Im sorry, but everytime i look through at whats on and i see something like Peter Andre: the next chapter, my blood simply boils. ITV2 in general is full of crap in my opinion and i would love to know what areas of britain or types of people actually tune into it.
I know that people will say that if you dont like it, just dont watch it, but i still fail to see how anyone can watch some of the drivel that is on the box at the moment.
So.....i'd just like to express my unbridled hatred towards:
X factor - seen it a few times, obviously some of the judges definitions of talent are different to mine. It also appears that you can only go through to the next round if you're a homeless paralysed orphan who has been told they have weeks to live.
Any ITV2 show - need i say anymore.
Any show with Jack Dee on it - It appears he can win high levels of laughter without actually being funny. (has anyone actually ever seen him smiling)
Horne and Corden - I think the pair got a bit carried away and were under the impression that they were immune from unfunnyness. They were innevitably proved wrong.
Big Brother - the mother of them all, may it rest in peace, forever.
There are probably loads ive forgotten, and im sure everyone has their own individual hates, so what other television programmes are an embaressment to the nation?
Celebrities in the jungle
Anything that has the word 'celebrity' in the title
Big Brother
99.9% of reality programmes
Last of the summer wine ( how the hell did this dross run for so long)
Friends ( i cant watch it because of the ridiculous laughter every 5 seconds)
Big Brother ( total junk )
Anything with Jamie Oliver ( Twat )
Strictly come dancing ( although ive never seen it!)
Football coverage on ITV ( world cup 2010 - nuff said )
Songs of praise ( what complete bollox )
I'm sure there is plenty more but those the ones that come to mind.
agree with most of that. The Horne & Corden thing was embarrassing!
Jack Dee is really good in lead Balloon though.
Most tv junk isnt worth being too stressed about, but when I see a rat faced charlatan like Colin Fry profiting from telling a grieving mother that he's talking to her dead 4 year old son it makes my blood boil.
These people just prey on the vulnerable and the grieving. Derek Acorah is a prime example.
Check out the clip of when he was exposed on conning the con men.
I suspect its run is coming to an end though.
Go the whole hog - ditch the computer too. You know it makes sense.
Their soaps are all the same story and appear on every channel at the same time every night. As the commercial breaks are so long, the missus manages to follow two at once. Any light entertainment programme is full of drums, boings, whistles and stupid noises any time there is supposed to be an amusing bit. Unbearable dross!
I'm so happy that bit torrents exist.
Lead balloon was brilliant...
Strictly come Dancing
The Apprentice
All Soaps without exception
Any celeb "Jungle,dancing" show
Anything with Jeremy Kyle in it
Any Psychic show
Any Soaps
X Factor type programmes
and not to forget the biggest turd of them all Big Brother.
same here
Strictly come dancing
I'm a celebrity
Britain's got talent
and anything with Katie Price or Peter Andre......and everything with Adrian Chiles in it.
So called history programmes called 'hitlers secret nazi phallus weapon'. No, give us some real history.
Music clip shows that ignore black music - yes that's you sky arts and your get up stand up history of pop and protest that only mentioned marley in the title and forgot about paul robson, the staple singers, marvin gaye etc etc etc.
Strictly can bugger off, what a waste of time and Peter Andre and Jordan should never be allowed near a tv ever again, two over hyped attention seeking muppets who think its ok to parade how wonderful they are as parents on tv, its wrong, and as for Natalie whatsername having a show about her becoming a mum, well that just sums up everything that is wrong with British TV at the moment.
Come back It's a Knockout, all is forgiven!
At least you've got the option of going to your local bar and watch a monkey get sucked off
Other than that, my personal hate is Sex and the city.
I thought you could watch that on Bravo!
Their soaps are all the same story and appear on every channel at the same time every night. As the commercial breaks are so long, the missus manages to follow two at once. Any light entertainment programme is full of drums, boings, whistles and stupid noises any time there is supposed to be an amusing bit. Unbearable dross!
I'm so happy that bit torrents exist.[/quote]
At least you've got the option of going to your local bar and watch a monkey get sucked off[/quote]
I thought you could watch that on Bravo![/quote]
Dyer Does Bubbles, live on bravo