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Anti Social Behaviour



  • I was born in Rochester (thankfully moved to Bexley aged 1). When I was a baby my dad went out to ask some kids to keep the noise down as they'd managed to get me to sleep. Next morning there was a broken bottle wedged under each of the car tyres. This was 1971, so I don't think it's got much to do with 'these days', more that there are always anti-social scumbags out there.
  • Take my hat off to you for being able to keep your anger under control i would have exploded long time ago.few years back I had a few hanging round by me, sitting there one summer night when they came past my house and kicked the wing mirror off my car, I just lost it chased them down the road like a mad man in just my shorts waving a hammer around my head, lucky I didn't catch one other wise I would be sitting behind bars now, funnily enough though after that they seemed to give my house a wide birth.
  • I thought about this some time ago and figured the only advantage I had was my brain. If I react emotionally then in the eyes of the law I would cease to be the victim and out of anger I would do some serious damage. I'm not the fittest and also have high blood pressure so could endanger myself as well.
    So we installed the cctv, played the waiting game and gradually identified most of those who gave us grief. It also means when I confronted them today I felt in control. ' I know where you live' 'all caught on camera' carry a bit of weight even with chavs. This is an ongoing issue as well so I guess you also get used to it.
  • Britain in the enlightened 21st Century !!! ..
  • If you know where they live go nick there doorbell!
  • 'I'm thinking about my doorbell, when ya gonna nick it, when ya gonna nick it'? (Apologies to The White Stripes - and to johnny73).
  • happens here in Canada too! the bloke down the road came home from work to find a whole gang trampling down his lawns, flower beds & leaving sh!t everywere......

  • That's the herd mentality for you. Not one of them would've been brave enough to do that on their own.
  • We have some lovely people down our way (also in medway) who seem to thing that they can ride their motobikes wherever they want too. I have a path running down beside my house, and they ride up and down it all bloody day. They ride without helmets, down wheelies etc. If they were kids I would say, well we've all done it (I know I did) but these are yobs around mid to late 20s ffs! I am just waiting to meet one as I walk down the path, as I think one will be picking himself off of the floor and also picking his broken bike up.

    A few years ago I caught a couple of pikes trying to nick the goldfish out of our Ambulance station pond at 2 in the morning. They had a bucket and a plastic sive to get them out of the pond. When I caught them, they just walked off as if nothing was wrong and without a care in the world.

    Whats happened to the (Once) great country!?
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  • Eastern Europeans
  • Eastern Europeans
    We haven't really got many Eastern Europeans that are of that age because they have not been allowed here long enough to have children that are around 15 yet.

    Most asb is by indiginous whites and young black kids who's parents just don't care.
  • We have some lovely people down our way (also in medway) who seem to thing that they can ride their motobikes wherever they want too. I have a path running down beside my house, and they ride up and down it all bloody day. They ride without helmets, down wheelies etc. If they were kids I would say, well we've all done it (I know I did) but these are yobs around mid to late 20s ffs! I am just waiting to meet one as I walk down the path, as I think one will be picking himself off of the floor and also picking his broken bike up.

    A few years ago I caught a couple of pikes trying to nick the goldfish out of our Ambulance station pond at 2 in the morning. They had a bucket and a plastic sive to get them out of the pond. When I caught them, they just walked off as if nothing was wrong and without a care in the world.

    Whats happened to the (Once) great country!?
    I'd accidentally drop a few glass bottles if I were you.
  • edited May 2012
    Where we are in Welling, we have had in the past a good few problems. 4 houses that have a large communal area behind our gardens grouped together to look out for each other. A number of times I chased away little SOBs with what ever I had at hand. We very rarely get problems these days, they know me as the nutter and the woman as all seeing.

    Have you got anyone next door in a group that you can all get together with and stand upto them with? Greater numbers mostly makes these types move on.
  • Eastern Europeans
    Is this meant to be a joke?

  • Whats happened to the (Once) great country!?
    True, true. We used to send the pikey Northerners, Scots and Irish to rape and pillage abroad. Now they want to come over from their poxy Irish caravans, and nick our dogs and bells? We need a good war against a poorly equipped third world nation. Who fanices Zimbabwe?

  • tut some people are just chav scum
  • Eastern Europeans
    Is this meant to be a joke?

    Whats happened to the (Once) great country!?
    True, true. We used to send the pikey Northerners, Scots and Irish to rape and pillage abroad. Now they want to come over from their poxy Irish caravans, and nick our dogs and bells? We need a good war against a poorly equipped third world nation. Who fanices Zimbabwe?

    Just to clarify - The trouble we've had has been from white English youths.
  • Sorry to hear about your problems. Out of interest (since there seems to be a lot of Medway bashing going on) where abouts in Medway are you? I'm over in Frindsbury near strood and apart from a few young lads having a beer in the alleyway next to our house I've not had any issues. Always say hello to them and they say hello back. I'm sure we're due something happening but am interested to know exactly where in Medway you are having this problem. Nearest problem area to me has been Darnley Road in Strood, and that place is pretty much out of control.
  • Where we are in Welling, we have had in the past a good few problems. 4 houses that have a large communal area behind our gardens grouped together to look out for each other. A number of times I chased away little SOBs with what ever I had at hand. We very rarely get problems these days, they know me as the nutter and the woman as all seeing.

    Have you got anyone next door in a group that you can all get together with and stand upto them with? Greater numbers mostly makes these types move on.
    One neighbour is about 80. We tend to look out for her. A couple of other neighbours are friendly to us but are hesitant to get involved. The rest keep themselves to themselves.

    The trouble makers belong to two particular houses and to be honest I'm just waiting for them to do something where I can prove criminal damage. At the moment they are operating at a level which could only be classed as a nuisance (mild intimidation).
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  • Put some dog shit through their letterboxes.
  • ^ gelignite is a better option .. fused and lit
  • I live in Medway and my area is mostly fine. Every area has it's scum element, I can only assume all those sticking the boot into Medway live in 0% crime and ASB regions

    Sorry for the aggro you are getting, don't get physically involved with them unless you are unidentifiable
  • Doorbell thieving is an ongoing issue. Posted about the little blighters stealing mine in Northfleet back in 2008:

    ...the special Northfleet version where they actually steal the doorbell from the doors of the whole street and then hide in the park over the road randomly ringing them. They then wait for a couple of weeks until everyone has spent £10+ on a new doorbell and repeat the "prank". I need a doorbell that doesn't attach to the door by a piece of double-sided tape and is actually wired into my house, horrible little *****!

  • The type of anti social behaviour you get seems to be dependant on where you live.

    In London they riot and smash up shops and burn stuff

    In Kent they steal doorbells.
  • Rule one, don't live in Medway.
    Yeah, get as far away from there as you!

  • The type of anti social behaviour you get seems to be dependant on where you live.

    In London they riot and smash up shops and burn stuff

    In Kent they steal doorbells.
    The reason you moved from London to Medway?


  • * can...
  • Nope , never had our door bell nicked......... ; )image
  • Probably the wrong moment to say this, but as a much younger man I once stole a doorbell from a very grand house in Tunbridge Wells. It was an old Victorian thing where you pulled a handle to ring the bell. I got the whole thing including the brass casing. I've always felt guilty about it and wondered why I did it (though being drunk was surely a factor).
    Reading this thread though, it's starting to make sense. I was born in Strood. There must be something in the water there or some cultural heritage that I absorbed. So actually it's not my fault.
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