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PLayers Marks FA Cup Halifax FC 0-4 Charlton



  • Options
    Sullivan 7
    Solly 7
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 7
    Wagstaff 7
    Hollands 7
    Hughes 6
    Jackson 7 mom
    Hayes 6
    Euell 5

    watched on tv. well done travelling addicks, great to hear valley floyd rd and better than shaun today
  • Options
    Sullivan 6 Flapped a bit. Still think he's a good keeper to have.
    Solly 7.5 Looks better with Waggy in front of him. Dealt with St Juste v.well.
    Morrison 7 Needed to keep the same CB partnership.
    Taylor 7.5 Deserved his goal.
    Evina 8 Unfortunately for him, his competition is Wiggins and Jackson.
    Wagstaff 6.5 More play was down the left to be fair.
    Hollands 7 Dog like player. 
    Hughes 6.5 Experience helped.
    Jackson 8.5 Captains performance.
    Hayes 7 People will never understand how he plays.
    Euell 6 Experience helped.

    Wright Phillips n/a 
    Smith n/a Got an assist. Like him.
    Pritchard n/a So happy for him.
  • Options
    edited November 2011
    Sullivan  6 Par performance. One smart save one "Deano" moment not much else.

    Solly  6 Brilliant piece of defending in the penalty box in the second half but beaten on the outside too often for my liking

    Morrison 7.5 Commanding and looked in little trouble throughout

    Taylor 7 Good goal and header but not quite his usual solid self

    Evina 7 Quite impressed with him. I'd pick Wiggins as first choice but on that form a more than adequate reserve

    Wagstaff 6 Some nice crosses but, unusually for him, seemed to go missing a bit

    Hollands 7 Shoed his presence when he needed to and a classy finish for his goal

    Hughes 6.5 Not as influential as in recent matches but popped up when needed

    Jackson 7.5 Worked well with Evina and  showed the one real moment of quality to create and finish his goal MOM (just)

    Hayes 6.5 Worked hard. His usual mix of sublime and atrocious touches but an excellent assist for Taylor's goal

    Euell 6 Kept going and didn't hide but nowhere near the Euell of old I'm afraid on his showing today

    Wright Phillips n/a
    Smith n/a Nice run and cross looks to have a physical presence

    Pritchard n/a Had a little bit of luck for his goal but deserved it. Looked pacy and skillful.
  • Options

    sullivan 6

    solly 8.5

    morrison 7.5

    taylor 7

    evina 7

    wagstaff 7

    hollands 8

    hughes 7

    jackson 7.5

    hayes 6

    euell 4.5


  • Options
    Sullivan 6.5
    Solly 7
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7.5
    Evina 7.5
    Wagstaff 5.5
    Hollands 8.5
    Hughes 7
    Jackson 8
    Hayes 6.5
    Euell 4.5
  • Options


    Sullivan 6
    Solly 7
    Morrison 8
    Taylor 7
    Evina 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Hollands 7
    Hughes 7
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    Euell 4

  • Options
    edited November 2011
    Sullivan - 7- One good save, one weak punch - more good than bad

    Solly - 8 - Excellent 

    Morrison - 7 Solid

    Taylor - 7.5 - Solid and an extra 0.5 for the goal

    Evina - 7.5 - linked up well with JJ

    Wagstaff - 6 - Got more involeved towards the end but was a bit quiet

    Hollands - 7.5 Up to usual high standard

    Hughes - 7 Did what Hughes does -often goes unnoticed but very important role in the side

    Jackson - 8.5 Class showed MOTM

    Hayes - 6.5 Did OK

    Euell - 6.5 Did OK too
  • Options

    Sullivan - 6.5
    Solly - 8
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7.5
    Evina - 8
    Wagstaff - 6
    Hollands - 8
    Hughes - 6.5
    Jackson - 7.5
    Hayes - 6
    Euell - 4.5

  • Options
    Sullivan 6.0
    Solly      7.5
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor    7.0
    Evina    6.5
    Wagstaff  6.0
    Hollands  6.5
    Hughes   6.0
    Jackson   6.5
    Hayes 5.0
    Euell 5.0
  • Options

