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Jackie Stewart



  • Dr. David Kelly
  • I've read Jackie's autobiography (written before the financial crisis). It's full of sycophantic praise for Fred the Shed and it's clear they both enjoyed the reflected glory from being in each others company. Stewart also benefitted hugely from his role as an "ambassador" for RBS.
    If Fred's knighthood had been for something like charitable work he should have kept it but it wasn't, it was for services to the banking industry. Clearly, therefore, it was totally undeserved. Stewart needs to stick to what he's good at and so does Fred (but nobody knows what that is apart from being a bully). His management style was just so similar to other well known "failures" like Maxwell.
  • what is even more worrying about 'lord' Archer is that the main witness against him in the 'prostitution/libel' case was killed in a hit and run 'accident'. Shades of Stephen Ward, if anyone remembers him. As for Stewart, it's just the Jockofiosis looking after one another. Has anyone asked Andy Murray for his opinion yet ?
    I think Goodwin's a tool, but the whole process has been one of public witch hunt and political point scoring rather than anything to do with his non-performance.
    I agree with this. It is time that the whole 'peerage' and 'knighthood' nonsense was looked at and, in my opinion, then abolished. Looking at the characters who gain entrance to the house of dwarves/lords or are granted knighthoods is very revealing.
  • Dr. David Kelly
    another one bites the dust
  • A nice little distraction from Cameron's latest capitulation to the EU and, as ever, the media have bought it.
  • A nice little distraction from Cameron's latest capitulation to the EU and, as ever, the media have bought it.
    don't start me on David Macaroon, half man, half biscuit
  • Sir JYS also has affiliations with the Bahraini Royal Family and has been lobbying for the return of the Grand Prix and was against it being cancelled last year, despite the political/ethnic troubles. So it's not the first time he's spoken publicly about a subject when he has such a conflict of interest.
  • Somebody should stuff that tartan cap in his gob.
  • edited February 2012
    Come to think of it he's always been an arse licker. Always hanging round with our Royal family too.
  • Having met both of them I can assure you neither deserve anything.
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  • A nice little distraction from Cameron's latest capitulation to the EU and, as ever, the media have bought it.
    Yep and we (most of the population) are all too thick to see that.
    Time and again goverments use this tactic.
    Fred wont be called Sir anymore, big deal.
  • Definitely a case of appearing to be tough on bankers during the bonus season. Cameron will claim to be taking action when in fact all he's done is offer up a convenient scapegoat for the masses.

    Personally, I'd rather he'd kept his knighthood but we had a proper enquiry into the massive corporate misgovernence, with criminal charges if needed, a proper restructure of the whole banking regulatory system and all those responsible brought to account.

    Unfortunately this would be all be a bit too close to home for politicians of all parties so what we get is Fred the Shred losing something he couldn't give a monkeys about anyway.

    The multimillionnaire and personal friend of Fred's, Jackie Stewart can still do one though...
    Cant see how bringing Cameron into this is relevant. Labour appointed knighthood and no politician sits on the forfeiture committee. Some commentators have implicated Cameron in the million pound bonus Hester was eligible for, when his contract was actually given to him by the last administration

    Can you not? Really? So you don't think that it's helpful to the present administration to offer up a sacrificial hate figure for the media and the more gullible elements of the public to blame whilst the vast majority of those equally responsibly carry on as if nothing had happened?

  • I don't have a great deal of time for Stewart. He was a man of his bygone era. However, he has a lot of courage as he was a very fast GP driver in an era when driving racing cars was a very very hazardous and dangerous occupation. He's been pretty much a 'professional scotsman' since retiring from racing. A recent TV programme alluded to the fact that his adverts on US tv for various products and for scots tourism needed to be subtitled for them to make any sense to the average Noo Yoiker or mid westerner. He is a rich and successful man. He has a right to his opinion. His opinions should matter no more nor less than anyone elses and should not be reported in the media as if they were of any great import.
  • Lincs said: It is time that the whole 'peerage' and 'knighthood' nonsense was looked at and, in my opinion, then abolished. Looking at the characters who gain entrance to the house of dwarves/lords or are granted knighthoods is very revealing.
    So you can make a sensible comment if you try.
    Your conspiracy theories are risible however.
  • I think Fred's former title should be given to Chrissy - much more deserving.
  • edited February 2012
    Lincs said: It is time that the whole 'peerage' and 'knighthood' nonsense was looked at and, in my opinion, then abolished. Looking at the characters who gain entrance to the house of dwarves/lords or are granted knighthoods is very revealing.
    So you can make a sensible comment if you try.
    Your conspiracy theories are risible however.

