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Be nice to see the ground full but..

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
I dont know how much the average matchday ticket costs because I have a season ticket but I dont like the fact that there has to be an incentive to watch charlton and im guessing that alot of the people coming to the game saturday for the cheaper tickets arent charlton fans. I know Charlton fans that dont go many games where the cheap ticket would appeal to them, but, Im just saying, that your even a fan or your not and even though the ground seems a bit empty these days it shows the charlton fans that are loyal to the club.

Hopefully it will pay off with a lively atmosphere for the game and another win at the valley.


  • Yes but if you never bring in new fans, you will eventually have no fans :-)
  • its a marketing exercise for the best of the club, same with the season tickets, so let's get behind the team and all the club's initiatives like this
  • I think the hope is Dave, that
    1) a lot of fans who used to go in the premiership days, who have either lost interest or have more important matters due to financial reasons, decide to come back. Regain thier love for Charlton so to speak.

    2) a lot of youngsters can attend the valley for thier first time and become life long fans. A lot of tickets would have been sales from schools and clubs etc.

    3) Creates a good atmosphere. Whether they are Charlton fans or not, they're hopefully sensible enough to cheer when we score (thats when not if because we WILL score..)

    I went to my first game aged 10 but I was a Man United fan at the time. Idolising Beckham, Giggs, Cantona etc. But I enjoyed Charlton, and then I wanted to go again. And then you somehow end up stuck to this bloody club for the rest of your life! Cruelty surely? I wouldn't swap the Champions League and numerous other titles United have won for Charlton though so lets hope some more youngsters can say the same in 10 years time after tomorrow.
  • Can't see how it won't be a lively atmosphere.

    The more people in the ground the more of a feel good factor there will be.

    Because the gound will be nearly full, regulars will have to get to the pub earlier, drink more and will be more prone to have a sing song.

    I am a S/T holder and the possibility of seeing the ground nearly full tomorrow excites the sh** out of me.
  • [cite]Posted By: Macronate[/cite]
    I am a S/T holder and the possibility of seeing the ground nearly full tomorrow excites the sh** out of me.

    It's really going to be amazing. I wont care that half the people there possibly aren't "real" Charlton, at the end of the day, like I wrote elsewhere, the majority of the people we've attracted to come and watch us wouldn't have been attracted to our local rivals had they offered the same deal. We need to build on that and we need to welcome our new and "lapsed" fans with open arms, not resent them because they aren't "proper" Charlton.
  • I agree, of course the more the merrier but it just suprises me how much we have sold due of the cheap ticket incentive compared to the average attendance every week. It is a good idea and I hopefully it will have a long term effect.
  • looking at it this way - Charlton was the first team I went to see - hence I now support them, neither of my parents and not many of my firends at that age supported charlton only went as it was cheap and my parents could afford for me to go along

    I have bought a season ticket every season i've lived in the country and in the south - when i lived in sehffield I didnt buy a ST but did still end up comin down for atleast 10/12 games a year.

    if this happens with what 10 children this wknd its been a success - 10 x 10 x £300 (ten years of season tickets) = £30,000 - extra, and thats just considering 10 children and considering season tickets stay at their current rate - something long term i doubt very much
  • Two-sides to every story,some of the fans that are coming to The Valley tomorrow for the first time could just catch the bug that i caught back in 1967 and that would be very welcome indeed.As for fans that support other clubs already just maybe some will think twice that Charlton is the club for them.
    As for the fact of cheap tickets it means i save a little money this weekend watching the club i have supported for over 43 years but more to the point every Charlton match i watch costs me the same as the season ticket that i had two seasons ago and i only watch Seven home games with that.Please do not begrudge me 5pound ticket for this match.
  • [cite]Posted By: Dave2l[/cite]I agree, of course the more the merrier but it just suprises me how much we have sold due of the cheap ticket incentive compared to the average attendance every week. It is a good idea and I hopefully it will have a long term effect.

    Well that's because of the club and a lot of fans doing their bit. I've got my brother to come along with his 2 kids & he's only ever been a couple of times before on school offers, when the tickets were either free or very cheap.
    He doesn't like football but his kids do. Hopefully they will nag him to go to more future games.
    I've just e mailed him the link for next years S/T prices.
    Hopefully, we are all doing the same !
  • [cite]Posted By: Dave2l[/cite]I agree, of course the more the merrier but it just suprises me how much we have sold due of the cheap ticket incentive compared to the average attendance every week. It is a good idea and I hopefully it will have a long term effect.

