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Players Marks: Charlton 1-1 Rochdale



  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 3
    Pritchard - 3
    Hollands - 6.5
    Stephens - 4.5
    Green - 4.5
    Kormorgant - 8 MOTM (Absolute class)
    Wright Phillips - 7

    Beginning to panic about Sheff Utd now.
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    Hamer - 7 Always found Yann's head with the ball. Looked absolutely furious at the end
    Wiggins - 5.5 Seems to hate his righht foot. Can't be blamed but the performance was poor
    Morrison - 7 Imperious at the back
    Taylor - 6 Some dodgy distribution today
    Evina - 5 Looked terrified, seemed to charge straight into players rather than take them on and caught out for the goal
    Pritchard - 5 Frustrating on the ball and weaker in the tackle than we're used to seeing. Disappointing
    Hollands - 6 When he gets his foot on the ball he's a wonderful passer but spent too much time with soft headers
    Stephens - 4 Nowhere to be seen. Sat too deep to be effective but didn't track their runners when needed, giving us the worst of both worlds
    Green - 6 Uncomfortable on the left, offered something down the right before being replaced
    Kermorgant - 7.5 Rochdale must be glad we only had one of him. Great player
    Wright Phillips - 6.5 Sharp and nimble and unfortunate to be subbed

    Wagstaff n/a
    Clarke n/a
    Cort n/a
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5.5
    Morrison - 7.5
    Taylor - 6.5
    Evina - 5
    Pritchard - 4.5
    Hollands - 5
    Stephens - 5.5
    Green - 6.5
    Kormorgant - 9 Outstanding
    Wright Phillips - 7

  • Options
    edited February 2012

    Hamer - 6
    Wiggins - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 6
    Pritchard - 6
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 6
    Kermorgant - 8
    Wright Phillips - 7

    Wagstaff n/a
    Clarke n/a - 1
    Cort n/a
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    edited February 2012
    Sorry but how anyone can score evina or pritchard above three watched a different game.
    That's all of us then ! It's not there fault that CP cocked up tonight

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    edited February 2012
    Hamer 6 did what he had to do no chance with the goal

    Wiggins 6 not a right back

    Morrison 7 solid and a better right back than Wiggins not that that says much!

    Taylor 6.5 usual solid but unspectacular performance

    Evina 5.5 Sorry to mark a player making his full league debut below par but at fault for Rochdale's goal so no option

    Pritchard 6 I've liked him but he looked ordinary and lightweight tonight possibly because he is not a winger

    Hollands 7 decent first half not so effective in the second

    Stephens 6 8 when he joined in 4 when he went AWOL average 6

    Green 6 Frustrating!!!!!!!

    Kormorgant 8 MOM by a street both in the air and on the ground and a quality free kick for the goal too

    Wright Phillips 6.5 worked hard but it isn't happening for him at the moment

    Wagstaff n/a 6 anonymous for a supposed impact sub and did not make himself available and cover the ground in his usual fashion. Friction in the ranks or lacking sharpness through little football but something aint right

    Clarke n/a 6 Best I've seen from him which says very little!

    Cort n/a 6
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    hamer .6 same ol same wiggy .5 out o position. Morro .6 Taylor. 6 eEvina Poo 5.. ..Pritch..Poo Poo...3 H..ollands 5..sluggish Stephens, Poor 5 ..Green 5.wrong side .Kermie .8 class apart...Bwp 6.5 worked hard..Waggie..3..moaner..
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    Wright Phillips-6.5

    Wagstaff - 5 He didn't actually do anything apart from complain, blew his chance to make an impact
    Clarke -5 Was it a really bad miss at the end??? Still don't know why we signed him
  • Options
    edited February 2012
    Hamer - 6
    Wiggins - 5
    Morrison - 6
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 5.5
    Pritchard - 5
    Hollands - 5.5
    Stephens - 5
    Green - 5.5
    Kormorgant 7
    Wright Phillips 6
  • Options
    I will mark tomorrow, but I will be giving Pritchard an extra 2 marks just to spite all the above who who obviously want to pin our bad performance on him.
    Total bollox.
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  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 4
    Morrison 7.5
    Taylor 7
    Evina 4
    Pritchard 4
    Hollands 6.5
    Stephens 4
    Green 6
    Kormorgant 8.5
    Wright Phillips 6.5
  • Options
    edited February 2012
    Sorry but how anyone can score evina or pritchard above three watched a different game.
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    edited February 2012
    I will mark tomorrow, but I will be giving Pritchard an extra 2 marks just to spite all the above who who obviously want to pin our bad performance on him.
    Total bollox.
    Agreed, play him in his proper position and there's not a chance he'd let you down as much as Stephens did tonight.

