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Attack on cyclist in Bexley Village



  • If I heard correctly, there were a group of cyclists riding in a manner that made it hard for the car to overtake. I must admit it annoys me when this happens as they are riding on a road not a track but having said that I would never think of hitting one of them -it is just an opportunity to practise patience.
  • So the police cannot do anything...... until it appears on/in the media/Charlton Life.

    I think thats how it works now Ken , Charlton Life will be running the country next!

    No seriously i saw some Police 'At the Scene' tonight , they looked disappointed as the Bakery was shut.
    The prices they charge in there, they probably can only window shop anyway.?
    My 'butler' is always moaning about the price of things in the village, if things go on like this I will have to move back to Blackheath...........
  • If I heard correctly, there were a group of cyclists riding in a manner that made it hard for the car to overtake. I must admit it annoys me when this happens as they are riding on a road not a track but having said that I would never think of hitting one of them -it is just an opportunity to practise patience.
    I suspect they were probably spread all across the carriageway making it impossible to overtake. In Bexley Village though that really shouldn't be an issue as you'd be hard put to safely overtake even a single cyclist so it shouldn't give rise to this sort of incident.

    On the other hand, if they carry on doing it on a less congested road when there's a queue of traffic behind them then frankly they're arseholes.
  • Not a cyclist and although some take the piss (like every road user) most are just out getting some exercise and should be given the same respect due everone else.  However just before the Tour hit SE England we had cyclists out every weekend riding the route, some of these idiots were riding like they were in the race, blocking the whole road and acting both surprised and outraged when oncoming traffic asked them to move.  Yet other than moaning to the wife and kids I did nothing, next time I will hit them in a camp style ;)
  • Believe it or not this story - with accompanying video - made the news here tonight in Brisbane.....
  • they should have 3rd party insurance cover if they want to cycle on the roads, they all seem to wind me up when I'm driving, maybe that's just me though and I'm to impatient.

  • I'm not a cyclist. But honestly they don't overly wind me up. Ok some do that jump red lights and ride side by side etc. But if I get stuck behind one its only ever for a few moments, it seems to be the fashionable thing to have a go at cyclists at the minute. A few cyclists along your journey are really not going to have a major impact on your arrival time.
  • edited July 2011
    We're not really geared up in this country for cyclists , which is a shame , seem to have it sussed in Holland though , cycle paths are nearly as wide as the road, they seem to take it a lot more seriously , makes us look quite a backward country in comparision (in this respect)
  • We're not really geared up in this country for cyclists , which is a shame , seem to have it sussed in Holland though , cycle paths are nearly as wide as the road, they seem to take it a lot more seriously , makes us look quite a backward country in comparision (in this respect)
    Hollands a bit less hilly though...

    I once saw a cyclist cycle riding down the wrong side of the strand. Not everyone looks both ways when crossing a road with traffic flowing from only one side, including the guy who step out in front of him. It looked very painful but fully deserved for being so stupid!
    Believe it or not this story - with accompanying video - made the news here tonight in Brisbane.....
    That is odd.
  • Obviously the guy that punched the cyclist is an utter twat but I can't see why this is getting so much coverage.
    Nothing different from what you see up and down the high streets all over the UK on a daily occurrence 
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  • Was crossing the road outside work the other day at a pedestrian crossing (with green man showing). Cyclist approaching from my right not only failed to stop but moved over to the right hand side of the road, forcing someone crossing from the other side of the road to jump out of his way. It was fortunate that the pedestrian even saw him as you don't expect traffic to come from your left. Needless to say, the pedestrian received the customary disdainful look from the offending cyclist.

    I've taken to kicking the rear wheels of bikes if they attempt to run me over on a crossing. Sadly my reflexes aren't always up to the task but I did have one cunt wobbling quite severely. Shame he didn't go under a bus.
  • really makes me mad when these idiots run a Green man with pedestrians on the crossing - possibly the worst offence cyclists commit - it gives us all a bad name and there really isn't any excuse, its is not only illegal but very dangerous to little kids, etc, I often yell abuse at these idiots as I am waiting to pedal away.
  • I'm not a fan of cyclists, I have added my thought in previous threads. However, having read the report again there really is no excuse for this chap to try and twat a wearer of lycra, is there?
  • Maybe the driver is now in France


  • edited July 2011
    Hoogerland is one lucky wotsit to come away from that only needing 30-odd stitches with some Superglue assisted sticking after going through the barbed-wire fence at 40mph.

    I was shocked to be told that he cycled on on the TdF after that.
  • really makes me mad when these idiots run a Green man with pedestrians on the crossing - possibly the worst offence cyclists commit - it gives us all a bad name and there really isn't any excuse, its is not only illegal but very dangerous to little kids, etc, I often yell abuse at these idiots as I am waiting to pedal away.
    Totally agree. Over the last 6 months I've bollocked about a dozen fellow cyclists for cutting up pedestrians when they've had right of way. Most of them look sheepish because they know they're behaving anti socially. 
  • I've stopped cycling in London, I used to do it every day from Forest Hill to Shadwell via the Rotherhithe tunnel. Having cycled in many different countries over the years I will never understand the attitude to cycling in this country. Not just the attitude from motorists but also from bike users themselves. 

