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Alberto Del Rio



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    Algarve - Its a bit of fun, escapism. Like going to the cinema. A top wrestling match will tell a fantastic story. Lots of people like it, lots of people don't. Wrestlemania is a massive event worldwide.
    Don't waste your time, he's always posting on threads he doesn't care about, great username btw!

    Only Punk V Jericho really interests me. The Rock V Cena match has over shadowed the rest of the show which hasn't received as much build up as previous shows. Orton V Kane and the tag match appears to be a lack of ideas.
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    Cheers, Can't face staying up all night on Sunday night so will watch it Monday night with a few mates and plenty of beers. I think Taker and Triple H could steal the show, especially with HBK as special ref. Even better if there is going to be some juice in the match too!
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    Algarve - Its a bit of fun, escapism. Like going to the cinema. A top wrestling match will tell a fantastic story. Lots of people like it, lots of people don't. Wrestlemania is a massive event worldwide.
    Don't waste your time, he's always posting on threads he doesn't care about, great username btw!
    I know, I never stop.

    But I wasn't the one who hijacked a thread about shoes to talk about plimsoles...
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    No claims you were Algarve.

    I think Punk V Jericho will steal the show, but it's been built up as a standard PPV match.
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    Big rumour doing the rounds that 'Iron' Mike Tyson will be involved at some point tonight.
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    Big rumour doing the rounds that 'Iron' Mike Tyson will be involved at some point tonight.
    He'll probably get in to the cell!
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    Has that rumour come from the fact he has been seen in miami? May be largely due to the fact that he was inducted into the celebrity wing of the hall of fame this week
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    im now sat waiting to watch wrestling for the first time in 15-20 years
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    Same here. For the first time ever. I have paid for an wwe event
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    anyone know what time this finishes ? my eyes are burning
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    better make a coffee then :) that undertaker fight was epic
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    Rock match was poor.
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    Triple H ledge
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    Undertaker/HHH was art! Star performance from Michaels too.
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    Rock match was poor.

    didnt bother staying up for that
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    They have no where to go with Cena now, rock will go back to making a movie and Cena is left wide open.

    The opening match was a joke, HHH/Taker was the by far the best match.
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