    Hamer - 6. Did nothing wrong but distribution slow at times.
    Wiggins - 5.5. Far less effective on the right, looked uncomfortable.
    Morrison - 6.5. Solid game, ever-reliable.
    Taylor - 6.5. As above. Unsure where the rumblings of discontent in recent weeks regarding Taylor have emerged from.
    Evina - 5. Nervous opening, grew into the game but unquestionably at fault for their goal.
    Pritchard - 6. Not his best game - or position for that matter - but his endeavour sits well with me when things aren't going to plan.
    Hollands - 7. Calming influence, one of a few who could exit the field satisfied with their showing.
    Stephens - 5.5. Sloppy, caught dithering on the ball too often. Seems to lack the awareness he showed pre-injury.
    Green - 5.5. Deployed on the left initially but looked more threatening after half-time.
    Kermorgant - 8.5. Terrific workhorse and stunning goal to boot;
    Wright Phillips - 6.5. Anticipates Yann's flicks more often than not but caught marginally offside at least three times. The goal will come soon.

  • Options
    Hamer - 6
    Wiggins - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 5
    Pritchard - 8.5
    Hollands - 6.5
    Stephens - 5
    Green - 6
    Kermorgant - 9
    Wright Phillips - 6
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wiggins 6
    Evina 6
    Taylor 6.5
    Morrison 6.5
    Pritchard 6
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 6
    Green 6
    BWP 6.5
    Kermogrant 7.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5 Not much to do and no chance with wicked deflection for goal
    Wiggins 5 Good point earlier about not realising how left footed he is - a major error playing himn at RB in this game- would have been understandable against stronger opponents but we needed his attacking flair in this game.
    Morrison 7 Thought he was excellent and supported the attack well.
    Taylor. 6.5 Solid
    Evina 5 Some good stuff offensively but not consistently and an not the best defensively.
    Pritchard. 5 Nearly scored but not his best game.
    Hollands. 7 decent game
    Stephens 6.5 done ok
    Green. 6, Needs to play on right - would have kept him on with Waggy as a makeshift attacking RB and had Wiggins and Evina (with Wiggins as LB on the left.
    Kermorgant 8 mom. Wins so many headers, won th efreekick and what a free kick
    Wright Phillips 6 looked sharp but missing that spark
  • Options
    edited February 2012
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 5
    Evina 6
    Taylor 7
    Morrison 7
    Pritchard 4
    Hollands 7
    Stephens 6
    Green 7
    BWP 7
    Kermogant 7.5
  • Options
    I know some were played out of position but my marks reflect their actual performance.

    Hamer - 6.5. No chance with the goal but other than that had little to do.
    Wiggins - 5. Looked all at sea and restricted play by coming inside. No attacking threat even when he switched late on
    Morrison - 7. We looked far more balanced when Morro went to RB and he gave us some attacking options which we had lacked.
    Taylor - 7. Steady and reliable in the middle.
    Evina - 5. One good foray in the first half but Dale got behind him too often. He wasn't helped by having Green ahead of him so this may have affected his performance.
    Pritchard - 5. Not a winger. Very little end product
    Hollands - 7.5. Sterling performance. With weaknesses on either side of him he had to do the work of others but still shone
    Stephens - 5. For the 'creative' midfielder he creates precious little and slows the play with his back and square passing. His tackling is non-existent too.
    Green - 5. Out of position but still was poor. No effort to take on his full back because he knew he had to come back onto his right foot.
    Kermorgant - 8. Another all-round action performanceand superb strike. His tackling back to regain the ball is an added bonus (Stephens take note!!)
    Wright Phillips - 7. He is working very hard and created problems for Dale's defence. Seemed to be on the same wavelength as Yann last night
    Wagstaff - 4.5. As he had 30 minutes I think he justified being marked. Unfortunately he made absolutely no impact. His first involvement was to fall over and claim a foul - one of a number rightly ignored by the ref.
  • Options
    Hamer 7 - decent handling and distribution, no chance with the goal
    Wiggins 6 - struggled out of position
    Morrison 7 - another reliable performance
    Taylor 7.5 - really impressed with how he captains the side, very vocal, and another good showing
    Evina 6 - needs games, but did ok.
    Pritchard 7 - gets an extra half mark for his work rate, but he's more effective inside
    Hollands 7 - spent most of his time making up for Stephens giving the ball away
    Stephens 5.5 - poor
    Green 5 - poorer
    Kormorgant 8 - motm, yes he wins headers but he works tirelessly - did more work in midfield than Green and Stephens put together, and he was playing up front. Great goal
    Wright Phillips 7 - not convinced he should have been taken off when he was, good movement, ball just not running for him.
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5
    Morrison - 6.5
    Taylor - 6.5
    Evina - 5.5
    Pritchard - 5
    Hollands - 6.5
    Stephens - 4.5
    Green - 4
    Kermorgant - 7
    Wright Phillips - 6

