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anyone watching boxing tonight - klitschko vs chisora



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    Having seen this several times from different angles I think Haye was within his rights to crown Chisora. He didn't bottle him he whacked him with the neck of the bottle of his clenched fist. If anything it would have damaged his hand.

    Frank Warren paid David Haye to be part of the punditary team, that is why he was in the press conference. And from hearing all of the press conference before all the silliness Bernt Boente was doing all he could to basically call Haye a coward, Haye only asked the question why they would not fight him when they had agreed terms. Chisora should not have been allowed to leave the table. Frank Warren was almost exploding with delight at what was happening and he is a liar to suggest he was not and is not over the moon with what happened.
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    Having seen this several times from different angles I think Haye was within his rights to crown Chisora. He didn't bottle him he whacked him with the neck of the bottle of his clenched fist. If anything it would have damaged his hand.

    Frank Warren paid David Haye to be part of the punditary team, that is why he was in the press conference. And from hearing all of the press conference before all the silliness Bernt Boente was doing all he could to basically call Haye a coward, Haye only asked the question why they would not fight him when they had agreed terms. Chisora should not have been allowed to leave the table. Frank Warren was almost exploding with delight at what was happening and he is a liar to suggest he was not and is not over the moon with what happened.
    and there finally speaks someone who knows what they're talking about.

    couldn't have put it better myself
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    edited February 2012
    Sorry carter but haye stank the place out with vladmir. Haye lies a lot and was offered to fight vitali recently , he believes his own lies and as a human being is a mug who never even turned up to his first trainers funeral. The guy keeps talking about koing this brothers but had 12 rounds of missing last time, the fight prob won't happen as there is a domestic fight now with chisora which is more mouth watering and more evenly matched
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    Heavyweight title use to be the ultimate big fights, since the brothers have had it the sport has been ruined. I heard shannon briggs walked away with 25,000 for his fight and chisora 50,000!!!

    All the big purses have disappeared along with the good fighters.

    No wonder people prefer UFC.

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    Warren put on a show. He loved it. Maybe got a bit out of hand though. This just shows heavyweight boxing for what it is. Laughable bunch all of 'em.
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    I love Klitschko's smile as he watches the brawl.
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    Heavyweight title use to be the ultimate big fights, since the brothers have had it the sport has been ruined. I heard shannon briggs walked away with 25,000 for his fight and chisora 50,000!!!

    In which case I dont blame Chiroza for acting up if that is all he got. Id be pulling every trick in the book for a payday, its not worth the risk of serious injury for that kinda money.

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    Sorry carter but haye stank the place out with vladmir. Haye lies a lot and was offered to fight vitali recently , he believes his own lies and as a human being is a mug who never even turned up to his first trainers funeral. The guy keeps talking about koing this brothers but had 12 rounds of missing last time, the fight prob won't happen as there is a domestic fight now with chisora which is more mouth watering and more evenly matched

    He's an unusaul character definitely, horses for courses I know but I like him. He has never shied away from a fight and unfortunately heavyweight boxing has gone down such a comic book route that the only way either of the brothers were going to be aware of him was by him pulling all the distasteful stunts he has. I agree it is classless not to show at your first trainers funeral although I was told he didn't want to turn it into a circus (personally if I was in his shoes I would still have gone)

    He would destroy Chisora inside 5 rounds if they fought, Chisora is made for him.

    This is coming from someone who was in Hamburg for the non-event back in July and from the 6th we were screaming for him to have a gamble and throw the kitchen sink at Wladimir and if we had heard what he said about breaking his pinkie toe there would have been a riot without a doubt. Not a lot of love for David Haye after that!

    Besides I owe you an apple core from the Froch v Ward fight still! Once I square that one away fancy another charity bet on Vitali/Chisora v Haye?
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    Why have the police done nothing about two grown men battering each other in full view of the public and television cameras? It's a disgrace!
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    Probably got better things to do mate, as far as I could tell no-one got hurt
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    All it needed was James Beattie.
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    Chisora got arrested at the airport and Haye is kinda on the run lol
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    lol carter put the score to that charity when i lost. Yeah we need a decider when we disagree on a fight were do it then.
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    edited February 2012
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    lol carter put the score to that charity when i lost. Yeah we need a decider when we disagree on a fight were do it then.

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    "the only way either of the brothers were going to be aware of him was by him pulling all the distasteful stunts he has."
    Not necesarilly. The media and boxers are made aware of you if you fight well and go into matches with a near enough perfect record. was always the case and still is to this day.
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    ... true if you're an average fighter like chisora however
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    Why have the police done nothing about two grown men battering each other in full view of the public and television cameras? It's a disgrace!
    Haye is on the run and Chisora has been released after being questioned by them.

    Swinging a tripod? What a coward. No wonder Chisora said stupid things afterwards, although he's always saying stupid things!

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    Haye has a released a statement. Do we know from what bunker?

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    Haye is back in UK, they checked out of Hotel and flew back straight after the press conference as Chisora plus entourage were staying at the same hotel.
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    its all about the entourage.
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    And now his statement has gone from his official website.
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    Booth told The Daily Telegraph on Sunday night: “We have not been contacted or called by the German police. Of course we would answer any questions, and would go to Germany to be interviewed. We have nothing to run away from.”

