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what has happend to u in the 4yrs of charlton life



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    Left sunny Sheffield
    Went to carribbean for 9 months,
    Shattered my hand servered a tendon
    Lived in shrews of all places
    Moved back to maidstone, changed careers
    bought first season ticket in a while and renewd
    Got made redundant, got a new job

    Basically 4yrs in 7 lines, quite sad
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    Met some really good people on here, played football with some legends (dazzler, Nathan). Started going to watch another team other than West ham. Met the biggest cheating poor excuse for a linesman cheat cheat cheat (but i'm over that now) cheat cheat cheat. Lost the will to live on numerous occasions. All in all had a bloody good time thanks to this site and some of the people on it..... I said some Henry not all ;-). Oh and gt to play football with someone that played at the valley.
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    I've got fatter and my liver has got worse.
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    Meet Ketz the 40 year or Virgin,
    Meet Dicko reailsed what happens in Blackpool gets told in every discussion
    Meet Stu reailsed that he really will shag anything!
    Watch you guys play at the valley...

    P.S got facebook hijacked and ended having to tell the goat story and meet Geoger who thinks he looks like Danny Dyer!!!
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    edited August 2010
    Got a job (was a masters student 4 years ago).
    Bought a place with my girlfriend.
    Got promoted at work.
    Got promoted with the Sunday league team.
    Got cats.
    Got Sky+.
    Split up with the girlfriend.
    Got promoted at work.
    Moved to Whitstable.
    Got relegated with the Sunday league team.
    Got together with my current lady.

    I miss Sky+.
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    [cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]What is Poo Club !?!?!
    Whisper Carter/Medders/MCS your mobile number and you'll find out.

    NO!! don't, I've seen Oli's phone : (
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    [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]Graduated, got a job, brought a flat, got spit roasted by Gumbo & Carter.

    Without doubt the funniest thing you've ever written!
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    Earnt more money in 2006 than I did in 2005
    Earnt more money in 2007 than I did in 2006
    enjoyed the birth of my 3rd child
    moved from a 3 bed terrace to a 4 bed semi
    employer shut office in t/wells & re-located me to Woking
    left said employer & joined a rival firm
    due to economy earning a lot less than i did in 2005
    filed for divorce
    moved out of 4 bed house into a 1-bed flat
    watched charlton's demise
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    Got engaged
    Moved twice
    Met a group of fellas that I can certainly call my mates
    Got drunk at Palace at home and had probably the best accident of my life, who's now I0 month old fatty.
    Lost a fella who was properly Charlton and meant the world to me, still miss you Uncle Kev,
    And fulfilled a lifelong ambition to meet Shag!

    Not bad I suppose!
  • Options
    Finally left the blue chip company in 2006 to open my own business
    Ran a half marathon
    Played at the Valley
    Enjoyed the company of Charlton Lifers esp. at away games
    Bought my first ever sports car
    Financially secure, mortgage free
    Eldest got degree and job
    Youngest will 2 moro I hope be off to Uni
    Celebrated Silver wedding anniversary
    Exceeded business plan by 100%
    Enjoyed 25 years since graduation reunion
    Been on a cruise
    Lost more hair
    Seen CAFC get to two quarter finals and lose both
    Seen CAFC in Valencia and Utrecht
    Have developed a love for West Holland esp. Utrecht
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    [cite]Posted By: Elthamaddick[/cite]love this site, cheers Dan and Lookie for all the hard work............but my main question is?

    What is Poo Club !?!?!

    First rule of poo club is you don't talk about poo club
    Second rule of poo club is you don't talk about poo club
    If it is your first time at poo club, you will poo
    If someone goes limp or taps out then the poo is over

    Now good luck
  • Options
    Put on three stone.
    Discovered the wonderful world of photography.
    Go to less home games and more away games.
    Met a fellow lifer through a mutual friend who has turned out to be a great mate (and proper Charlton).
    Drunk far too many Malibu shots whilst playing spoof whilst with said fellow lifer.
    Discovered that Swindon has the most ridiculous roundabout in the world.
    Met the best and most forgiving woman in the world.
    Became an uncle.
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    moved to spain
    moved back from spain
    got my first season ticket
    got into a grammar school
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    is this the poo club of which you speak?
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    [cite]Posted By: Stilladdicted[/cite]Got a season ticket for the NHS, observed the effects of gravity, watched my son become an Iron Man. Tried to help kids out by giving good advice instead of the money they needed.( we oldies are fond of giving good advice; it's consolation for no longer being capable of setting a bad example.)