    Wagstaff n/a
    Clarke n/a
    Cort n/a

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  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 3
    Pritchard - 4.5
    Hollands - 6.5
    Stephens - 4.5
    Green - 4.5
    Kormorgant - 8.5 MOTM
    Wright Phillips - 7

    Rochdale - 4 absolute tat

  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 6
    Evina 6
    Pritchard 5
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 6
    Green 6
    Kormorgant 8
    Wright Phillips 7
  • Options
    May I point out to those who say of BWP:

    "it's not happening for him at the moment, but the goals will come".....or similar

    That you have been saying that for about 3 months now.
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 6
    Taylor 6
    Evina 5
    Pritchard 5
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 5
    Green 5
    Kermorgant 7
    Wright Phillips 6.5

  • Options
    Hamer 6 Rochdale played well but rarely threatened
    Wiggins 6 Still defended well but being on the right hampered his attacking contribution
    Morrison 7.5 Tried hard to conjure something from his late stint a rb
    Taylor 7.5 Reads everything so well
    Evina 4.5 Shame as this was a good chance for him.
    Pritchard 7 Typically energetic and at times skillful but limited attacking threat from this postion
    Hollands 6.5 Would like to have seen him or Dale push on more before ht
    Stephens 7.5 Looked a lot fitter again but see DH
    Green 5.5 Much prefer him on right but more consistency would be nice
    Kormorgant 8 Could easily have added to his superb free-kick
    Wright Phillips 7.5 Ran his socks off and looked more confident

    Wagstaff n/a Stop bloody moaning at the officials and get back to doing what you do well
    Clarke n/a Hopefully still a lot more to come, inc. a few vital goals
    Cort n/a Hoped we'd get a few more set pieces once he came on

    Thought both forwards were right back on form but often lacked close support from midfield.
  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 4
    Pritchard 4
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 5
    Green 6
    Kormorgant 6
    Wright Phillips 6

    Wagstaff n/a 2
    Clarke n/a 4
    Cort n/a 5
  • Options
    "May I point out to those who say of BWP:

    "it's not happening for him at the moment, but the goals will come".....or similar

    That you have been saying that for about 3 months now."

    .....Oh, we hadn't thought of that. Better tell CP
  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 7
    Morrison 8
    Taylor 8
    Evina 7.5
    Pritchard 7
    Hollands 7
    Stephens 7
    Green 5
    Kormorgant 8
    Wright Phillips 6.5
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 6
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Evina - 5.5
    Pritchard - 6.5
    Hollands - 7
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 5.5
    Kermorgant - 8
    Wright Phillips - 7
  • Options
    Hamer 6 Didn't have a chance with the goal
    Wiggins 7 Extra mark for trying to play out of position
    Morrison 7 Solid ,provides a threat in the opponents box as well
    Taylor 7 Sound defensively
    Evina 5 I have been impressed with him before but not last night. At fault for their goal
    Pritchard 7 Adapted well in second half
    Hollands 7 Kept going defensively
    Stephens 6 Not sure he has got back to his best yet maybe time for Hughes, Russell or if he could get fit Alonso
    Green 6 Looked better when he changed wings
    Kermorgant 9 Reminds me so much of Bartlett or Leaburn in that we would miss him defensively if he were dropped
    Wright Phillips 7 Looked lively but needs a goal

    Wagstaff NA Loke to see him start one of the next few games
    Clarke NA It does not work with Kermorgant up front why didn't SCP use Hayes ?
    Cort NA A sound defender we are lucky to have him as cover in this league .
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