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The players are having a laugh

edited February 2011 in General Charlton
24,767 and they play like that.

Total and utter wind up.

There's too many who are just not good enough to get us out of this pub league.


  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]24,767 and they play like that.

    Total and utter wind up.

    There's too many who are just not good enough to get us out of this pub league.

    CHRIS POWELL will now start to realise how hard a job he has on his hands,must agree the players we have are very mediocre.
  • Agreed.

    If you're the new owners you'd wanna read them the riot act and wave a few P45's about.
  • Wonder where McOxo is going for his post-match meal?!
  • Strange team selection, McCormack over Racon. Wagstaff and Reid left out.. strange.
  • Jenkinson may not have been that bad but made no sense to me...... why change a somewhat winning team? Pav shouldn't start, we need natural goalscorers to start. GGGGGGRRR
  • I thought Sir Chris Powell got the formation totally wrong today.
  • [cite]Posted By: dickplumb[/cite]I thought Sir Chris Powell got the formation totally wrong today.

    Agreed. We were short in midfield and quite often we had no width.
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]24,767 and they play like that.

    Total and utter wind up.

    There's too many who are just not good enough to get us out of this pub league.

    going on that performace, they'll be lucky to get 5000 for the next home match
  • BWP has to be played through the middle.

    It'll be a worry if he plays him wider again.
  • [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]BWP has to be played through the middle.

    It'll be a worry if he plays him wider again.

    Problem is that Eccleston was our best player today and he and BWP can't play together and we hardly have much real quality midfield to call upon.
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  • [cite]Posted By: kings hill addick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: falconwood_1[/cite]BWP has to be played through the middle.

    It'll be a worry if he plays him wider again.

    Problem is that Eccleston was our best player today and he and BWP can't play together and we hardly have much real quality midfield to call upon.

    The only time we have performed under Powell is the final 30mins of the Peterborough game. 4-4-2 with Ecclestone wide right and Wright-Phillips up top with Abbott. It really isn't rocket science.
  • I thought the formation was spot on to be honest, just the personell was lacking. Abbott is a target man for BWP and Eccleston to play off. Unfortunately Abbott is not that great a target man. Packed out Midfield...yet too often Semedo was left isolated and they had space (they should never have space with that kind of formation), McCormack is suppose to be the ball player (I think), who does not create or play ball. Full backs, overlapped as they should of, but crossing was very poor......extra training boys.

    Centre Backs thought they played well until the mistakes, still feel we need a quick partner for Daily or Doc, Can't play both together.
  • McCormack is the problem. Vital role he doesnt actually do properly.
  • All of the above.
  • [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]

    The only time we have performed under Powell is the final 30mins of the Peterborough game.

    Really? Seriously?

    Everyone gets the ump when we lose, but that's quite possibly the biggest over-reaction out of the lot!
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]

    The only time we have performed under Powell is the final 30mins of the Peterborough game.

    Really? Seriously?

    Everyone gets the ump when we lose, but that's quite possibly the biggest over-reaction out of the lot!

    To be fair it's not that far from the truth either.
  • [cite]Posted By: Off_it[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Clem_Snide[/cite]

    The only time we have performed under Powell is the final 30mins of the Peterborough game.

    Really? Seriously?

    Everyone gets the ump when we lose, but that's quite possibly the biggest over-reaction out of the lot!

    I haven't particularly got the hump with the result, infact, more pissed off that my beer visit tonight has been called off. Actually, I'm more pissed off that Wright-Phillips touched Doherty's overhead kick! Had him last goalscorer and that cost me £60.00 odd quid.