    Ooh think I met you and was it your hubbie on the Thursday of the seat/poo cleaning day when we were having lunch. I was wearing the come to the dark side, we have cookies t-shirt.
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    last grand parent died -
    became a social worker +/-
    wife found another bloke after 18 years together (not sure if the two are linked lol) -
    went from three bed semi in leafy suburbia to one bed house to living with mum again. -
    found new love with a swedish nurse +++
    said swedish nurse moved to UK to live with me+++++++
    went back to university -
    finished university+
  • Options
    Split up with girl came home from Australia
    Got back together with Girl went home to Australia
    Started acting school
    Been on stage 4 times infront of audience
    Joined and then formed a 5 aside football club
    Played at the Valley
    Started my own business
    Got away from a drinking problem
    Visited China
    Got a dog(Diesel hes a genius)
    Got engaged

    Overall Brilliant!!!
  • Options
    changed jobs in London
    Had a Son
    Changed Jobs and left UK for Kuwait
    Changed Jobs and left Kuwait for Singapore
    Got Gout - from the new lifestyle!!
    Haven't managed to see Charlton live (apart from TV/Internet) for the last 2.5yrs
  • Options
    Ran a big brewery
    Became an Australian citizen (50/50 with UK)
    Accepted polite suggestion from my boss that I stop running said brewery
    Started inventing new beers and helping younger brewers instead
    Lost cat
    Made some unexpected money when firm got taken over by Japanese
    Got pool refurbished thanks to said Japanese
    Wife became '"el presidente" of local quilters (serious stuff!)
    Daughter started last 2 years of school and dreams of attending university in UK
    Started secret master plan to return to UK in 2012
    Bought house in Gloucester, found tenant for said house
    Discovered Charlton Life
    Arranged for UK visit at Xmas and hope to meet up with some Lifers
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    edited August 2010
    Moved to Czech Republic
    Second daughter born
    Grandfather died
    Got made redundant
    Separated from wife after 11 years
    Good friend died
    Became an uncle
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    [cite]Posted By: RedArmySE7[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Friend Or Defoe[/cite]Graduated, got a job, brought a flat, got spit roasted by Gumbo & Carter.
    Without doubt the funniest thing you've ever written!
    You cheeky git! I'll photocopy the degree and bring it in on Saturday! ;-)
  • Options
    Lost last granparent
    Turned 30
    Got engaged
    Bought a flat
    Met fellow lifer and is now a cracking pal
    Echo the sentiments......malibu intake increased due to being pony at spoof on match days
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    Split up with a control freak
    Watched my son grow into a young man froma small boy
    Completed my degree
    Found a new job
    Got engaged
    Played a small part in getting Charlton Live back on air
  • Options
    Had my 2nd daughter and 1st son
    Brought bigger trousers
    Slept with the wife 3 times
    Sadly my lovely grandad died last year
    Got my eldest daughter her first season ticket
    Slept with weegie addick
    Bought a place abroad
    Slept with mrs windscreen
    Got arrested twice
  • Options
    Got misdiagnosed with MS & then Motor Neurone Disease
    Got better
    2 spinal ops
    Got better
    Raised & eaten Berkshire piggies
    Grown & eaten organic veg
    Live the good life with the Lass, 1 dog, 3 cats, 21 chickens and 2 pigs
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    Split up from long Term Girlfriend
    Had to sell First House bought with her
    Lost Full Time Job
    Lost Four Year DJ residency
    Started New Job which I like
    Have DJ'd in Ibiza Four times
    Made some really Good mates on here for which I am really grateful
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    edited August 2010
    [cite]Posted By: Shag[/cite]Had my 2nd daughter and 1st son
    Brought bigger trousers
    Slept with the wife 3 times
    Sadly my lovely grandad died last year
    Got my eldest daughter her first season ticket
    Slept with weegie addick
    Bought a place abroad
    Slept with mrs windscreen
    Got arrested twice

    Can I borrow you place abroad?

    PS I though Weegie had better taste.
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    Great thread this one...

    Got married...
    As a result, moved out of my nice home and slept on a comination of air bed / sofa / anywhere I could lay my head for 2.5 years...
    In the mean time, ran a half marathon with a load of the CL guys (great experience but never again lol)...
    Took up golf...and gave up golf...
    Took up cycling (best thing I ever did)...
    Got promoted at work but ended up taking a pay cut...
    Spent thousands on getting divorced...
    Had to deal with my brother's Bipolar illness and the fall out from his manic episodes...resulting in a few lost friends...
    Discovering some revellations about the, not for on here...
    Finally managed to scrap enough cash together to buy my own home...
    And best of all, seeing my little one growing up happy and healthy, not at all affected by her parents divorce and starts school in 3 weeks time.

    Its been an absolutely manic 4 years, most of it I wouldnt want to go through again, but I've come out the other side stronger and happier. Cant ask for more than that.
    I owe you all a big thanks actually. In the dark moments, the advice I was offered on here was invaluable.
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    [cite]Posted By: lancashire lad[/cite]Got misdiagnosed with MS & then Motor Neurone Disease
    Got better
    2 spinal ops
    Got better
    Raised & eaten Berkshire piggies
    Grown & eaten organic veg
    Live the good life with the Lass, 1 dog, 3 cats, 21 chickens and 2 pigs

    some heart warming stories on here folks but this one? how could they misdiagnose that? Congrats on the recovery tho.
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    Missed a few things,
    Mislaid my gall bladder somewhere
    Travelled to Germany and Denmark on a regular basis
    Lost a testicle
    Nearly died at one stage due to illness
    Managed to get up on stage with a band and sing
    Took up cricket again
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