Following on from another debate, others exist I am sure
If you believe your blood pressure is OK put in 130 / 80 and if you believe cholesterol is OK put in 200 (in uk we use a different score so if yours is above 5 put in 300)
I came out at 87
Shows there are many other factors affecting life outcome
Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 152 lbs.
The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age of grandparents
2. Personality type
3. Education
The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health
2. Gender
3. Drinking
Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 161 lbs.
The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age of grandparents
2. Personality type
3. Education
The two biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health
2. Gender
It doesn't take supporting Charlton into account when looking at blood pressure! ;o)
that cant be right. i might try again.
Give up smoking NOW before you r doomed AFKA.
"The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Weight
2. Family health
3. Gender"
Mind you i have always known that I wouldnt make old bones.
mind you its told me that i need to lose 41 pounds, rubbish. I would look just odd at 7 stone 10 i think... ha ha.
Still, stops me being paranoid about being ignored. :-)
The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age
2. Gender
3. Diet
The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health
2. Drinking
3. Smoking
might not get the answer i want!!!
Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 167 lbs.
The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age of parents
2. Age of grandparents
3. Personality type
The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Driving under the influence
2. Gender
3. Drinking
I was doing so well until the lifestyle bit!!
So basically I drink too much.... No shit Sherlock!
11 x 14 + 7
154 (lbs)
do you think i no how to add that up! yeah right!! 11x14 and i am havin nightmares, let alone add the other bit!
says I'm too fat!
i'd be more worried about the smoking question, oli.
Your "ideal" weight for maximum longevity is: 164 lbs.
The three biggest positive factors that you have going for you are:
1. Age of parents
2. Diet
3. Personality type
The three biggest negative factors that you have going for you are:
1. Family health
2. Gender
3. Drinking
Based on your answers to the above questions, your current life expectancy is
69, i am happy with that!