Plymouth may be wound up next week. Please sign the attached petition to put pressure on their Japanese owner. Plymouth owe HMRC just under 3 weeks Torres wages. A petitionm may work to inject some action action into their owner it may not but can we stand aside and just watch and do nothing. Full details of their fight are on the link.
When you put it like that(3 weeks Torres wages)it really does show how f****d up football has become!!
All my in-laws live in Cornwall and a couple were with Plymouth as kids. Whilst everyone in Cornwall seems to be a fan of Man U, Liverpool or Arsenal, the Argyle are very much the 'local' team to follow.
With due respect to Exeter and Torquay, the loss of Plymouth Argyle would leave a big void in that area.
Hope it makes a difference.
It almost happened to us 1984 Charlton were minutes away from being wound up.
Lest us never forget.
Don't let Argyle die.
Anyone got Torres' number and see if he can help!
I always believed Honour - was an important word to the Japanese?
The town itself has enough problems. Let us hope they do not take - the importance of football away from them to.
Been on a couple of Argyle awaydays... Good fans
There but for...etc
it's great when football fans come together for the common good.
"*******UPDATE 05/02/11*******
I've now closed the petition so that I can assemble a stable version for printing. Thank you so much to everyone who has signed. 6000 signatures in a week and a half is just incredible.
Although it doesn't look like Mr Kagami or Mr Synan will agree to a handover meeting after all (shame on them) I will deliver the petition to their offices early next week.
It's looking less and less likely that the promised money will be forthcoming from them, but nobody knows how long their involvement with Argyle will continue. We can only hope the petition will motivate them to act more sincerely in future and make them appreciate that they are stewards of a vital part of the community of Plymouth, not simply a business to be toyed with for profit and gain."
The fact that this did not happen the guy has no interest in funding the club. If that is true then it is a total disgrace and I do hope Plymouth continue as a club.
What role is Keith Todd playing in all this? I know him from a while back.
I also think that it is perfectly acceptable for a business man to invest in a football club to make money and decide not to invest if it becomes clear that he is going to lose his money and make no return on his investment.
It is easy to blame the current owner but ultimately someone has spent money they didn't have and they now expect the tax payer, you and I, to waive the money they owe, or for someone else to just pay off their debts for them.
I hope that Plymouth get out of the mess, but sooner or later a club is going to have to be wound up to make a statement to the rest.
It should have been Portsmouth, but as we all know it will be a club from the lower divisions. It's a shame but we can't all keep sending money we don't have.
Maybe .......... but Argyle don't actually have particularly big debts.
That's why administration isn't an option.
But they do have a lack of income to meet day to day running costs.
What has principally caused this problem ......... is relegation.
The same reason that caused Charlton's recent financial difficulties.
Players sitting on their existing Championship standard contracts, which Argyle can no longer afford.... hence the fire sale..
Plus 4 million TV income no longer paid and gates dwindling as the club is having such a poor season, struggling in League One.
Lacking a benefactor like Richard Murray's overseeing of our restructure, Argyle's problem is one of high overheads and major loss of revenue.
I'm sure you're right - Ive not really looked into it that closely. However the issue remains that they are unable, or unwilling, to pay their tax bill and no one made them sign those contracts.
As I said, it should have been Portsmouth, but in the end if they can't pay they have t accept the consequences.