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Foreign Language Films - Love or Hate em ?



  • sub-titles
  • Yep, sub-titles.
  • sub titles every time, though they can be done well or poorly and affect the film greatly.

    Would recommend (if I havent already)

    Devil's Backbone/The Orphanage/Pan's Labyrinth
    Amelie (a bit soppy but nonetheless fabulously shot and uplifting - best feelgood film I've ever seen.)
    Run Lola Run

  • If you liked City of God, you should watch Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite)


    The second one sums up the bad side of Rio de Janeiro at the moment
  • Old Boy is probably in my top 5 of favourite films. Disturbing, but so compelling.
  • I love French movies .. any topic any genre .. the vast vast majority have that je ne sais quoi .. well, they are in French ...  with subtitles ..
  • Prefer them subtitled. Tried watching the Horde with the dubbed voices and it was awful. For me it is quicker to read the words than to hear the words so you don't miss any of the action.
  • Amores Perros, Spanish/Mexican, amazing film
  • Foreign films?

    Can't stand anything with Northerners in it :-0
  • Aftershock: a Chinese film about the after affects of an earthquake, but not in the dull Charlton Heston adventure vein, it's the true story about what happens to one particular family,and is very moving.
    Shine: Another true story, this one about a virtuoso musician form Australia.  Very endearing.
    Goodbye Lenin: German comedy about the reunification of Germany.  Hilarious in places, touching in others.
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  • Some good films...


    To broaden the debate a bit, how do you like your foreign language film: dubbed or sub-titles?

    If you dub a film it's no longer the same film.

    Just watched 'Pan's Labyrinth.' I don't normally like anything of the fantasy genre but it's not wholly fantasy really. It like switching from fantasy back to reality and back again, time and time again with one influencing the other. It really was very good.
  • Some good films...


    To broaden the debate a bit, how do you like your foreign language film: dubbed or sub-titles?

    If you dub a film it's no longer the same film.

    Just watched 'Pan's Labyrinth.' I don't normally like anything of the fantasy genre but it's not wholly fantasy really. It like switching from fantasy back to reality and back again, time and time again with one influencing the other. It really was very good.

    If you like Pans Labyrinth then you should check out Cronos and The Devils Backbone which are made by the same director Guillermo Del Toro.

  • The Kite Runner - fantastic film

    Quality film, very emotional, with a grim backdrop.


    Also the Stig Larsson trilogy (Girl with the dragon tattoo). I got so engrossed in them i almost stopped realising i was reading subtitles. awesome!

  • Cyrano de bergerac is a truly briiliant french film from the eighties.
  • The Kite Runner - fantastic film

    Quality film, very emotional, with a grim backdrop.


  • La Haine
    9 Queens
    City of God
    City of Men
    The vengance trilogy - started with oldboy

    Some amazing foreign language stuff, often harder hitting as it doesn't have to pander to hollywood
  • I was caught out a few years ago .. took my then girlfriend to see an arty film in Gouda, Holland ... Fellini's 'The Satyricon', a complicated plot made more difficult as it was in Italian with Dutch subtitles

  • Cyrano de bergerac is a truly briiliant french film from the eighties.


    Have to agree, great performance from Gerad Depardieu, and the opening sequence depicting life at a French theatre at the time is stunning.

    Depardieu is also fantastic in Jean de Florette

  • I have been meaning to see this and so finally got round to watching Old Boy last week. Safe to say it is a bit of a disturbing revenge flick. Very stylish and quite brutal. Actually winced at certain bits of the action especially at one scene.
  • edited March 2012

    Depardieu is also fantastic in Jean de Florette
    And bizarre on Graham Norton's Show

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  • city of god ........Classic
  • edited March 2012
    Seen a couple of really good ones that I recommmend lately



    A Separation.
  • i recently saw Micheal.

    disturbing, harrowing and compelling. - sound like a critic.
    na, its good. when i read about it i kind of put me off. i gave it a try and its well worth a look. of course it might not be everyone’s cup of tea but with stories like this you have to give it a chance. Subtle when it needs to be. its well acted and directed.
  • Just watched Flame and Citron, very good, I like subtitled films as I tend to concentrate more, no chance my mind can wonder becasue I have to keep reading.
  • edited March 2012
    Depends on the film of course .. as a generalisation I enjoy French films especially .. a t m I am enjoying Inspector Montelbano on BBC3 (Italian) and although it's not a 'movie' as such, the French cops and robbers series 'Spiral' is well worth watching. I found the recent spate of Danish cop shows just a wee bit long winded .. nice jumpers and good looking women though. Subtitles for me please.
  • Someone lent me a copy of "Ma Mere" (Belgian, in Fr) - such an utterly perverted storyline it's hard to watch, but hilarious at the same time.
  • Just saw 'Troll Hunter'. (Norwegian)
    Not bad, but not brilliant either. A "real footage" film (in the style of Blair Witch or Cloverfield), though not as scary or harrowing - but it's amusing in places and doesn't take itself too seriously. Good job too, because the plot's ridiculous!
  • Just saw 'Troll Hunter'. (Norwegian)
    Not bad, but not brilliant either. A "real footage" film (in the style of Blair Witch or Cloverfield), though not as scary or harrowing - but it's amusing in places and doesn't take itself too seriously. Good job too, because the plot's ridiculous!
    Have that downloaded, gonna give it a watch this week. Bit bored of the found footage genre but seems pretty cool all the same.
    Just watched Flame and Citron, very good, I like subtitled films as I tend to concentrate more, no chance my mind can wonder becasue I have to keep reading.
    You should watch Max Manus if you can, it's about the Norweigan resistance, I enjoyed Flame and Citron but much preferred Max Manus.

  • Has anyone watched Last Year in Marienbad? Had to study it for a bit at uni recently and could make neither head nor tail of it.
  • Nice one Siblers, I will watch that.
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