    The price is the catalyst but the momentum has been driven by the marketing effort and the fans buying into the whole concept. This could have been £5 for a ticket adding a couple of thousand to the gate, so the club, the commercial team and us the fans deserve a big congratualtions.

    I just hope nobody parks in my space tomorrow.
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  • I can't see how anyone would have a problem with this football for a fiver, it's a terrific idea and one that should be repeated for couple more times this season. I can't imagine for a moment that people will turn up on Saturday, have an epiphany and run downstairs and buy a season ticket. It's an opportunity for old fans and new fans alike to have a day out at the Valley, have a few beers and spend about £20 overall for the privilege. If all goes well and we do get promoted this season then maybe some of those that turn up tomorrow will want to come more regularly.

    The only thing that can go wrong is the football.
  • I know a few good Charlton fans coming saturday that dont usually go. It just reminds me of when charlton had a full staduim with a lot of Manu/arsenal/chelsea fans etc that contributed to a dull atmosphere then cleared off when we got relegated. I probably have not got used to the fact that we are a league 1 club.
  • I really could not care less about the cost. I have paid my money on the season ticket already so do not care, I do so for a few reasons.

    Commit to my team for a season (regardless of results)
    Give the club a guaranteed income
    Not having to bother getting tickets each game

    Its the same as kids for £1, get them to taste the club and want to be a fan. Some families regardless of being charlton fans or not will have a really good day out tomorrow. Who really cares about what they have already spent or if they are real fans.

    Where you a REAL fan on you're first game???? Everyone has to start someone. Great idea by the club and long may it continue!

    No dig by the way Dave21
  • My only worry is when we do promotions, incentives, target this, operation that, we inveriably lose!
  • I think it could be beneficial for a few reasons but one of them may be the atmosphere.

    This isn't a dig at anyone but i have to say the main downer for me this season has been the terrible atmosphere at most of the home game. Booing within the first ten minutes, lots of people slagging off our own players.

    I think conversely having a ground full of "real fans" has worked against us sometimes. I mean that people who hated going and really disliked a number of the players, but felt they had know choice but to attend, would show this by booing at the first opportunity.

    Having more of a mix will hopefully improve the atmosphere as someone who hasn't been for a long time will hopefully be more patient.

    As i sad before, not a dig at anyone but an observation.
  • Lets hope the footies as good or better than the attendance.
  • I think it will get the players going seeing all the people, although everyone saying about the atmosphere, I don't think it will be all that because a majority of the people attending won't know the songs,

    But I think we got to show them what we're all about and sing our hearts out! COYR!
  • Siddarn... oy mate, sidddaaaarrrrrnnnnn!!!!
  • Lets get the word out on twitter etc get more people to go tomorrow,Up the Addicks CAFC.
  • I should think it's already on Twitter.
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  • Bloody hell, why didn't someone think of this during the week? Typical Charlton!
  • you two are like the CL chuckle brothers
  • To me...
  • Surely the fact is in the Premiership we averaged 25,000 ish most games and now we average 13,000 and promotionms like this might encourage some of those 12,000 to come back. How can that be bad for the club?
  • Stop clogging up please Barry.
  • Maybe due to various circumstances affecting the football world, the financial climate etc perhaps it's time for clubs to think of cheaper matchday tickets across the board, say a £10-15 price point, the income per individual is less but surely more bums on seats would bridge the gap. Tomorrow's incentive from the club is to be applauded, let's hope it's a big success and that it is repeated.
  • [cite]Posted By: DRF[/cite]Surely the fact is in the Premiership we averaged 25,000 ish most games and now we average 13,000 and promotionms like this might encourage some of those 12,000 to come back. How can that be bad for the club?
    And the other 10k that came to the play off final?
  • [cite]Posted By: Dave2l[/cite]It just reminds me of when charlton had a full staduim with a lot of Manu/arsenal/chelsea fans etc that contributed to a dull atmosphere then cleared off when we got relegated.

    Couple of points. I really don't buy into this thing that we had wholesale supporters of other teams buying ST's because they were cheap. Secondly and supporting the first is that the atmosphere back then used to be a great IMO (mostly anyway) or at least a million times better than without those 'plastics'.
  • Will i still be able to put my feet on the seat in front?
  • I know other Charlton fans that are not going tomorrow for five pounds but they would go in the premiership.
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