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Controversial referee decision overshadows Charlton victory



  • Thought the ref had a decent game overall, he was brave enough to get to the right decision even though he looked like a dick for changing his mind twice, and he continued to judge each challenge on its merits when he could so easily have looked to even things up - but blowing for offside when your linesman's not flagging is only going to lead to tears. Never seen anything like it.
  • is it now acceptable to surround the ref/linesmanperson to argue a decision?
  • I think we definatly got lucky....

    If he hadnt have blown the wistle, they would have been 1-0 up becuase it was dreadful defending on our part. I feel sorry for colchester actually, because if it was the other way around, we would have been livid.

    We did ok in patches last night and I felt very sorry for bessone!. Jackson kept coming inside too much and so the poor bloke often had 2 defenders on him and had no outlet down the wing.

    Francis has a dreadful first touch, either the ball boucnes off of him or it goes up in the air...To be fair to him though, he got forward well and put in some great crosses. I was always nervous when the pressure was on him though as defensivly he looks very suspect. I dont know if anyone has mentioned this before, but if we get a new right back, perhaps francis could be pushed forward to a more offensive right wing posistion as his crosses and runs are generally better than waggys.

    Eccleston looked good when he come on, he is so bloody fast! I would be inclined to start him and BWP up front in the next game
  • It does appear it was a legit goal correctly ruled out because the referee had blown. Basically a blown-out-of-proportion version of an unfairly disallowed goal.

    You know, like Benson's winner against the same team just one month alone.

    What goes around, Colchester.......
  • [cite]Posted By: liamhappe[/cite]It does appear it was a legit goal correctly ruled out because the referee had blown. Basically a blown-out-of-proportion version of an unfairly disallowed goal.

    You know, like Benson's winner against the same team just one month alone.

    What goes around, Colchester.......

    Ah yes, forgot about that!
  • I'm only surprised that the FA hasn't, with our record with them, called an emergency meeting today to award Colchester the goal and declare the match a 1-1 draw!! Oh sh.. I hope they're not listening.
  • Elliot can always argue that he didn't commit 100% to making a save because he heard the whistle. I do feel a bit sorry for the ref but what is more damning is that he must have realised his gaff when he spoke to the linesman, then tried to award the goal. That would have been worse as blowing the whistle was an honest mistake but pretending he hadn't was not.

    And yes, Benson's winner!!!! againt Colchester was a perfectly fair goal so things do even themselves out - but we were fortunate all the same.
  • 'but if we get a new right back, perhaps francis could be pushed forward to a more offensive right wing posistion as his crosses and runs are generally better than waggys. '

    Would not agree this. Waggers crossed for the goal and when he does run at defenses he is excellent. Francis crossed the ball very well last night, but this is often note the case. Given the number of goals Waggers has scored (remember Sam!), I cannot understand why anyone would want to drop him for Francis.
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