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The Standard



  • [mihir bose.. the man that knows. give him a break - he's made a mistake

    Eat your heart out Carol Anne Duffy...
  • 4 pages of Chelsea news (FOUR) in the Standard the other day.
  • did we not find his email adress to complain to
    this is so pathetic and annoying
  • Can't stand him since during the last few months of our premiership years he stated as FACT that there was a middle eastern consortium ready to take us over. Of course we may find out tonight that he was right just a few years premature.
  • Remember when CP was selected for England the Standard's hearline, along with that of one of the daily's (the Mail?) was 'Chris Who?' Not even fit for wrapping your chips in!
  • Top of that link "Has Britain lost it's values that drew me here?"

    Too right, you knob. People can noew, evidently, get away with picking up corn for having bollocks printed in their name. Never happened in your day, -'m sure!
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Top of that link "Has Britain lost it's values that drew me here?"

    Too right, you knob. People can noew, evidently, get away with picking up corn for having bollocks printed in their name. Never happened in your day, -'m sure!

    Hmmmmm I'd say you've been more On it than Off it tonight!

    Mihir Bose is a buffoon.
  • Mihir Bose blamed "an unfortunate editing error" at the Standard, which was what I suspected.

    Both geographically, and in league placings, we're just not taken seriously by the Evening Tatler. That said, I look forward to him interviewing Powell soon.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]Henry, the article was written by Mihir Bose, who I believe is fairly well respected by many.

    Personally I've always thought he was a bit of a plum - and it would appear that I'm right on this one!

    He is, indeed, a prize plum.
    [cite]Posted By: March51[/cite]Remember when CP was selected for England the Standard's hearline, along with that of one of the daily's (the Mail?) was 'Chris Who?' Not even fit for wrapping your chips in!

  • Sponsored links:

  • Anyone who even considers the SubStandard as remotely relevant to anyone they know is delusional. Just for grins, pick up the property section every Wednesday to see how much they target the average Londoner. F***ing joke of an elitist dishrag - always has been, always will be.
  • edited February 2011
    The perils of Blackberry posting Chirps. Normanly I is good at gramma an ting, init m8?

    All this is no big deal. We know the Standard is shite - but it doesn't mean we just wait there, bend over and get pumped.

    Ya know???!!!
  • Bring back the Evening News - Saturday Results Final! I used to get that from a newsagents in Green Street Green.

    Match over - Spuds beaten 4-1, Flash hat-trick, 30,000 crowd, a fair amount of rucking. Off to the Teasel in Burnt Ash Lane for a beer, (only pub for miles that opened at 5.30pm). Rush back and get the paper just before they closed at 7.00pm and read about our victory!

    Those were the days.

    Sadly the Sub-Standard has always been Sub-Standard.
  • [cite]Posted By: Leroy Ambrose[/cite]Anyone who even considers the SubStandard as remotely relevant to anyone they know is delusional. Just for grins, pick up the property section every Wednesday to see how much they target the average Londoner. F***ing joke of an elitist dishrag - always has been, always will be.

    agree completely - if you're Tarquin from Hampstead or like to mix it in Bouji's with royals then it has some interesting articles i'm sure.
  • [cite]Posted By: bingaddick[/cite]Bring back the Evening News - Saturday Results Final! I used to get that from a newsagents in Green Street Green.

    Match over - Spuds beaten 4-1, Flash hat-trick, 30,000 crowd, a fair amount of rucking. Off to the Teasel in Burnt Ash Lane for a beer, (only pub for miles that opened at 5.30pm). Rush back and get the paper just before they closed at 7.00pm and read about our victory!

    Those were the days.

    Sadly the Sub-Standard has always been Sub-Standard.

    couldn't beat a swift one up the teasel. i was always asking the mrs if she fancied one.
  • If anyone is still bothering to complain can they at the same time request that Bose does a double page spread feature on Powell in a future edition.
  • Yes, would be a good bit of advertising which if timed correctly could encourage a few to come along to the Exeter game - especially and hopefully some potential fans from ethnic minorities.
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