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Season tickets slashed by £50 for 11/12 season



  • April 4th deadline.
  • Cheers.

    I cant get onto the website at work since the change.
  • Excellent news. Saves me £50. May even buy it outright this year instead of going down the monthly route.
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: cfgs[/cite]As a 5 year season ticket holder I applaud the club[/quote]

    I say boo. Ripped off by the five year offer and now the prices go down. Shocking!

    : - )
  • Last year big struggle, wasnt going to renew this year but will now for me and boy!
    Hope it encourages others, dont see we can ask for much more incentives, well apart from guaranteed promotion ;-)
  • [cite]Posted By: Addickted[/cite]Is a 12.5% reduction a slashing?

    Just no pleasing some is there.........
  • Point of detail please, Airman ... and I apologise because I should know the answer.

    If someone crosses an age group during the season, which rate applies?
  • edited February 2011
    Have a look at the what did they do thread.

    If they're 17 at the begining of the season they qualify for an U18 ticket.
  • I don't want this to happen.

    Bump up the price by 150 quid and eliminate all the fairweather fans once and for all, we only want 'proper Charlton' down The Valley these days, all you lot suddenly running back because Powell's back, we got an opera singer and the ticket prices are dropping can KMA

  • You only have to pay the age that you are after the 31st August. If you have a birthday you don't have to buy a new ticket, if that makes sense?
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  • [cite]Posted By: Dave Rudd[/cite]Point of detail please, Airman ... and I apologise because I should know the answer.
    If someone crosses an age group during the season, which rate applies?

    I think you'll be safe buying a pint without getting thrown out Dave :-)
  • JTJT
    edited February 2011
    This will persuade me to get one again next season.
  • Isn't the cut off age date about June?

    After that if your 18 or 21 then you pay more. I think...I could be wrong...
  • If nothing else i hope that those who were left so on the edge and questioning whether they could continue under the new regime are now given the boost that may have been needed to get early release from the clinic. A couple of good loan signings and a public cash injection into the community scheme and hopefully they can return to the ground before the end of the season.
  • edited February 2011
    At a time when everything is going up and many of us are looking at wage freezes, 4 day weeks, redundancies, etc, our club have done this and that's what makes us special IMO. Okay, there may be some underlying long term reasons for doing so but this is a very welcome recognition that times are tough and people are having to make choices about how and where they spend their money.

    Gawd bless 'em.
  • This is great news, however, how about this for an idea: To make up for the lost revenue on the cheaper tickets, the club could put in a voluntary contribution box in the renewal forms for those who want to / can pay more for their tickets. I for one would be willing to pay around £ 200 more - the club could promise that the extra cash raised went to SCPs transfer fund. If you had around 5000 season ticket holders all paying on average and extra £ 50 then that starts to generate some serious extra cash...
  • I've had a season ticket for about 27 years now (first one was a small blue cardboard type book) and had a 10 year season ticket. I doubt if there's many fans of other clubs ion the country that have watched their football (and at the level we've been at) for less in those 27 years. It's been poor the last few years but i can't complain really and it looks as though that value is set to continue.
  • suggesting peopl put it in VG is another option.

    Also there is an element of commercial decision here I would think. The club don't expect to lose money on this. They sell more tickets at the lower price.
  • I agree about the commercial decision and hopefully they will make more money out of selling more tickets at the lower price. However, I still feel that they are missing out on extra revenue from those fans who would like to and are able to contribute more to the clubs funds. As Bexley points out our ticket prices are already very low compared to other clubs and I'm sure there are more ST holders out there who would be willing to stump up some extra cash if it was guaranteed to go to the transfer chest... I've thought this for years, but only now with the drop in prices could this be realistically adopted..
  • Well done to the club - very good news.

    (Even though as a 5 yr S/T holder I've now paid over the odds. Hopefully, I will be rewarded when we reach the Prem in a couple of years & I've prepaid :-)

    NB I did receive a letter this morning forewarning me & advising that I should still "be able to save over the life of the scheme "
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  • there could be a plus cup games option where you can pay in advance for cup games, up to say the semi final, knowing that if we didn't get that far or there were away games perhaps, your money would go to valley gold or something worthwhile, I'm not sure the straight charity option above sends out a good message
  • I heard a Spurs fan on talksport this morning calling into the station saying how much it hurts him that he has to buy his son a CAFC season ticket as he cant afford to get his son one at spurs. We must be doing something right!
  • [cite]Posted By: Brighton Addick[/cite]I agree about the commercial decision and hopefully they will make more money out of selling more tickets at the lower price. However, I still feel that they are missing out on extra revenue from those fans who would like to and are able to contribute more to the clubs funds. As Bexley points out our ticket prices are already very low compared to other clubs and I'm sure there are more ST holders out there who would be willing to stump up some extra cash if it was guaranteed to go to the transfer chest... I've thought this for years, but only now with the drop in prices could this be realistically adopted..

    All good ideas but don't forget there were a lot of supporters who were maybe a little more flush than others and they decided to buy shares as a way of helping the club - most of those shares got wiped out in the formation of Baton. Just something to bare in mind and although i'm sure most are just pleased that the club is sorting itself out, there were some hefty sums of money that were just wiped out.
  • If I were to get the U18 season ticket for £75, where would it leave me when i turn 18 in mid August? (Just after first game or 2)
  • [cite]Posted By: roosel[/cite]If I were to get the U18 season ticket for £75, where would it leave me when i turn 18 in mid August? (Just after first game or 2)

    They check your age at the time of purchase. Once you've got it, it's yours.
  • [cite]Posted By: roosel[/cite]If I were to get the U18 season ticket for £75, where would it leave me when i turn 18 in mid August? (Just after first game or 2)

    Im pretty sure I heard that they judge by the age you are on the 31st August?
  • Will all the lapsed season ticket holders get plastic ones this time?
  • Excellent news

    Say what you like about the feckless layabouts who play for us we get looked after.

    I renew regardless but this is welcome
  • If people want to spend extra then as well as valley gold their is shirt and matchday sponsorship.

    Fans can also sponsor one of the academy sides
  • is this real or a wind up wheres proof?
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