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CAFC Transfer Story - Paul Hayes



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    Essex Al drop a link to him for that ;-)
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    On the subject of Di Canio - we spent £1m

    It was worth every penny IMHO, he pulled the team up by it's bootlaces - remember that penalty shoot-out with Luton?

    I was alongside him in a traffic queue in Charlton, not long after we signed him, and when he saw the CAFC stickers he was beating his arms above his head in support - top bloke.

    Those were the days !
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    Di Canio was the one player, who after being subbed, used to dance along the touchline urging the team on.
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    On the subject of Di Canio - we spent £1m

    It was worth every penny IMHO, he pulled the team up by it's bootlaces - remember that penalty shoot-out with Luton?

    I was alongside him in a traffic queue in Charlton, not long after we signed him, and when he saw the CAFC stickers he was beating his arms above his head in support - top bloke.

    Those were the days !

    Great comment. Yes sometimes it isn't always about the money.
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    And I don't really get the Di Canio comparison. We were a bloody good side when he came to us and probably offered him loads of money.

    Well DiCanio was on record saying that what swung it for him was the club and history, and he could have gone elsewhere for more money.

    Of course some players will chose league status as their primary decision, and that may mean bigger money in the short term. I just don't accept that there isn't a wider calculus which encompasses the relative underlying strengths of particular clubs.

    We have a much stronger recent and long term history than Watford. We are in a huge catchment area with strong and enduring links to the local community. We have a plan not just to leave this Division but one that aims for the top. We have new owners with access to deep pockets. We have a bright young and ambitious new manager who has massive respect from within the game. We have a much better ground than Watford with scope and long-term plans for growing beyond the current capacity.

    Di Canio had money in the bank so he could make that decision.  If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd accept a lesser paid but more enjoyable job too.  Fact is, until then I can't and until then I will whore myself to the highest bidder too.

    If Hayes comes then great, if not good luck to him elsewhere.  He certainly doesn't have the Di Canio cash to make pure lifestyle decisions, and if we're only offering 2k per week or so then I'd expect a CCC side to beat that comfortably.  In fact they probably only need to match what he currently gets to be attractive.  

    Charlton = pay cut after all so I hope we loaded the offer with huge performance bonuses.
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    Great anecdote Valiantphil.

    Swindon can be added to the clubs I'd like to see us draw in a cup competition so we can give Paolo a much-deserved goodbye... never got the chance as his move back "home" came so sudden.

    Add Benty to the list and I'm sure we'd all like to see Jonjo back one day soon.
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    Paulo was mad and loved whoever he played for, he also enjoyed banter with opposition fans, he applauded the North stand when we had been chanting "Wanker Di Canio" for the whole game
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    Well, if Paulo di Hayes is only half as good as PdC, then Charlton/Watford/Doncaster* have got themselves a decent player.

    *delete as appropiate
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    And I don't really get the Di Canio comparison. We were a bloody good side when he came to us and probably offered him loads of money.

    Well DiCanio was on record saying that what swung it for him was the club and history, and he could have gone elsewhere for more money.

    Of course some players will chose league status as their primary decision, and that may mean bigger money in the short term. I just don't accept that there isn't a wider calculus which encompasses the relative underlying strengths of particular clubs.

    We have a much stronger recent and long term history than Watford. We are in a huge catchment area with strong and enduring links to the local community. We have a plan not just to leave this Division but one that aims for the top. We have new owners with access to deep pockets. We have a bright young and ambitious new manager who has massive respect from within the game. We have a much better ground than Watford with scope and long-term plans for growing beyond the current capacity.

    Di Canio had money in the bank so he could make that decision.  If I won the lottery tomorrow I'd accept a lesser paid but more enjoyable job too.  Fact is, until then I can't and until then I will whore myself to the highest bidder too.

