everyone is welcome on this site so stop with the stupid remarks and leave me alone! white, black, fat, thin, tall and short everyone is welcome on this site and there is no place for bully's like you in society!
I don't agree with the moaning but I do understand what they are getting at by moaning. the 'moaners' should be encouraging the players and not shouting abuse from the stands! every striker goes through a bad spell of not scoring but it is frustrating that there not scoring!
everyone is welcome on this site so stop with the stupid remarks and leave me alone! white, black, fat, thin, tall and short everyone is welcome on this site and there is no place for bully's like you in society!
everyone is welcome on this site so stop with the stupid remarks and leave me alone! white, black, fat, thin, tall and short everyone is welcome on this site and there is no place for bully's like you in society!
Sorry ,I was going to say that football supporters have paid their money and vented their feelings since the game started. I would say to him, stop writing negative crap and look for the many positives this season.
I think he means this year.
Your job is to report the facts not advise the masses.
As Henry has pointed out he states neither striker has scored in a Charlton shirt this season.
Oi Newshopper, either employ some decent journo's or a couple of good proof readers.