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I dont believe it......GET IN - A RESULT!!!!!

...what the hell is going on?

June 18th England are playing Algeria KO 20.30, the country will be in the middle of World Cup fever, my better halfs stepdad, who is a huge sports fan has booked a top restaurant for the same date and time, I have spat my dummy and said I'm watching football, the poo has hit the fan with my better half, I asked her stepdad to change the date to the Saturday, cant do that he says there is a good jazz band on in the restaurant when we go, but dont worry about the game I'll Sky+ it!!!! Cue huge family row!

Is it me?


  • edited April 2010
    Its not you. This 'man' needs to have a real good look at himself in the mirror. A good jazz band? he for real. And Sky Plus is a poor'll know the result by peoples mood in the street the minute you walk out the restaurant. Stand your ground!

    NB: Please note i am not married!
  • Welcome to Jazz club.

  • I'm kinda in the same boat, going to visit family in Greece in June, told my sister to book it for any time in late May or June as long as it both (a) doesn't coincide with play off final weekend (just in case!) and (b) I don't miss any England games. What does she then tell me a week or so later? That's right, were flying back on the 12th at around 7.30 and landing at about 11.30 UK times, right as England start their campaign against USA, with K.O. scheduled for 8.30. I then told her I was considering calling the airline to try and change my flight time and she gets all super pissy......never hoped my flight gets delayed before but I am praying for a 4 or 5 hour delay that day!
  • Simple, on the day you're due to fly home ring the airport, put on a dodgy accent and leave a coded warning. The airport will be closed for a couple of hours at least, delaying all flights :)
  • And you can watch the match as a guest of security forces. No probs!
  • I feel your pain Bibble. On the Sunday when the world cup final is on, i've got to go to the Isle of Wight for a christening! Deep joy.
    If England make the final, the whole country will be going mad, all my mates out on an all dayer, followed by celebrations everywhere. And i'll be on the IOW at a christening where i'll know about 5 people!
    Obviously if we don't make the final i couldn't care less, but if we do............
  • Whats annoying is I cant even keep check on the score! Maybe the pilot will keep us up to date, 'Air traffic control, can we have a score update please!'
  • My partner is moving in with me in two weeks, the poor lass does not understand my love for all things football related, there may be trouble ahead! on the weekend of the playoffs I am due to be at a Scout Camp as a leader, I have said should Charlton get to Wembley I will be buggering off to the game, my committment has been questioned by some, considering I have been doing it unpaid for nearly 30 years I think me buggering off to Wembley (should we get there) is perfectly acceptable! I blame the daft sod that booked this damn camp, who I know is not a footie fan.
  • on top of it all I hate Jazz!! Great!
  • I'm getting married on Saturday 12th June: England v USA.

    To a Palace fan.

    Beat that.
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  • wow, you need your head testing ;-)
  • Maria & I are getting married on the 26th June, potentially the date of England's first knockout match (if we win our group). If Germany finish 2nd in their group then it could be England v Germany!
  • Having just read dabos post my problem pales into insignificance!!

    Its like walking round ASDA, you feel so much better about yourself when you walk back out the door, cheers dabos, I'm sure she is worth it!!! (Smiley thing)
  • I suspect that Englands games will be on BBC or ITV and not Sky+ wont help !
  • you can sky+ any channel
  • [cite]Posted By: PeteF[/cite]My partner is moving in with me in two weeks, the poor lass does not understand my love for all things football related, there may be trouble ahead!

    Pete are sure about this? Seriously mate, football is such a big part of your life, you have to make prorities clear from the start, in writing if neccessary (as Big C's experience shows, even telling them does not work).

    Or do what I did, marry a football fan...
  • The only plus from the problem re Algeria game is that it is not Englands most important game and if we beat USA we should be fine to finish top of group. I have stupidly booked to see Stewart Lee live that night but I think out of all the England games, if I had to miss one it would be Algeria.

    England v possibly Germany however, that is a real problem.
  • Oh and Bibble, tell them you will see them for a drink afterwards - this jazz band will play again, England v USA WC 2010 will never happen again.
  • [cite]Posted By: bibble[/cite]Having just read dabos post my problem pales into insignificance!!

    Its like walking round ASDA, you feel so much better about yourself when you walk back out the door, cheers dabos, I'm sure she is worth it!!! (Smiley thing)

    Fortunately she is :) I just count myself lucky that she is a football fan, even if she does support the wrong team. At least it's not Millwall!

    We were so unlucky with the world cup draw. I was screaming in the office when we were drawn in Group B - my colleagues couldn't understand it given there were no other teams in our group at that point. It just so happened to coincide with our big day!
  • dabos you are a lucky man, have a great day!
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  • [cite]Posted By: dabos[/cite]I'm getting married on Saturday 12th June: England v USA.

    To a Palace fan.

    Beat that.

    I married into a Millwall family ... and she's perfect.

    Please also note that my four lads are all Charlton ... thus proving the genetic superiority over our dearest rivals.
  • [cite]Posted By: WestStandCookie[/cite]Maria & I are getting married on the 26th June, potentially the date of England's first knockout match (if we win our group). If Germany finish 2nd in their group then it could be England v Germany!

    Carter looks like you'll be doing the DJ'ing for this without my help then !
  • [cite]Posted By: Big C[/cite]Whats annoying is I cant even keep check on the score! Maybe the pilot will keep us up to date, 'Air traffic control, can we have a score update please!'

    flew to barbados in 2000 on world cup final day and they did keep informing us of the score
  • WSC - is the game likely to clash with the ceremony itself, or just the reception? If the ceremony, then you're stuffed, but if it's just the reception...
  • It's only a game

  • This is what happens when you involve birds with football
  • [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]This is what happens when you involve birds with football

    Quite the contrary Shag, it's what happens when you don't...
  • have no sympathy for those booking their wedding during the WC....a schoolboy error if ever I saw one

    as for the going out on the night of an England game to watch a Jazz band....words fail me, no way would I be going.
  • shouldn't of spat your dummy out - instead you should have pretended to be really really up for it - then you could have faked an illness and you would have been believed because you were so looking forward to the jazz and stuff. of course fake illness isn't going to work so now - so there's only one thing to do; you're going to have to get someone to break your legs. the upside of this is no one going to think you did it just to get out of going to the jazz club so you watch the game instead... no, that would be crazy! and you'll also get some time off work as a bonus. the downside is it might hurt a bit... but just bite down on something and think of england... literally.
  • Hee hee! Holiday booked to Lesbos deliberately to watch the first two weeks of the WC in our favourite place in the world to watch a football tournament bar being there! & with the added bonus of KB & his better half joining us for the last week I am soooo looking forward to it.
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