    If Hayes comes then great, if not good luck to him elsewhere.  He certainly doesn't have the Di Canio cash to make pure lifestyle decisions, and if we're only offering 2k per week or so then I'd expect a CCC side to beat that comfortably.  In fact they probably only need to match what he currently gets to be attractive.  

    Charlton = pay cut after all so I hope we loaded the offer with huge performance bonuses.
    Well my experience of life is that those who have made money one of their driving forces will always make money based decisions. My point was a wider one. Firstly that it may not just be about what's on the table at any given time, but also about what is the best long term choice for a player based on a clubs track record, history,ethos and potential.
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    I agree Bing, but he's 28 and his chances of playing in the championship are clearly much better with <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Watford than us. We are talking about a five year play to get back to the Premier League. Even if we achieve that he will be long gone from our first team. Watford could (unlikely I agree but...) go up via the playoffs next season. With us his long term (to the end of his career) aspirations would be promotion to the Championship and then fighting for a place in the team with whom ever we sign if we go up. with Watford hs is likely to play in the Championship if they are looking to sign him now.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    All this ignores, or course, the fact that this could well be his last big contract and he is going to have to make this money last a long time as he is likely to be retired from football within ten years.

    I hate it, but I just can't bring myself to critisise any player that goes for the money.

    Di Canio, by the way, was released by West Ham before we signed him and there were very few London clubs willing to give him the money and offer him a place in the starting eleven. I was happy to have him, but I don't actually think he made a decision to take a pay cut, I suspect that we were the best offer on the table in London. Watford is so close that I can't see any reason as to why Hayes would sign for us if they offer him more money.

    Just my opinion, of course.

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    Do we really want a Watford reject?
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    Yes, and is Blissett available on a free?
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    he's potentially gonna be a charlton player so of course he is bid up , just like every other turd that's been thru the door in recent times

    now if he wasn't to join and went to palace instead well you just wouldn't believe how crap a player he actually would become over night


    weirdos all weirdos

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    Are Watford still in a bit of financial bother? I know they were close to admin 18 months ago so I'm not sure they have that amount of cash available.

    just sold some players for a few mill so I am sure they can afford Hayes


    Did'nt that mega rich tory lord something ( the one with  hundreds of millions hidden in tax havens) buy them last year?

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    I thought the reason he was going to sign for us was that he had just moved back down south (Essex) and we would be local.

    Has someone shown this twerp a map ?  Watford is half way round the M25 and he will probbaly be late for training every day due to the usual traffic problems.

    As previously said - don't want him now.........lets move on to someone who DOES want to play for us ala Danny Hollands. CP said at the Bromley meeting that he wanted to get back the old Charlton "spirit" & bring in players taht really wanted to play for the shirt. Well, if reports are true, Paul Hayes has just  showed he is another mercenary & we've had too many of then recently !!



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    What would Danny Hollands have done if watford come in with a bit of late interest
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    don't see why watford would want him but if he goes there im sure powell's lined up more than one striker.
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    Why are we on his back for listening to offers on the table ffs? Despite how we feel about the club, what loyalty does he or any other player owe us? It's their career. Sentiment doesn't come into it. If I was lucky enough to be a professional footballer, despite my feelings for this club, I wouldn't allow my heart to overrule my head and if an alternative move was better for my career then i'd take it...........Jeez, give the guy a break
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    I thought the reason he was going to sign for us was that he had just moved back down south (Essex) and we would be local.

    Has someone shown this twerp a map ?  Watford is half way round the M25 and he will probbaly be late for training every day due to the usual traffic problems.

    As previously said - don't want him now.........lets move on to someone who DOES want to play for us ala Danny Hollands. CP said at the Bromley meeting that he wanted to get back the old Charlton "spirit" & bring in players taht really wanted to play for the shirt. Well, if reports are true, Paul Hayes has just  showed he is another mercenary & we've had too many of then recently !!