    Sullivan - 6 Not much to do apart from one great save, made a mess of one catch in the first half though
    Solly - 8 Yet again solid and strong. A great tackle on St Juste when Solly looked like he was beaten by his pace.
    Morrison - 7 No thrills defending, and a bit unlucky to have his header chalked off for a powder puff push.
    Taylor - 8 Extra point for his goal. Great defending when needed and could have had 2 goals.
    Evina - 8 Some good runs down the wing and linked up well with Jacko.
    Wagstaff - 7 Less effective today but kept going from box to box.
    Hollands - 8 Took his goal well and was solid in midfield.
    Hughes - 7 Consistent again and playing well since coming in for Stephens.
    Jackson - 9 Run his socks off and took his goal well.
    Hayes - 8 A couple of assists and what he lacks for in goals he makes up for in other aspects.
    Euell - 5 Touch evaded him when through on goal and was off the pace.



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  • Options
    Sullivan  6
    Solly  8
    Morrison  7
    Taylor  8
    Evina  7
    Wagstaff 6
    Hollands 7
    Hughes 6
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6
    Euell 5
  • Options

    sullivan = 7- clean sheet

    solly = 7.5 - he made a couple nice tackles to keep match at 1-0 when halifax had some momentum goin. he doesnt close the ball carrier soon enough tho and the left winger took advantage.

    taylor= 8.5 MOM- great goal, only one shaky moment early in 1st half. i think he also assited hollands goal too...

    morrison = 7 - solid

    evina = 7.5 - tons of energy and pace. only 2 or 3 bad passes all match. him and jacko talked a lot

    wagstaff = 6.5 - he fades from games instead of getting more involved. he looks ok after late red card challenge from halifax player.

    hollands = 7.5 - neat goal and some cute touches in midfield

    hughes = 7 - tidy, put himself about today as always. calm

    jackson = 8 - he did well to create space for himself for his goal. kinda odd how he didnt even crack a smile after the goal clincher. he has a cool demeanor about him

    hayes= 6.5 - nice assist to taylor, his first touch lets himself down a lot.

    euell= 6 - he needs to work on his body strength. too many times he let the halifax defender push aside jason. he is stil a fan favorite for me tho... if he could get stronger and fitter he could get us some goals

  • Options
    Sullivan 6
    Solly 7.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7.5
    Evina 7
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Hollands 7
    Hughes 6.5
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 6
    Euell 4

  • Options


    Sullivan 6.5 - Fantastic save
    Solly 6 - One good tackle didn't really notice him
    Morrison 6.5 - Southgate said it was a push,
    Taylor 7 - Should have had at least 2.
    Evina 7.5 - Had a few great link ups with Jackson
    Wagstaff 6 - Only gets a game to get kicked
    Hollands 7.5 - Scored again. if a brazilian did that........
    Hughes 7 - Just following orders
    Jackson 8 mom - Looked a league or two above today
    Hayes 6.5 - Tried too hard to score today great cross for Taylor goal
    Euell 6.5 - Think needs someone with pace beside him, as does hayes

  • Options
    Sullivan 6.5
    Solly 7.5
    Morrison 7 
    Taylor 7
    Evina 6.5
    Wagstaff 6
    Hollands 6.5
    Hughes 6
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6.5
    Euell 5

  • Options
    Sullivan  6
    Solly  8
    Morrison  7
    Taylor 7.5
    Evina 7.5
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Hollands 7
    Hughes  7
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 6.5
    Euell 5
  • Options


    Watched on the TV.

    Sullivan - 6
    Solly - 8
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor- 7.5
    Evina - 7.5
    Wagstaff - 7
    Hollands - 7.5
    Hughes - 7
    Jackson - 8
    Hayes - 6.5
    Euell - 5

