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Liverpool Players Wear Shirts To Support Luis Suarez



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    Liverpool come out of all of it in a piss poor light , cheers for clearing that up folks now I understand
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    I haven't seen any statement from Evra's evidence where he has used anything other than 'conversational' Spanish. Problem is, with the paucity of language skills in this country, a lot of people think knowing how to say anything beyond 'donde esta el bar' and 'una cerveza por favor' qualifies you as a Spanish expert. Being able to hold a conversation means knowing how to string together a sentence beyond the usual tourist crap.

    Agree with others - this makes Liverpool look f***ing stupid, and if the FA had anything about them they would fine them for it - but they don't, and they won't.

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    I think Liverpool severely underestimated the gravitas of the situation from the off and nobody on their side comes out of the whole episode with much credit - for example Dalglish "joking" about not being allowed into the referees room for 30 minutes after a match when he had been specifically asked to attend. Then the whole business about LS pinching PE and his initial "friendly" explanation, later changed to "conciliatory" - clearly once they'd read the experts report!

    They haven't really got a leg to stand on.
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    Vigil tonight for the missing leg.
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    "In all the circumstances, we preferred the evidence of Mr Evra. His account was clear and consistent in all material respects. There is no basis for saying that he lied or was mistaken in what he heard. We found that Mr Evra's account is probably what happened. The conversation was all in Spanish. The words which follow (below) were either Mr Evra's exact words or close approximations to them. Mr Evra said to Mr Suarez "Concha de tu hermana, porque me diste un golpe?", meaning "expletiveing hell, why did you kick me?". Mr Suarez replied "Porque tu eres negro", meaning "Because you're black". Mr Evra then said "Habla otra vez asi, te voy a dar una porrada", which means "Say it to me again, I'm going to kick you". Mr Suarez responded "No hablo con los negros", meaning "I don't speak to blacks". Mr Evra then said "Ahora te voy a dar realmente una porrada", meaning "Okay, now I think I'm going to punch you". Mr Suarez responded "Dale, negro, negro, negro", meaning "Okay, blackie, blackie, blackie.""


    Liverpool FC have got this horribly wrong. They should be making a full apology, as should Suarez.

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    Liverpool accept ban and Suarez won't play tonight.
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    First sensible thing they have done. Now let's move on and hope we don't see a repetition.
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    I haven't seen any statement from Evra's evidence where he has used anything other than 'conversational' Spanish. Problem is, with the paucity of language skills in this country, a lot of people think knowing how to say anything beyond 'donde esta el bar' and 'una cerveza por favor' qualifies you as a Spanish expert. Being able to hold a conversation means knowing how to string together a sentence beyond the usual tourist crap.

    Agree with others - this makes Liverpool look f***ing stupid, and if the FA had anything about them they would fine them for it - but they don't, and they won't.

    Bloody Hell Leroy, if your normal ‘conversational’ Spanish includes phrases like....<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    "F++king hell, why did you kick me?”

    "Say it to me again, I'm going to kick you."

    "Okay, now I think I'm going to punch you."

    ....then I am very concerned about the types of conversations you are having with your fellow Spanish speakers!

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    Liverpool accept ban and Suarez won't play tonight.
    Accept in the loosest possible terms
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    In November 2007, he is banned for seven matches after being found guilty of biting PSV's Otman Bakkal

    No end to his talents
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    The statement Liverpool put out last night was disgusting, absolutely vile in light of recent high profile goings on.  The black armbands they wore last night i assume were for the death of their own morals and values as a club?

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    edited January 2012

     No doubt some Mickey's will bleat on about not getting "justice" and claim to be victimised, but I really can't see that myself. 

    I knew someone would bleat about it, but didn't realise it would be the Club themselves. They (as a club) used to have a bit more class about them than this - but I guess that was many years ago now.

     "The Luis Suarez case has to end so that the Premier League, the Football Association and the club can continue the progress that has been made and will continue to be made and not risk a perception, at least by some, that would diminish our commitment on these issues.

    "Liverpool Football Club have supported Luis Suarez because we fundamentally do not believe that Luis on that day - or frankly any other - did or would engage in a racist act.

    "Notably, his actions on and off the pitch with his team-mates and in the community have demonstrated his belief that all athletes can play together and that the colour of a person's skin is irrelevant.

    "Continuing a fight for justice in this particular case beyond today would only obscure the fact that the club wholeheartedly supports the efforts of the Football Association, the Football League and the Premier League to put an end to any form of racism in English football."

    - Liverpool FC statement



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    I think a lot worse will be said at the Euro's
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    Did anyone hear about the Dutch team having to move their training pitch due to spectators making monkey noises?

    There's gonna be bother before this tournament's over
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    Did anyone hear about the Dutch team having to move their training pitch due to spectators making monkey noises?

    There's gonna be bother before this tournament's over
    In a way that's good. Finally UEFA will be unable to turn a blind eye (ear) to the racism that occurs in international matches.

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    Did anyone hear about the Dutch team having to move their training pitch due to spectators making monkey noises?

    There's gonna be bother before this tournament's over
    In a way that's good. Finally UEFA will be unable to turn a blind eye (ear) to the racism that occurs in international matches.

    Wanna bet?
    Sky’s Amanda Walker, reporting from Donetsk in Ukraine, said: "There is a sense of optimism about the tournament here, but it does seem it is already drowning in negative headlines about racism, not least this latest incident concerning the Dutch team.

    "But Uefa said it is satisfied with the explanation that these fans were voicing their discontent that Krakow is not a host city."
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