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Attack on cyclist in Bexley Village



  • Love that Clarkson fella    all  cyclists should get a twating everytime they jump a red light. id throw more punches than that David Hay tart everynight  on my way to pick my Mrs up from work.


    B Village went down hill once they closed Trax.

  • edited July 2011
    lol Trax...that place had more pricks than plaayers dvd collection.
  • Think your lager needs topping up with some lemonade Gary, getting a bit excitable!
  • What an arse.
  • The lady wasn't to bad thou...
  • I am curious as to whether the cyclist did do something before the camera starts rolling. I suspect the driver is just a tosser but cyclists can really be their own worst enemy at times too.
  • It's people like this that make this a shit country to live in. 
  • Something clearly happened beforehand (as everyone has their phone out and obviously someone has been quick enough to record it). The driver is obviously a dickhead but i'd like to know what kickstarted the whole thing.
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  • I couldn't give a shit what kickstarted it. Lord alone knows a lot of cyclists are a pain in the arse, and plenty of drivers are too. What gets my goat about this is that the driver is clearly an utter c***, gets out of his car mobbed up with all his mates, swings a girly slap at the cyclist and then ponces off like Danny Dyer. From the evidence shown in the video, the cyclist could have smashed his wing mirror, punched his mate in the face and shagged his mum - my sympathies would still lie with him.
  • I couldn't give a shit what kickstarted it. Lord alone knows a lot of cyclists are a pain in the arse, and plenty of drivers are too. What gets my goat about this is that the driver is clearly an utter c***, gets out of his car mobbed up with all his mates, swings a girly slap at the cyclist and then ponces off like Danny Dyer. From the evidence shown in the video, the cyclist could have smashed his wing mirror, punched his mate in the face and shagged his mum - my sympathies would still lie with him.
    especially as his Mum is proper ugly
  • the fact that someone had a camera rolling must say something.

    I had a guy stop his car and block 2 lanes of traffic to get out and square up to me the other day, this was after I complained when he nearly drove into me, he was short and fat and totally unthreatening, so much so that I laughed at him. In my shoes and clips I would have been over like Bamby on ice.
  • I think the cyclist explained what happened. Click the original link
  • Something clearly happened before, The road is clear in front of the bus and the bus is starting to move off are stopping, before stopping again.  Also the traffic has build up behind the group cycling and is clear before.  
    I am sure that the group cycling didn't let this car past when it wanted past.  I said in an earlier post the number of times I had drivers of cars giving me all kinds of hell because wouldn't pull of the road to let them pass when on smaller roads.  The fact that I used to be being the speed limit most of the time didn't seem to matter. 


    That said I do not want to turn this into some kind of them and us.  Most drivers these days do give room and pass when safe.  And more and more cyclists will pull over/slow down to let traffic past in moving traffic when space is lacking.  Common scene.  
  • No doubt you see pathetic showoffs like this down the Den each week, giving it billy big bo****ks infront of his mates.
  • I think the cyclist explained what happened. Click the original link
    Thanks Dizzle, missed that link the first time.  

    This is the through link if interested. 

    Was almost right!  
  • This was right in front of a young lad and some ladies.

    What if that had been your son/sister etc ?
    What if the incident had turned into a 6 man brawl ?

    I know a guy who witnessed a stabbing first hand, and he has never been able to get over it.

    This guy needs identifying and prosecuting - regardless of what happened beforehand.
  • I would be gutted if that driver was a Charlton fan.
  • edited July 2011
    Why? We've got our fair share of idiots, same as anyone else - I don't feel responsible for all of them and neither should you.

    Plus, it was in Bexley so there's a fair chance.
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  • This isn't a pub convo language please
  • This isn't a pub convo language please
    This isn't a text conversation. English please!
  • Will be nicked by tomorrow - it was shown on the One Show this evening.
  • So the police cannot do anything...... until it appears on/in the media/Charlton Life.

  • The main camera that took the footage was one of those camera that go on your, erm, helmet.

    Fantastically crap punch, surname probably 'Haye'.
  • I can't believe that the police cannot take any action against the owner of the vehicle. He will know who's driving it and if he fails to co-operate then he should be charged with perverting the course of justice. Think he'd soon bubble his mate to get himself off the hook.
  • The main camera that took the footage was one of those camera that go on your, erm, helmet.

    Fantastically crap punch, surname probably 'Haye'.
    Definitely not Haye - he never fell over throwing it.
  • So the police cannot do anything...... until it appears on/in the media/Charlton Life.

    I think thats how it works now Ken , Charlton Life will be running the country next!

    No seriously i saw some Police 'At the Scene' tonight , they looked disappointed as the Bakery was shut.
  • edited July 2011
    Nah I dunno who it was, I left my car unlocked with my keys in the ignition

    Could you say that to a policeman with a straight face
  • Nah I dunno who it was, I left my car unlocked with my keys in the ignition

    Could you say that to a policeman with a straight face
    If you are saying your car was stolen and you are lying, that's a serious offence.

    It's interesting that the excuse of "I didn't know who was driving" would NOT work if you'd been caught on a speeding camera - I find it strange that the police didn't seem interested in this until it started appearing all over the media. Maybe the difference is they are getting money from speeding fines, whereas assault is a lot of hassle?
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