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Swearing on Charlton Life.



  • **** ***** ********* **** ********** *****! Just wanted to get that off my chest........
  • Please also remember by muddling the letters around a swear word is still a swear word. I'd rather you did not but if you are going to swear have the courage of your convictions.

    As a society it seems that swearing has become more and more acceptable,years ago if you said bloody in front of a kid there would be a series of giggles from them and dirty looks from adults and then recently it seems the judges have decided that it is acceptable to swear at the police. I for one would love to see the years role back and people expressed themselves verbally and in writing without the need to vomit forth a whole load of expletives
    and not just on message boards.
  • I rarely swear in normal speech, just the way I was bought up, even at games it takes something really awful to get me swearing, but it doesn't bother me in other people until every other word is a swear word. I personally don't see the need for it and if it was reduced on here because people agreed then I would be pleased. That said I'd rather it was a choice thing, not a rule.
  • edited January 2012
    Why do you assume that age has anything to do with a hatred of crude and offensive words? All swearing shows is a lack of knowledge of the English language as there are a multitude of words to express yourself precisely and yet firmly.

    I agree with much of that and what others say about over use of swearing but remember, unless we are talking about French, language evolves and words which were taboo become accepted and visa versa.

    Check out the novels of Sir Walter Scott where there are many references to the "D" word, or indeed HMS Pinafore where one of the lines goes

    "bother it I may occasionally say, but I never swear a big big D"

    Let us not forget that according to wikipedia, "London had several streets named Gropec*nt Lane"

    Yet the "N" word which was so much in common parlance in the mid twentieth century that it appears as a dogs name in one of the most popular of war films of all time. Now it is perhaps considered to be the most taboo words of them all (and understandably so).

    The "F" word was absolutely taboo in my family when I grew up and the "C" word was almost a hanging offence. It was certainly not considered polite to use such words in "mixed" company. I remember my Dad saying the "F" word when I was about 35 years old and being completely shocked. I on the other hand would use both "F" and "C" words regularly around mates and even around women of my generation.

    Now it almost the antithesis of those days with women as sweary, if not more sweary than many men of my acquaintence.

    To me this is just the natural process of the evolution language. We do need however to recognise that some don't accept the use of swear words, especially in print, and be considerate of our fellow lifers.

  • Why bother swearing on a forum?
    It takes longer to type
  • Agree with most of what Leroy says mainly about swearing being common in SE London and defiently my family. Suppose going to watch football from a young age aswell makes it even more common place for me.

    Try to tone it down on here as kids do use the site however that is how I generally speak and the people I go to football/work with do.
  • At the end of the day (Brian), they are only words the Norman conquerors decided they found offensive (sort of...). If it is the subject you find offensive, then do you get upset by "front bottom", "lady parts" and "hairy lasso"? If not, why get the hump about the "C" word? It's just a word after all... This comment is for the purposes of continuing a friendly debate. I will still refrain from profanity myself for the reasons stated earlier.
  • Oh dear. I don't like swearing so anyone who swears must be less intelligent than me.

    Fair enough. Hands up. You win.
  • Please listen to Bournemouth guys, the majority know how we want this forum to operate so please respect that.

    In my 20 odd thousand posts on here I've managed to not swear once I think. Yet those that know me will tell you I can barely saw a sentence without swearing.

    It's really not a big ask.
    Spot on. You can barely saw a sentence!
  • Agree with the majority on this subject, swearing has its place, just don't think it's on this type of forum. I have really enjoyed reading the opinions on this site for ages, and what's more disturbing for me is the recent trend towards personal abuse between posters. Healthy debate is a good thing, but nearly every thread I read these days seems to quickly descend into verbal abuse of one kind or another. I don't think its always been like it, sorry if this has been raised before, but just think it is a shame.
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  • Tangentially related opinion piece on the editorial page of the Chicago Tribune yesterday based on a Keele University study.

    Those who curse often and regularly — 60 times a day, as described by researchers — don't get as much pain relief benefit.
  • Also from that article: "...profanity, like flattery, loses its potency after repeated use... Those who relish a carefully crafted expletive know that less is more."
  • I think SHG and KHA have hit the nail on the head for me and have got my point. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a prudish old codger (thanks Sam 3110 for that btw!) and I can and do swear with the best of them if the circumstances are appropriate. Some posters however seem to have no filter for this and for some reason seem to think it's appropriate in pretty much every circumstance. Whether they genuinely don't have the grasp of the language to come up with an better alternative, think it reinforces their point, makes them look "edgy", hard or whatever I don't know and frankly don't care either. The fact is that it's not optional and if you want to use CL you have to agree not to use foul language (I think it's something like that anyway but I'm not admin...)