    push off you arrogant, condescending twerp

  • Ah another 'A' grade one from Lincs 'Bumper Book of Insults'. I am really hurt. Now what is worse, to be a twit or a twerp as you have described me?
  • I must admit you do come across as a bit of a twit sometimes leeg. Harmless and not nasty or anything, but Lincs.....he is a real oddball.
  • Ha! Chirps. I suspect that could be said of all of us. Now Lincs will start foaming at the mouth over your comments as well. Join the club.
  • Perhaps we should take away OBE's / CBE's / knighthoods to all businessmen whose businesses collapse.

    Do you really think he is bothered he is no longer called Sir?
    Why not just jail the board members of all the banks that were caught out by 'the credit crunch'
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  • It was widely understood that Goodwin paid massively over the odds to buy ABN Amro in a share for share exchange which meant he spent little actual cash but grew his business rapidly without any effort on his part. Whether they carried much toxic debt, I'm unsure but their due dilligence was obviously lacking. By this empire building (allegedly) he hoped to increase his salary, bonuses, share options and kudos. He effectively gambled recklessly with shareholder and ultimately taxpayer funds and lost, but rather than being sacked for gross misconduct, that boy's club that is the City of London closed ranks and he was rewarded with a handsome payout for his failures.
  • Spot the difference:

    Fred Goodwin

    Nick Leeson
  • Kweku Adoboli from UBS currently on trial. Obviously risky trading trying to boost his bonus but like Leeson, how is it different from Goodwin. None of the two traders actually pocketed banks money did they?
  • Kweku Adoboli from UBS currently on trial. Obviously risky trading trying to boost his bonus but like Leeson, how is it different from Goodwin. None of the two traders actually pocketed banks money did they?
    Rogue trading isn't just risky trading it is unauthorised and fraudulent. Sure Fred the Shed was incompetent but what he did was with the board's consent. (What's the difference between a shopping trolley and an RBS non-executive director? A shopping trolley's got a mind of its own but you can get more food in an RBS non-exec.)
  • edited February 2012
    BA wrote ''Can you not? Really? So you don't think that it's helpful to the present administration to offer up a sacrificial hate figure for the media and the more gullible elements of the public to blame whilst the vast majority of those equally responsibly carry on as if nothing had happened?''

    The flaw here BA is that the present administration have not offered him up, have they? Absolutely nothing to do with them.

    I agree they may have some indirect positive effects.

  • Ah another 'A' grade one from Lincs 'Bumper Book of Insults'. I am really hurt. Now what is worse, to be a twit or a twerp as you have described me?
    how about twerpytwitter ? ... foam foam spit a nail out chew the carpet
  • Wow! Even better!
    With your mad conspiracy theories are you David Icke? What sort of looney can come up with a suicide from the 1960s and connect it, even tangentially, to Fred Goodwin? Time for you to play on your own Lincs.
  • The letter from Alex Salmon to Freddy boy after RBS had just taken over ABRN AVRO is a classic " great day for Scotland" etc etc etc its just the debt thats English.
  • edited February 2012
    Wow! Even better!
    With your mad conspiracy theories are you David Icke? What sort of looney can come up with a suicide from the 1960s and connect it, even tangentially, to Fred Goodwin? Time for you to play on your own Lincs.
    you are quite obviously lacking in any imagination or you're incapable of seeing woods for trees .. good idea, I'll play with my ball, you trot off and puncture yours elsewhere ..
  • What a great thread. CL back to its best, all my favourite contributors.
    Humour, insight, madness and insults.
    It's just like the old days.
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