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edited November 2010 in Not Sports Related
Can totally understand why the USA were worn down to submission in this country and must say they are the most cowardly, bullying, slimliest bunch of ***** I have ever known. But when you 'front them out', which is something i haven't had to do since school, they back down like pussies. Had to walk through 8 of them tonight giving it large as they had guessed whiich alley-way my hotel was down tonight.

Never come here unless you are rich and just want to live on a resort (even then there are so many better places).

Terrible place which is punctuated by the lovely smiles of the minority and so, so, so ruined by the rest.

"Where you go? You want motorbike? Marajuana? Massage? Lady, boom, boom?" Literally every two minutes.

Even the war stuff has been ruined. Don't visit Vietnam.


  • I take it your not having a good Holiday?
  • Do you know the average age of the US combat soldiers in Vietnam?
  • Out of interest, how much was it for "boom boom"?
  • 3 away ticket stubbs and your daughter's bra size. You whan?
  • You must've been all over that.
  • Not before you, you bad bad man.
  • [cite]Posted By: windscreen[/cite]I prefer Brighton.....more dykes!

    If you want dykes go to Holland.
  • [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]

    Terrible place which is punctuated by the lovely smiles of the minority and so, so, so ruined by the


    Don't visit Vietnam.

    Absolute rubbish. Went a couple of years ago and had a great time.

    I will be going back sometime soon to see more of the country.
  • My sisters were there and hated it, they loved Cambodia on the other hand.
  • Great soundtrack though............;-)
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  • I hate Spain but we flood there every year.

    The whole motorbike, marajuna, boom boom etc its just part of the culture. Sounds strange but its true. Unfortuneatley theres enough Westerners who say yes to these things and then they make money. Simples. Try to accept it or just leave?!

    Personally I liked Vietnam, but I anticipated what it was going to be like after spending 8 weeks in Thailand before going.
  • edited November 2010
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]Can totally understand why the USA were worn down to submission in this country and must say they are the most cowardly, bullying, slimliest bunch of ***** I have ever known. But when you 'front them out', which is something i haven't had to do since school, they back down like pussies. Had to walk through 8 of them tonight giving it large as they had guessed whiich alley-way my hotel was down tonight.

    Never come here unless you are rich and just want to live on a resort (even then there are so many better places).

    Terrible place which is punctuated by the lovely smiles of the minority and so, so, so ruined by the rest.

    "Where you go? You want motorbike? Marajuana? Massage? Lady, boom, boom?" Literally every two minutes.

    Even the war stuff has been ruined. Don't visit Vietnam.

    What's the matter, never been out of Bexleyheath before?

    You get that all over Asia. It only bothers you if you let it. I suggest you get out of Ho Chi Minh or wherever the hell you are and go to Ha Long Bay. Or just p*ss off back to Magaluf.
  • AshTray's working out there, he's not on holiday.
  • I'm looking forward to visiting Vietnam and Cambodia in February. I've only heard excellent reports but as Chune says the hassle is normal for Asia. Hey Mister...five dollar.....can't wait!
  • I am off to Thailand the day after Rochdale away, going for 6 weeks and am going to Vietnam and Cambodia too.

    You get hassled by people wherever you are if they think you have a few quid
  • We're going Cambodia for our honeymoon in the summer! I cant wait. We looked at Vietnam but didnt think we'd have time to do both!
  • [cite]Posted By: charltonfan[/cite]You get hassled by people wherever you are if they think you have a few quid

    Like the tax man?
  • It's a sad fact that in Asia even a poor westerner is looked at as though they are a millionaire and single men/groups of single men are going to get hassled more than most. A lot do travel for more than just cultural reasons and are looking for drink, drugs and women so are easy prey for the touts.

    The best advice is to simply ignore them, once they get the message that you aren't interested in whatever they are pushing they cut their losses and latch on to another target.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: blackheathaddick[/cite]We're going Cambodia for our honeymoon in the summer! I cant wait. We looked at Vietnam but didnt think we'd have time to do both![/quote]

    Will be there for a week or so in Cambodia, will try to remember to let you know how it goes. Hotels are very cheap though.
  • [cite]Posted By: blackheathaddick[/cite]We're going Cambodia for our honeymoon in the summer! I cant wait. We looked at Vietnam but didnt think we'd have time to do both!

    Chunes is in Cambodia at the moment, looking after a bar on the beach. Drop him a message mate.
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  • Each to their own of course, Ash, but you may have just had a run of bad experiences.
    I wouldnt write it off.
    Cambodia is even better, IMO and the people away from the tourist traps are even friendlier.
    But Laos remains my favourite from the many years I lived out that way.
  • Im sure Ashtray is on another of his little wind ups. Even tho Asia is renowned for hassle the pros far outweigh the cons.
  • Phở ...mmmmmmmm
    Bánh mì.....mmmmmmm
  • edited November 2010
    [cite]Posted By: AshTray[/cite]
    Even the war stuff has been ruined.

    Jesus, it was such a nice place during the war
  • I'm in Cambodia at the moment! Had a great time, you get used to the tuk tuk drivers and touts, and most here you can have a bit of a talk or joke with anyway whilst saying no thanks and walking away.

    Leaving Cambodia tomorrow though sadly. Didn't manage to get to Vietnam - run out of money!

    Whereabouts is Chunes looking after the bar at the beach?!
  • Been all over Asia; 'the hassle' I can accept but not the physical assaults witnessed and experienced in the last week. Never had it anywhere else, so Chunes you can stick your, [/hey dude, just chill man and smoke a doobie on the beach in my bari] right up your aris.
  • Be careful writing a place off and saying stuff like don't go, it does sound like you've had a bad run of things there, but as others have said it is also a fascinating and beguiling place. I take a school trip to HMC every year for a week and feel safe and secure enough to let the students wander around by themselves and go shopping etc. Vietnam is a wonderful country in my experience, great people and some awesome sights. Also about the museums, part of the fascination of them is how pro-Vietnam they are, it's excellent for student's to see propaganda in action. I mean would you expect a war museum to glorify the US???

    I love S.E. Asia (Almost as much as S.E. London)!
  • edited November 2010
    [cite]Posted By: tricky[/cite]I'm in Cambodia at the moment! Had a great time, you get used to the tuk tuk drivers and touts, and most here you can have a bit of a talk or joke with anyway whilst saying no thanks and walking away.

    Leaving Cambodia tomorrow though sadly. Didn't manage to get to Vietnam - run out of money!

    Whereabouts is Chunes looking after the bar at the beach?!

    Serendipity beach in Sihanuokville. I'm gonna be here for a very long time so if anyone's heading this way, drop me a message and I'll be happy to help you out.

    Ashtray, I'd almost feel some sympathy for you if you weren't such a blatant WUM.
  • Dropped you a whisper Chunes!
  • Was the weed any good?
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