    I do appreciate that not everyone will agree with this view but I just don't want CL to end up like so many football forums; populated by people trying too hard to be 'geezers' and unable to have any form of discussion without reverting to foul and abusive language. We are better than that but we do have to be wary that we keep on top of it and recently standards seem to have slipped shall we say.

    A little bit more self censorship to keep this site a pleasure to visit is all it takes chaps.
    I agree with you, it's the same on Twitter.

  • At the end of the day (Brian), they are only words the Norman conquerors decided they found offensive (sort of...). If it is the subject you find offensive, then do you get upset by "front bottom", "lady parts" and "hairy lasso"? If not, why get the hump about the "C" word? It's just a word after all... This comment is for the purposes of continuing a friendly debate. I will still refrain from profanity myself for the reasons stated earlier.
    For me the use of the C word is not simply the word itself. In fact, if it is used to describe a front bottom then it is, in my view, unnecessary as there are other alternatives, but it is probably acceptable. It's when someone refers to another idvividual as a f-ing C*** that the word becomes most offensive. Strangely enough most of Leroy's posts that use profannities are not in this latter category. Sure it makes one sound like one has a reduced vocabulary when the same word is used in many different situations, but for me it's not the language it's, as I've already said, the anger in the posts.
  • Whats the "D" word ?
  • Div.
    I only asked !

  • Whats the "D" word ?
  • It's d********
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  • Agree with the majority on this subject, swearing has its place, just don't think it's on this type of forum. I have really enjoyed reading the opinions on this site for ages, and what's more disturbing for me is the recent trend towards personal abuse between posters. Healthy debate is a good thing, but nearly every thread I read these days seems to quickly descend into verbal abuse of one kind or another. I don't think its always been like it, sorry if this has been raised before, but just think it is a shame.
    Feel the same way. With cafc doing so well I thought the atmosphere would improve but if anything its got worse.
  • so if overly exposed mr fry says its ok ..its ok !

    has anyone noticed that "swear word" can easily turn into "wear sword" ! am i onto something ?
  • AFKABartramJanuary 8Quote

    Please listen to Bournemouth guys, the majority know how we want this forum to operate so please respect that.

    In my 20 odd thousand posts on here I've managed to not swear once I think. Yet those that know me will tell you I can barely saw a sentence without swearing.

    It's really not a big ask.

    AFKABartramDecember 2008Quote

  • Ha, well its taken you two days to find a post from 4 years ago, so think that proves my point.

    You wally :-(
  • edited January 2012
    Oh dear. I don't like swearing so anyone who swears must be less intelligent than me.

    Fair enough. Hands up. You win.
    Not sure if that's aimed at me or not but in any case I don't think anyone on here has suggested that is the case have they?

    Its also not an age thing as some of our younger members prove.

    I 'get' all the arguments about language evolving and us being products of our individual environment, etc. I went to a comprehensive in East London fer gawds sake not Eton so I'm not making judgements about those that swear.

    But it's been clear to me that there's less respect shown on here to other posters than in the past and more indescriminant swearing. Whether one leads to the other or vice versa I don't know but a lazy reference to others as an effing whatever is not likely to help this site prosper in the long term is it?

    Sorry if you have a problem with that but seems reasonable enough to me.
  • Whats the "D" word ?
    dannymurphy, as per other threads
  • edited January 2012
    So is it possible to have a list of acceptable & not acceptable words?

    We still need to call each other names when a debate gets heated on here or where we really need to emphasise a point.

    Acceptable-wally, plonker, twit, fool, half wit
    Not-c***, f***, w*****, bo******

    One of my favourite words is "tosser", is that ok?
  • Why the need to call each other names? That sounds a bit childish to me!
  • Why the need to call each other names? That sounds a bit childish to me!
    It's a power thing.
  • In my opinion if you cannot express yourself and get your point across without resorting to swear words then you are obviously lacking enough vocabulary or command of the English language or the ability and brain power to find an alternative word.

    Also you swearing posters must consider some of the younger fans who read this site. It's not nice !!!.

    I am not a prude nor a snob but there are certain levels of decency that all us Charlton supporters should try to adhere too. I would hate to see us have a website like Millwall or West Ham where stringing a six word sentence together is a problem without four swear words.

    Naffing hell. Come on boys (and girls) let clean it up

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