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Players Marks: Charlton 1-1 Rochdale



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    "May I point out to those who say of BWP:

    "it's not happening for him at the moment, but the goals will come".....or similar

    That you have been saying that for about 3 months now."

    .....Oh, we hadn't thought of that. Better tell CP
    Clearly many hadn't - hence the need for my post.

    As for CP, i'm sure he already knows.....being the manager and everything.
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    May I point out to those who say of BWP:

    "it's not happening for him at the moment, but the goals will come".....or similar

    That you have been saying that for about 3 months now.
    Yeah your right and Leon Clarke is so much better .
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    Square pegs in round holes tonight . Players out of position and bad substitutions. Powells had an off night with his decisions but hes been fantastic all season so we can't be too harsh but it's no goal in open play since Jan 2nd and that's a worry.
    Fans that booed at the end don't deserve a winning team. Disgracefull .

    Morrison, Michael Morrison! Tranmere 1 Charlton 1 (I know, but it wasn't direct from freekick/penalty).
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    May I point out to those who say of BWP:

    "it's not happening for him at the moment, but the goals will come".....or similar

    That you have been saying that for about 3 months now.
    Form is temporary, class is permanent. If I could find a positive last night it was that in the first half BWP appeared to getting more onto Kermogant's wavelength than has been the case in the past, unfortunately the finishing wasn't there. If he had his form at the start of the season I very much doubt we would be moaning so much now.

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    Hamer- 7
    Wiggins - 6.5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Evina - 5.5
    Pritchard - 6.5
    Hollands - 7.5
    Stephens - 7
    Green - 6.5
    Kormorgant - 7.5
    Wright Phillips - 6.5

  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 5.5
    Pritchard 6
    Hollands 7
    Stephens 6.5
    Green 7
    Kermorgant 9
    Wright Phillips 7.5
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    I will mark tomorrow, but I will be giving Pritchard an extra 2 marks just to spite all the above who who obviously want to pin our bad performance on him.
    Total bollox.
    Is that what we're doing now? If you don't agree with the average score of a player you like you bump their score up to try and level it out? Yeah, let's do that, great idea. I'm going to go back and give Evina a 10 because I think you're all being too harsh on him. That won't skew the scores that Lancs spends so much time collating at all..
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    Can we keep this thread for marks please, and comments for the other threads, ta
  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 7
    Evina 5.5
    Pritchard 6
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 6.5
    Green 6
    Kormorgant 7.5
    Wright Phillips 6

  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 6
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 3
    Pritchard - 3
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 5
    Green - 4
    Kermorgant - 8
    Wright Phillips - 6
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    I will mark tomorrow, but I will be giving Pritchard an extra 2 marks just to spite all the above who who obviously want to pin our bad performance on him.
    Total bollox.
    Is that what we're doing now? If you don't agree with the average score of a player you like you bump their score up to try and level it out? Yeah, let's do that, great idea. I'm going to go back and give Evina a 10 because I think you're all being too harsh on him. That won't skew the scores that Lancs spends so much time collating at all..
    I am defending a bloke who was (bizarrely) asked to play out of position with another bloke playing out of position behind him. He never stopped running and was always looking to get involved and be positive, unlike some.
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 7
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Evina - 5
    Pritchard - 5
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 6
    Kermorgant - 9 MOM Different Class
    Wright Phillips - 7
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    edited February 2012
    Hamer..7..Played well. Growing in confidnce with every game
    Wiggins 5.5.. Harsh score but playing out of position so inevitable
    Morrison..7.. Played well and did his job in two positions
    Taylor..6.5..Solid and steady
    Evina 6..Started slow but grew into the game. Not to blame for the goal, (the Rochdale striker was) but was to blame for losing possession. They all do that at some stage of the game so looking at his positive points.
    Pritchard..6.. Did well out of position. More dependable than some bigger names
    Stephens..6.. Still looks unfit,labouring somewhat.
    Hollands..7.. Combative player.
    Green..6.. Out of position but did ok
    Kermorgant..8..MOM..Everywhere and a stunning freekick.
    BWP..7.. Quality control of the ball. Just needs a lucky break in front of goal to get him going again.

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    Sadly SCP got a lot wrong last night, lets hope it is a one off!

    Hamer - 6.5 Did what he had to no chance with the goal
    Wiggins - 6 Out of position great tackle at the end to prevent a goal though
    Morrison - 7 Led by example and better winger than Waggy in last 10 mins ;-)
    Taylor - 6.5 Tidy just gets on with it.
    Evina - 4 Match rusty display, (see Stephens)
    Pritchard - 4 Also Out of position, out of touch
    Hollands - 6 Kept at it another who just got on with it
    Stephens - 5 wasted a lot of possession, his missed tackle exposed Evina for their goal.
    Green - 4.5 Frustrating and Disappointing
    Kormorgant - 7.5 Super Strike - Where would we be without him,
    Wright Phillips - 7 Best game for ages - strange decision to sub him

    Wagstaff n/a - 4 Poor spent most of the time moaning!
    Clarke n/a - 5 League one Marcus Bent? cant see what he gives the team? Yet!!
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5
    Wiggins 5.5
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor 6.5
    Evina 4.5
    Pritchard 6.5
    Hollands 5.5
    Stephens 5
    Green 4.5
    Kormorgant 8
    Wright Phillips 7.5
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    Kormorgant-8 MOTM
    Wright Phillips-7
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    What has Pritchard done to upset you?