    How can we be sure Hollands didn't speak to any other clubs before signing for us?
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    Good if he signs, 'next please' if he doesn't. Loads of players talk to lots of clubs when deciding where to move. In this instance it's Essex Al's inside info that's given us an idea of what's going on, but normally we might not have even known that we'd talked to him. Players will chose the best deal for themselves. Semedo has no doubt talked to a few clubs. This doesn't make him disloyal, it just makes him someone who's trying to get the best deal possible. Hayes is the same, as are most people in life. 
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    Sorry I've been out all day, but I've now seen a couple of interesting texts since this morning

    Ok guys, were still in with a good shout!

    Paul Hayes was very keen to sign for us when he came down on Monday and that still appears to be the case. He hasn't spoken to Watford or Doncaster. Perhaps that was a smoke screen yesterday.

    The guy who we have been getting the info from had dinner with Hayes last night and if it has gone through, it seems he is not able to divulge, but indirectly, he sent my mate this text:-

    ''I think you will be a very happy man by the end of the month - Trust me'' 

    Read into that what you will, but it sounds pretty positive to me!

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    oooh nice
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    He's a hero again!
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    He's a hero again!
    until his first touch when the boo boys will be on him again if he does not flick it up and smash it in from 40 yards
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    Can't help thinking it's unlikely that Hayes is telling a close mate all his moves and feelings who is then in turn treating you it to put on here. Especially in so much detail.
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    I would have thought he is likely to tell a close mate, that's what people do with close mates generally.
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    Can't help thinking it's unlikely that Hayes is telling a close mate all his moves and feelings who is then in turn treating you it to put on here. Especially in so much detail.

    Can understand your sceptism Danny, if I was reading this thread, I would probably think the same.

    I have known my mate for years and he is Charlton through and through. He in turn has known the guy giving us the info for five years and he is very close mates with Paul Hayes and his brother. I think he has been told not to divulge if Hayes has signed, but wants to give my mate a little something with regards the signing, hence the text. I'm pretty sure it's not a wind up as I have seen his texts myself. Hayes definately wants to play in the championship, but thinks he can do it with Charlton. Keep your fingers crossed!

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    If true it is what we want - a player who wants to play in the Championship but who has been convinced he can do it with us and that he will have a better future with us than an established championship club. Lets see how it pans out but so far it seems promising.
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    Can't help thinking it's unlikely that Hayes is telling a close mate all his moves and feelings who is then in turn treating you it to put on here. Especially in so much detail.

    Can understand your sceptism Danny, if I was reading this thread, I would probably think the same.

    I have known my mate for years and he is Charlton through and through. He in turn has known the guy giving us the info for five years and he is very close mates with Paul Hayes and his brother. I think he has been told not to divulge if Hayes has signed, but wants to give my mate a little something with regards the signing, hence the text. I'm pretty sure it's not a wind up as I have seen his texts myself. Hayes definately wants to play in the championship, but thinks he can do it with Charlton. Keep your fingers crossed!

    No reason to doubt your source and thanks for the updates.

    Just think it is weird that there is now a delay. He isnt a free transfer so I assume we agreed a fee before talking to him.

    Either he's signed (so announce it) or he hasnt. Leaning towards hasnt myself.
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    Can't help thinking it's unlikely that Hayes is telling a close mate all his moves and feelings who is then in turn treating you it to put on here. Especially in so much detail.

    Can understand your sceptism Danny, if I was reading this thread, I would probably think the same.

    I have known my mate for years and he is Charlton through and through. He in turn has known the guy giving us the info for five years and he is very close mates with Paul Hayes and his brother. I think he has been told not to divulge if Hayes has signed, but wants to give my mate a little something with regards the signing, hence the text. I'm pretty sure it's not a wind up as I have seen his texts myself. Hayes definately wants to play in the championship, but thinks he can do it with Charlton. Keep your fingers crossed!

    Well I for one hope it's true, I want him at the Valley. I can't help thinking he's a good version if dave Mooney
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