Who amongst us used to play? For those of my generation and pre-computer games, this was what me and my mates played from about aged 10 to around 15 in those cold and wet winter evenings when we could be outside playing.
My first set was very basic with two teams, a red and white one and a blue and white one. As I got more into it, pretty much all my pocket money was saved to by new team sets. I had Chelsea, Blackpool, England, Wolves, Burnley, amongst others.
I also splashed out on new goals which were easier to hold, and smaller balls which could be hit harder. One of my mates bought Floodlights as well.
The picture above includes a mark 2 goalkeeper which had an easy to hold plastic handle. The original ones had metal handles.
We held tournaments and even had a trophy awarded to the winner.
Anyone remember 'Mikes Mini Men'?
Tomy Super Cup football was another cracking game, even though it sounded like a hoover & caused interference on the TV.
oh, and he loves a chat about football.
great memories of playing it over 20 years ago with mates and especially my Dad
He has just started to collect Euro 2012 stickers.
It could be argued that as he is only 2 that its me doing the collecting,
but its great to have a second childhood.
Never got the hand of the throw in takers though always seemed to either go nowhere or backwards across the kitchem!
my brother had subbuteo and the cricket game, although my sylvanian family animals used to be subs and when he wasn't there i used to play with about 18 players each side. He definately had leeds and liverpool teams.
I've got loads of subbuteo stuff in the loft. Teams, floodlights etc. I've also still got the pitch my dad stuck onto a piece of board for me. Used to play it now and then when the boys came over after the pub but not for a few years now.
Had about 40 teams including non league Yeovil, and multiple national teams.
Also could get unpainted players and design your own kit, but only did that once as quite a pain.
Had cloth pitch and astroturf pitch, stands, fans, floodlights, all the cups, scoreboards, advertising hoardings the lot. Used to get my stuff from Phillips toy shop in Dartford.
The action goalies looked good but were rubbish as saving as the arced backwards too much. Loved the Adidas tango football as well as the 1966 world cup ball too.
used to enjoy Mikes Mini Men in Roy of the Rovers too.
I had Charlton/Middlesbrough (according to the box) and a few others that I don't remember. I had the floodlights too but they were crap in the dark so I upgraded the bulbs and wired them into a transformer. Worked a treat. We played on a small snooker table with a player being retired injured if he fell down a pocket. :-)
They are now in the loft like everyone else's.