I have gladly signed the petition, I am a retired skilled worker (Sheet Metalworker) and have worked with so called skilled foriegn workers most of them were bloody useless, but my firm were scared to get rid of them.
The break away 8 have sent out the new contracts to the carded labour. The overtime, trace and securities of being on thr cards are not.in the new contract. The new grades are there also. It is up to the cardies labour to reject. The new contract on mass. Anyone acting alone will be sacked.
Just in case anyone was interested. over 400 of us today marched to King Cross station Site. Met by large amount of police. picketed the site entrance. Blocked off a couple roads and took over the concourse for over an hour. There were lots of unhappy suits. How can people still be making their way to work at 9:10?
drove past oxford street this morning, think young CWLC was amonst the crowd, got mentions on XFM and LBC mainly due to traffic repports but still at least you got a mention
There's a really important bit around 6 minutes into that video. Our beloved "We're all in it together" Coalition have just changed the ruling on Employment Law protection. As it stands you are entitled to your rights after 12 months of employment but it will soon be 24 months and then if you do get sacked unfairly YOU are going to have to pay to take your case to a tribunal. Disgusting.
Well done.
Good luck CWLC, I'll sign the petition.
The builders train lol nice
Is this anything to do with you guys?
ITV London
Tommy Clarkes eh.... Must send this to Tavern. "They're not f***ing struggling are they"!
A bloke called Dave Smith was speaking at the beginning of it
The bloke who said "They're not f***ing struggling are they" is the Unite officer
These firms make me laugh
They say that they are in consultation.....but with whom?
All us sparks have been told to sign the 'agreement' or your down the road