    When have we performed with any level of fluency in the other games?. When in the games that have you seen have you felt we were in control and performing well?. 3 points are 3 points, but my point is more that we haven't convinced in any of the games, other than the aforementioned 30mins against Peterborough.
  • The buck stops with Powell, not the players. The formation was wrong from the first minute, the front 3 were too far apart from each other, and put too much pressure on the middle 3.
  • Anyone turning up today would have gone away thinking nothing has changed apart from the 60 odd players used in between.
  • [cite]Posted By: Atletico Addick[/cite]Jenkinson may not have been that bad but made no sense to me...... why change a somewhat winning team? Pav shouldn't start, we need natural goalscorers to start. GGGGGGRRR

    so with Francis unfit who should we have played at right back ? Reid perhaps ?? And in my opinion Jenkinson was man of the match. 18 yr old making his home debut in front of 25,000, did well.
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  • [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Atletico Addick[/cite]Jenkinson may not have been that bad but made no sense to me...... why change a somewhat winning team? Pav shouldn't start, we need natural goalscorers to start. GGGGGGRRR

    so with Francis unfit who should we have played at right back ? Reid perhaps ?? And in my opinion Jenkinson was man of the match. 18 yr old making his home debut in front of 25,000, did well.

  • Posted is elsewhere but thought it was important here too:

    Huge opportunity missed, I had a feeling Slater had asked Powell which game we could win and he chose Exeter for the £5 deal and the attacking line up added fuel to the fire. However, they won't be back after that shower and it won't convince many. Gutted.
    Inept performance - the sort that Parky was slaughtered for yet because it's Powell blame falls at the players' feet.
  • Formation didn't suit the players - Jenkinson was cautious and understabdably so as its his debut and Fry is not a naturally attacking full back - Jackson and McCormack are not quick enough to ove into space - we were crying out for some width as the ball was played through a narrow midfield with palyers getting in each others way - may have worked with Francis going forward down one wing but as I said Jenkinson, who after a nervous start looked better as the game want on wasn't going to make the same sort of impact going forward.
    As I've said many times before McCormack offers absolutely nothing in my eyes and his diving and playing dead act today was getting on my nerves
    Having said all that I thought we were just starting to open Exeter up when we committed suicide at the back - their forward was totally unmarked on our left (where was Fry? - who has been playing as poorly as Francis did early in the season lately but for some reason doesn't get anywhere near the same anount of stick on here as Francis did)
  • [cite]Posted By: Danny Addick[/cite]Posted is elsewhere but thought it was important here too:

    Huge opportunity missed, I had a feeling Slater had asked Powell which game we could win and he chose Exeter for the £5 deal and the attacking line up added fuel to the fire. However, they won't be back after that shower and it won't convince many. Gutted.
    Inept performance - the sort that Parky was slaughtered for yet because it's Powell blame falls at the players' feet.

    Most accurate post this evening.
  • Powell seemed to make a gamble in playing 4 3 3 and the selection worried me partic as BWP and NE are both lazy at tracking back. However Jose mcOxo and jacko got the better of the midfield. UNtil they scored we were the better side. Had we put one of the chances away we would have gone on to win the game. SCP would then have been hailed a miracle worker. Le's keep things in perspective as neither this nor most of the comments above make sense.
  • Eccleston was tracking back. He covered more of the pitch than anyone.

    Semedo's passing was awful today and his concentration seems to have just disappeared.

    The back four should be banned from passing back to the keeper after today.
  • the Doc has spent the whole season being an accident waiting to happen, I think today, he happened
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: ISawLeaburnScore[/cite]the Doc has spent the whole season being an accident waiting to happen, I think today, he happened[/quote]

    Think this hits the nail on the head really. We all get hung up on formations but when you make basic errors like Doherty did for the 2nd and 3rd goals and Fry did for the first, then you are up against it. We didn't play well by any stretch of the imagination but were applying some pressure when the back four hit the self destruct button. Three freebies is a lot to reply to.
  • AFAIC today was 100% down to Powell, the team didn't play "badly" at all, the result was down to how we set up, 4-5-1 at home is simply not good enough. Just hope today is a result everyone can learn from, no way can any team that doesnt perform till their 3-0 down get a result.

    No width, no creatvity.
  • If the ball had gone in rather than hit the post in the first half I think we would have been laughing. Two or three times did we hit the woodwork?

    No more gimmicks. Up the addicks.

    Good night. X
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