be rescued after she got stuck trying to retrieve it.
    The amateur gymnast was on a first date with Bristol student Liam Smith when she "panicked" and threw the faeces out of the window.
    It did not land in the garden, but became wedged between two non-opening windows.
    After climbing in head first after it, she became wedged.
    Mr Smith had to call the fire brigade for help.
    The story appeared on a crowdfunding page, set up by the University of Bristol student.
    Mr Smith, who is hoping to raise funds to fix his broken window, wrote that he was on a Tinder date with the woman and they went back to the shared house he lives in.
    He said the woman went to the toilet and when she came back she had a "panicked look in her eye" and told him what she had done.
    He said the toilet window opened into a narrow gap separated by another double glazed window.
    "It was into this twilight zone that my date had thrown her poo," he said.
    He went to find a hammer to smash the window, but she decided to "climb in head first" after the "offending package" and became jammed.
    "I was starting to grow concerned, so I called the fire brigade and once they had composed themselves, they set to work removing her from the window.
    Although the woman was rescued unharmed, Mr Smith said his bathroom window was destroyed.
    "I'm not complaining, they did what they had to do," he said.
    "Problem is, I've been quoted north of £300 to replace the window and as a postgraduate student, that is a significant chunk of my monthly budget.
    Unsurprisingly, the woman does not want to be named but Mr Smith said he had seen her since and "who knows what the future holds".
    Avon Fire and Rescue service confirmed it had received a call and freed a woman trapped between external and double glazing.
    It also confirmed that a "window was broken in the process".

    BBC News
  • Just seen this on the BBC!


    I'd just stoped crying with laughter from reading Rodney's story again, and now I've started all over again. That poor girl
  • I'd just stoped crying with laughter from reading Rodney's story again, and now I've started all over again. That poor girl
    This threat is comedy gold...
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  • I mean people do poos solid enough to pick up and lob fffs well jel
  • Just seen this on the BBC!


    The young lady from Bristol, has now apparently been nicknamed ' The Shirehampton Shit slinger' by friends!
  • edited September 2017
    no real classics to add to the many brilliant ones on here, but I've had my share of "delli belly", the notable ones being:

    In a clients house & having to use their loo 3 times during my 1.5 hour meeting. Really loud, loose & smelly too.

    many occasions whilst playing golf - known as a "Halifax" by me & my regular playing partner due to the first time this happened (to him) after playing a golf course in Halifax the day after our evening win at Huddersfield in 1997. That day we were joined by my little bro' (known on here as JimmyMelrose) who wasn't very good and the round took almost 6 hours & seeing as the course was basically on the Yorkshire Moors my mate had to go "in the rough" somewhere as we were miles from the clubhouse. I've lose count of the times I've squatted down in some foliage or a copse of trees to empty my bowels, but Princes in Sandwich and Royal St Davids in Harlech are just 2 that spring to mind.

    Most notable ones that involved Charlton games directly - one away at Bristol Rovers (the one where Grant Basey broke his leg) where I laid a very wet one before the match & must have put the only cubicle out of action....and away at Coventry when my car broke down on the way there (been playing golf that morning just outside the city) and I needed a dump whilst stranded on the A45 & was lucky there were a few bushes out of site of the hard shoulder.
  • Hmmm, recall one occasion where I was out at a client for the first time reviewing their paperwork.

    Had a few beers the night before but nothing too heavy.

    Had a cheeky fart at the desk, unfortunate significant follow through, had to wadddle to nearest desk stinking of shit and ask where he toilets were.

    Waddled off and, with good luck was able to dispose of boxers behind one of the loos and there had been no trickle through into the suit trousers. Cleaned up and walked back fresh as a daisy.

    No one asked how I had miraculously stopped waffling about the place thank god....
  • Really didnt want to use this thread today seeing I was meant to start my new job this morning.

    Last night had a dodgy watery shit so knew something was up which was made worse this morning when I had another with no solids and no control - Decided I had to risk the trip into London today regardless so not to set a bad impression, knew it would be a risk as would need about 2-hrs between incidents to last the train journey.

    Just as I left Abbey Wood I knew it was an impossible task and knew I had to get off at Woolwich Arsenal, sadly the train crawled into the Station which did the damage... Made it to the toilet yet couldnt get my trousers down in time as felt my bowels loosen as I partly shit my pants, finally got the trousers down as the rest started to arrive, briefly catching the back just before I managed to sit down.

    Finished up and walked back out to get the next train yet knew I wouldnt last again and quickly got back off and retreated back to the toilet for Part Two (thankfully didnt shite myself this time).

    Realised I couldnt get into work without needing another shit so decided to retreat back home... Frustratingly I've not needed to go for two hours now so could have made it in although glad I didnt else Id have been forced to explain the brown patches on the back of my trousers!!

    Apologies to anyone desperate to use the cubicle in the Woolwich Arsenal toilets - that toilet is going to take some unblocking the amount of paper I had to use

    Thanks for sharing. Made my day.
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