    Driving or riding a bike in London is like a daily competition, people are constantly trying to out-wanker each other. It doesn't matter if you drive or ride like a wanker because there is always a bigger wanker out there who is capable of doing a better job of being a complete wanker than yourself.  

    I arrived at my "out-wankerism theory" as at one point I deliberately chose to ride according to that thing, what's it called? Oh yes! The Highway code!! Anyway, during this experiment not only did I lose all faith in humans as redeemable, sentient, compassionate beings, I myself became the ultimate wanker. No, I shan't turn left without signaling, Yes I will wait patiently at traffic lights. I mean, who the hell does that anyway? The truth is that this is London and to drive or ride in London you have to be a bit of a wanker anyway. Seriously, no other country in the World is mental enough to let cyclists on the road, most cycle paths in Germany and Holland are on the pavement, in Japan cyclist and pedestrians share the pavement without a problem but we can't do this in London and do you know why?  Because we are all complete wankers.

    Rant over. 
  • edited July 2011
    What a load of old wank!
  • I'm a cyclist.  It annoys me profusely those that dont stop at red lights, those that ride the pavements, those that show a general disregard for all other road users.  It also actually annoys me when I'm riding on my club ride and some of the other riders look to ride 2x2.  That's not on and I tell them so.

    Anyhow, Bexley Village.  I hate cycling through it.  The stretch from the mini-roundabout at The George/Millers Arms up to the junction of Hurst Road is a nightmare as there are countless pot holes and really wide cracks in the tarmac which could be fatal for any cyclist if they get their road wheels stuck in them.  The only way to avoid it is to ride slightly wider than normal but this obviously holds the traffic up on a narrow road such as Bexley High St.  It also doesnt help with the parking bays just past the road with the station in up to Ferrari's force you out to almost the centre of the road.

    I bet I can guess what happened to the assaulted cyclist.  However many of them, held the driver of the Peugeot up and he lost his patience for whatever reason.  I can sort of see that being a driver too but there's absolutely no excuse for his reaction.  At the end of the day, its about sharing the road.  There are good and bad car drivers and cyclists alike, we all need to get on together.

    I have to say that after a number of incidents which have happened to me on my bikes in the last 18 months, I've invested in a helmet camera and I wear it everytime I go out on my bike now.  It gives me piece of mind.  I dont use it to grass other motorists up but if I'm involved in an accident (which given the miles I do its highly likely that it'll happen at some point in the future), then I need proof that its not my fault...and it acts as a deterrent for anyone trying anything stupid on or against me.  Earlier in the year, I was cruising down North Cray Road at 30mph when someone leaned right out of a passenger car window and attempted to grab my handlebars.  I've also had liquid sprayed in my face whilst cycling twice in 18 months.

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  • Odds on the driver is a Spanner!!
  • I've watched it a few times and I just can't work out the role of the guy in the checked shirt.  Walks over menacingly, halfheartedly restrains mate, stands menacingly, walks off.

    Might as well have stayed in the car.

  • what bike camera do you use, got a link?

  • Blates was SLL and groucho.

  • The fact that we live in a World where cyclists have to wear cameras for their own protection says it all. 
  • VFR I guess the cameras were to document the ride. As it was from London to Dover. Was probably going to stick it on youtube or something.

    But I agree with your sentiment. Nowhere is really safe anymore.

    Getting on a bus now & there are like 6 different cameras because so many scumbags cause problems on them.


  • Can I be the first to say "Helmet Camera" fnnar fnnar.
  • Can I be the first to say "Helmet Camera" fnnar fnnar.
    Falconwood was first I think ;-)
  • The fact that we live in a World where cyclists have to wear cameras for their own protection says it all. 
    Had them on Motorbikes for years.
  • edited July 2011

    Anyhow, Bexley Village.  I hate cycling through it.  The stretch from the mini-roundabout at The George/Millers Arms up to the junction of Hurst Road is a nightmare as there are countless pot holes and really wide cracks in the tarmac which could be fatal for any cyclist if they get their road wheels stuck in them.  The only way to avoid it is to ride slightly wider than normal but this obviously holds the traffic up on a narrow road such as Bexley High St.  It also doesnt help with the parking bays just past the road with the station in up to Ferrari's force you out to almost the centre of the road.
    It is gonna be a real treat next week because  the gas board are digging up the high street again for up to 3 months, and what with the large continental multi axel  lorry that is too big to get into the designated delivery bay ( because he is left hand drive his door opens up traffic side)  I think it could be an exciting times for us  locals?. Still put Bexley village on the map in Australia for all the wrong reasons? 
    Seems churlish to mention if they built the bypass 30 odd years ago traffic could have been kept out of the village, the shops would not be half empty and the enviroment  all the better....... 
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