    Wright Phillips n/a
    Smith n/a
    Pritchard n/a 

  • Options
    Sullivan - 6.5
    Solly - 7
    Morrison - 6.5
    Taylor - 6.5
    Evina - 7.5
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Hughes - 6.5
    Jackson - 7.5
    Hayes - 6
    Euell - 5
  • Options
    Sullivan - 6.5
    Solly - 7.5 - MOM
    Morrison - 6.5
    Taylor  - 7.0
    Evina - 7.5
    Wagstaff - 6
    Hollands - 7.5
    Hughes - 6.0
    Jackson - 7.5
    Hayes - 6.5
    Euell - 5
  • Options
    Sullivan 6.5
    Solly 7.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7.5
    Evina 7
    Wagstaff 6.5
    Hollands 7.5
    Hughes 6.5
    Jackson 8 MOM Captains performance
    Hayes 6
    Euell 5  Only negative. Sorry Jason but you add nothing & have added nothing all season.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Options
    Sullivan - 6
    Solly - 8
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 8
    Evina - 7
    Wagstaff - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Hughes - 7
    Jackson - 8
    Hayes - 6.5
    Euell - 5.5

  • Options
    Sullivan 7
    Solly 7
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 6
    Wagstaff 6
    Hughes 6.5
    Jackson 7.5
    Hayes 6
    Euell 4
  • Options

    Sullivan - 7

    Solly - 7

    Taylor - 8

    Morrison - 7.5

    Evina - 7.5

    Wagstaff - 6.5

    Hughes - 7

    Hollands - 7.5

    Jackson - 7.5

    Hayes - 7

    Euell - 6

  • Options
    Sullivan- 6
    Solly- 7
    Morrison- 6
    Taylor- 5
    Evina- 6
    Wagstaff- 5
    Hollands- 7
    Hughes- 6
    Jackson- 6
    Hayes- 4.5
    Euell- 4.5

  • Options
    Sullivan- 6
    Solly- 7
    Morrison- 6
    Taylor- 5
    Evina- 6
    Wagstaff- 5
    Hollands- 7
    Hughes- 6
    Jackson- 6
    Hayes- 4.5
    Euell- 4.5

    You saw a different game to most others. Taylor 5 ?

    You're not wrong of course it's your opinion. Just peculiar, no offence.

  • Options
    edited November 2011

    Karim myBagheri also said :-

    negative post because of negative play.

    passing it along the back 4 then kicking up to forwards with no touch. No creativity, no sense of emergency, to slow and to often knocked of the ball. where was the midfield? they should take this opportunity against a lower side to show some of their skill, their invention in their play and passing.

    how tayler gets motm by itv i dont know. it should of been that ginger player they took off. when he left they lost a pretty integral part of their midfield, and so gave us more space in the middle. Tayler however had a pretty average game apart from his goal. his defending was full of mistakes, he wasent closing players down, he was letting them turn and his passing was woeful. then again it wasent just him with the woeful passing.

    The tactic of morrison being our playmaker (though i doubt it wast the tactic) is just ridiculous. just like in the carling cup and just like when we were against stevenage. how we manage to play so poorly when we all know we can play some of the best football we've seen for many a year. this could be just an off day, which i'm sure it is, but we cant just ignore it, you learn from mistakes. Great scoreline. good goals but mediocre overall team performanse. still at least we can beat teams even when we are not at our best. Thats my match report, not my season report not my what they did last week report. we won. just not in style.


    Sorry mate, but you definitely saw a different game to me. How you can be so upset with us winning 0-4 beggars belief.

    Has Taylor upset you ? He had a super game. I'm convinced you weren't properly watching the game, undivided attention.

    Once again, apologies for contradicting you, but I really can't fathom out your comments at all.

  • Options
    Sullivan 6
    Solly 7.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 7.5
    Wagstaff 7
    Hollands 7
    Hughes 6
    Jackson 7
    Hayes 5.5
    Euell 5.5
  • Options
    Sullivan- 6
    Solly- 7
    Morrison- 7
    Taylor- 7.5
    Evina- 7.5
    Wagstaff- 5
    Hollands- 7.5
    Hughes- 6
    Jackson- 8
    Hayes- 5
    Euell- 4
  • Options
    Sullivan - 6.5
    Solly - 8.5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7.5
    Evina - 8
    Wagstaff - 7
    Hollands - 7
    Hughes - 7
    Jackson - 7
    Hayes - 6
    Euell - 6
  • Options
    Sullivan - 7
    Solly - 7.5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor 7.5
    Evina - 7
    Wagstaff - 6
    Hollands - 7
    Hughes - 7
    Jackson - 8
    Hayes - 6
    Euell - 5.5
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