    Booth revealed that Haye, and his two staff, had checked out of the Hilton Munich Park at around 2am, almost immediately after the press conference. Both Haye and Chisora were staying at the same hotel.

    “We left the press conference, and it would have been stupid to go back to the same hotel as Chisora and his mob,” Booth said. “He had said he was going to assault David, and then screamed he was going to shoot him and burn him. We decided to go to the airport and get an early flight home.

    “What David did was a defensive reflex. The man said he was going to slap him, walked 20 yards towards him, took his jacket off, went straight into a headbutt and shoved his fist into David’s chin. Everything was a defensive reflex from David.”

    There had been talk of Haye coming out of retirement to fight Vitali Klitschko this summer, but Booth added: “It’s over. They clearly don’t want to fight. It’s finished.”
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    Swinging a tripod is a textbook defensive manoeuvre, he's very lucky it hit Booth!
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    I wouldn't fancy being on the end of one of his "defensive reflexes"
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    "I realise I am no angel – and don't mind a bit of professional trash-talk to help raise boxing's profile – but, during my 21 years in the sport, I have never been involved in, or even witnessed, such a serious fracas.

    "If requested, I shall happily assist the boxing authorities with any investigation they wish to launch and, ultimately, hope that all lessons learned from this incident will be implemented.

    "I also hope Dereck Chisora is able to learn from his mistakes this past weekend, right the wrongs and then go on to fulfil his potential in the boxing ring.

    "It is with regret that I feel I have to issue this statement to clarify certain matters, following an unfortunate incident that occurred on Saturday night (February 18) in Munich, Germany at the Vitali Klitschko vs. Dereck Chisora post-fight press conference.

    "I was in Munich to watch the WBC world heavyweight title bout between Klitschko and Chisora and provide punditry for BoxNation, and accredited as such.

    "During the post-fight press conference, I was stood at the back of the room. It wasn't until Bernd Bonte said my name and involved me in the press conference that I commented. I was then happy to banter back and forth with Bonte and Klitschko, keen to ascertain whether he (Vitali) would stay true to his word and reiterate his desire to do what his younger brother couldn't do – knock me out.

    "I felt as though the public would want to hear more information about this potential bout and that we could both start beating the drum ahead of a showdown later this year.

    "However, at this point Chisora began firing insults at me from his position on the top table. In fact, he has recently made a habit of saying derogatory things about me in the press.

    "Moments before declaring he wanted to go face-to-face with me, Chisora assured the gathered media that he would give me 'two slaps'. Chisora had, of course, already been shrouded in controversy that weekend.

    "Despite this, Chisora climbed down from the top table, removed his robe and then walked towards me, entourage in tow, in an aggressive manner. I held my ground, but, unfortunately, he caused a serious disturbance to occur, something which threatened to damage the reputation of the sport we both love.

    "Regrettably, some members of his entourage also encouraged the chaos.

    "Nevertheless, Chisora and I soon separated, brushed ourselves down and moved in opposite directions. The confrontation then reignited, however, and both Don Charles and Adam Booth became involved in the mess. Adam suffered a cut to the head.

    "Thankfully, it didn't take long for the ruckus to again settle down. It was then that I heard Chisora say he planned to 'shoot me dead'.

    "I decided to leave the venue and return to my hotel, a move which I hoped would diffuse the situation. However, Chisora's team were staying at the same hotel as me and, in light of the threats Chisora had made in front of the world's media, it seemed far more appropriate for me and Adam to leave the hotel as quickly as possible.

    "Consequently, I left Munich on an earlier flight on Sunday morning and have been thinking about what happened ever since, as well as replaying the incident many times via YouTube. It goes without saying, I am bitterly disappointed to have been a part of what transpired on Saturday evening. "
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    Chisora was pathetic. He reminded me of the Santana Block Gang who Russell Brand featured on an episode of Ponderland.
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    Nolly I am eyeing up Quigg v Frampton, reckon it will happen in about 15 months time. We can toss a coin on that if you want I'm well happy with Quigg!

    Or double or quits on Groves v DeGale rematch whenever it happens?
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    Shame last time Haye went to Germany for a Klitschko fight he didn't show as much "bottle".


    (Note to Adam "Who glassed me?" Booth" it was probably the bloke with the bottle in his hand in this picture)
    Ha ha just noticed Chisora is licking hayes hand...

    Poorly placed punch imo, possibly the beer in it didn't help.

    I'll love seeing these two batter eachother for 12 rounds... Couldn't happen to a nicer pair.
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    Shame last time Haye went to Germany for a Klitschko fight he didn't show as much "bottle".


    (Note to Adam "Who glassed me?" Booth" it was probably the bloke with the bottle in his hand in this picture)
    Ha ha just noticed Chisora is licking hayes hand...

    Poorly placed punch imo, possibly the beer in it didn't help.

    I'll love seeing these two batter eachother for 12 rounds... Couldn't happen to a nicer pair.
    Thats exactly what they want. They act like pricks and people pay to watch them. They wont care who hates them
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