    : - )
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5 (out of position)
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Evina - 6
    Pritchard - 5 (out of position)
    Hollands - 7
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 5 (out of position)
    Kormorgant - 7.5
    Wright Phillips - 7

  • Options
    hamer 7
    wiggins 6
    morrison 7
    taylor 7
    evina 4.5
    green 6
    hollands 6
    stephens 6
    pritchard 5
    kermo 8
    bwp 6

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    Lol Henry..The obvious answer would be that I didnt notice him all game...oops he did well,must fill it in.:))
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    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 5.5
    Morrison 7
    Taylor 6.5
    Evina 6
    Pritchard 6.5
    Hollands 6.5
    Stephens 6
    Green 6
    Kermorgant 8
    Wright Phillips 5.5
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5 - Not much to do and couldn't do much about their goal

    Wiggins - 6 - Not a right back and that showed.

    Morrison - 6 - Average

    Taylor - 6 - Average

    Evina - 5 - Gave it away many times in dangerous positions without providing to much of an attacking threat

    Pritchard - 6 - Did well considering he was out of position

    Hollands - 6 - some great runs but the game passed him by to often

    Stephens - 6 - Inconsistent. Some AWOL passing but he did the simple stuff well.

    Green - 5 - Not a left mid but still very frustrating

    Kermorgant - 8 - Gave 100% percentage as usual. Cracking goal.

    Wright Phillips - 5.5 - So low on confidence and he just keeps missing. But he is getting in the right place at the right time which is good, he just to finish it when he gets there.
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 5
    Morrison - 7.5
    Taylor- 7
    Evina -5
    Pritchard -5
    Hollands -6
    Stephens -5.5
    Green -5
    Kormorgant -7.5
    Wright Phillips -7
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    Hamer - 6 - distribution mixed as usual but handling safe
    Wiggins - 6 - hope he can get back to LB ASAP
    Morrison - 6 - not his normal self
    Taylor - 6.5
    Evina - 4 - embarrasing at times - a boy in a man's game
    Pritchard - 5.5 - thought he did a little better when he moved onto the left
    Hollands - 6.5
    Stephens 6.5 - kept trying to make things happen but didnt work out
    Green - 5.5
    Kormorgant - 7 - great goal , tried hard but never looks like scoring in open play
    Wright Phillips - 5 - tried hard but was woeful other than 1 cracking first half shor which he was very unlucky with - will have to change his name to "offside Phillips " soon
  • Options
    Hamer - 6.5
    Wiggins - 5.5
    Morrison - 7
    Taylor - 7
    Evina - 4.5
    Pritchard - 6
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 6
    Kermorgant - 8
    Wright Phillips - 7
  • Options
    Hamer 6
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 6.5
    Taylor 6.5
    Evina 5
    Pritchard 5.5
    Hollands 6
    Stephens 6
    Green 5.5
    Kormorgant 7 MOM
    Wright Phillips 6.5
  • Options
    Hamer 6.5
    Wiggins 5.5
    Morrison 6
    Taylor 6
    Evina 5.5
    Pritchard 5.5
    Hollands 7
    Stephens 6.5
    Green 5.5
    Kormorgant 7.5
    Wright Phillips 5.5

    Wagstaff n/a
    Clarke n/a
    Cort n/a
  • Options
    Hamer - 6
    Wiggins - 6
    Morrison - 6
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 6
    Pritchard - 6
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 5
    Kormorgant - 9
    Wright Phillips - 6

  • Options
    Hamer 7
    Wiggins 6
    Morrison 6
    Taylor 6
    Evina 5
    Pritchard 6
    Hollands 7
    Stephens 6
    Green 6
    Kormorgant 8
    Wright Phillips 7
  • Options
    Hamer - 7
    Wiggins - 6 Totally left footed but made a decent fist of the defending bit. Couldn't attack so just lumped it (quite well at times).
    Morrison - 7 Such an assured footballer for a tough centre back.
    Taylor - 6
    Evina - 6 For a player who has hardly played he did ok. Very useful back up for Wiggins.
    Pritchard - 6 Lots of things didn't come off for him last night but never gave up.
    Hollands - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Green - 5.5 His lack of drive and pace is holding him back. Lately, he's been too easy to mark.
    Kermorgant - 8.5 I don't think I've seen a forward win so many headers and flicks in one game but has somehow got to start getting on the end of more in the box too. If he does that, he could play in the top league. Lovely deft touch for the goal.
    Wright Phillips - 6
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