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New Tv series (REMEMBER: No Spoilers)



  • Tim in full 20s swimwear and on the treadmill in full cream suit and hat reading have been my favourite bits so far. 

    I enjoyed watching him during the German lederhosen rave.  It's got me very emotional at times. 
    as well as the entertaining, cringing, laughing element, it's also very thought provoking as a concept. 
    He's an idiot for voting out Brooke though - he had her and Georgina onside, and Joyce was the easy target. Might cost him later on. 
    yeah defo. I liked Brooke. (and Georgina) as they are pretty normal and fun. can't believe they didn't get rid of Joyce.  Jack and Beth are getting pretty cosy though!

    Beth and Jack are kind of annoying me , they have shown their true colours since joining forces IMO quite superficial, Beth might be pretty but also looks a horrible person.

    That was a nice moment Georgina and Brooke meeting each other, they clearly were so alike so it was so nice they got to meet each other. New lady who is playing Josh already messed it up so expect her to go next.

    Despite not sticking up for Brooke I still really like Tim, he seems nice but also very educated, Georgina to win though hopefully. Ella has grown on me, she reminds me off someone I work with literally everything looks, mannerisms etc. she is quite entertaining, also Woody is nice too, the main lot who have been in there are generally safe, Paddy is a good addition.

    Sorry went off on one there, its the main thing im watching at the mo. How long left?

  • Tim in full 20s swimwear and on the treadmill in full cream suit and hat reading have been my favourite bits so far. 

    I enjoyed watching him during the German lederhosen rave.  It's got me very emotional at times. 
    as well as the entertaining, cringing, laughing element, it's also very thought provoking as a concept. 
    He's an idiot for voting out Brooke though - he had her and Georgina onside, and Joyce was the easy target. Might cost him later on. 
    yeah defo. I liked Brooke. (and Georgina) as they are pretty normal and fun. can't believe they didn't get rid of Joyce.  Jack and Beth are getting pretty cosy though!

    Beth and Jack are kind of annoying me , they have shown their true colours since joining forces IMO quite superficial, Beth might be pretty but also looks a horrible person.

    That was a nice moment Georgina and Brooke meeting each other, they clearly were so alike so it was so nice they got to meet each other. New lady who is playing Josh already messed it up so expect her to go next.

    Despite not sticking up for Brooke I still really like Tim, he seems nice but also very educated, Georgina to win though hopefully. Ella has grown on me, she reminds me off someone I work with literally everything looks, mannerisms etc. she is quite entertaining, also Woody is nice too, the main lot who have been in there are generally safe, Paddy is a good addition.

    Sorry went off on one there, its the main thing im watching at the mo. How long left?

    yes, loved it when Georgina and Brooke met - I found myself grinning inanely at the tv. I think Tim is, and will continue to be gutted about Brooke, especially when he finds out more about Joyce, although I guess he was being kind by keeping her in giving her the benefit of the doubt, which should be commended too.  I like Ella and Woody too.  I just can't wait for them all to find out about Sammie.  I like Jack, but couldn't care for Beth. Nice that she had a reality check with Paddy admitted his disability and she realised how shallow she was, but it wont last.  Josh is defo on thin ice. 

    I watched yesterdays episode at midnight after a few drinks so might watch again on my way home as can't remember how it ended and if there were ratings...? 

    I think it ends next Friday, but not 100% sure. After which point, I'm going to download series one which I never watched. 

  • Tim in full 20s swimwear and on the treadmill in full cream suit and hat reading have been my favourite bits so far. 

    I enjoyed watching him during the German lederhosen rave.  It's got me very emotional at times. 
    as well as the entertaining, cringing, laughing element, it's also very thought provoking as a concept. 
    He's an idiot for voting out Brooke though - he had her and Georgina onside, and Joyce was the easy target. Might cost him later on. 
    yeah defo. I liked Brooke. (and Georgina) as they are pretty normal and fun. can't believe they didn't get rid of Joyce.  Jack and Beth are getting pretty cosy though!

    Beth and Jack are kind of annoying me , they have shown their true colours since joining forces IMO quite superficial, Beth might be pretty but also looks a horrible person.

    That was a nice moment Georgina and Brooke meeting each other, they clearly were so alike so it was so nice they got to meet each other. New lady who is playing Josh already messed it up so expect her to go next.

    Despite not sticking up for Brooke I still really like Tim, he seems nice but also very educated, Georgina to win though hopefully. Ella has grown on me, she reminds me off someone I work with literally everything looks, mannerisms etc. she is quite entertaining, also Woody is nice too, the main lot who have been in there are generally safe, Paddy is a good addition.

    Sorry went off on one there, its the main thing im watching at the mo. How long left?

    yes, loved it when Georgina and Brooke met - I found myself grinning inanely at the tv. I think Tim is, and will continue to be gutted about Brooke, especially when he finds out more about Joyce, although I guess he was being kind by keeping her in giving her the benefit of the doubt, which should be commended too.  I like Ella and Woody too.  I just can't wait for them all to find out about Sammie.  I like Jack, but couldn't care for Beth. Nice that she had a reality check with Paddy admitted his disability and she realised how shallow she was, but it wont last.  Josh is defo on thin ice. 

    I watched yesterdays episode at midnight after a few drinks so might watch again on my way home as can't remember how it ended and if there were ratings...? 

    I think it ends next Friday, but not 100% sure. After which point, I'm going to download series one which I never watched. 

    I haven't seen series one either, that could be a plan! No ratings at the end it was just Josh (New Girl) saying they are onto me, I don't really care what is Joyce going to do about it. I agree Tim done it to give Joyce a chance, Brooke has been near the bottom a lot so he must have thought she was on borrowed time and someone else deserved a chance.

    Sammie (Forgot his actual name lol) has played a very good game, actually comes across quite well but it would be hard for some of them when they find out as it gets a bit more personal. Is the winner picked by the public or people in there?

  • Very underwhelmed by the Breaking Bad spin off film El Chemino available today on Netflix. 
  • By the way @bolloxbolder and other fans of series of Spiral starts tomorrow on BBC4. 
  • By the way @bolloxbolder and other fans of series of Spiral starts tomorrow on BBC4. 
    Yep mentioned this on here earlier this week. Cant wait.
  • May have been done a few pages ago but just caught up with and binge watched “The Young Offenders”.  Very funny and quite poignant in places.  Subtitles required for some of the heavy Cork accents. 
  • May have been done a few pages ago but just caught up with and binge watched “The Young Offenders”.  Very funny and quite poignant in places.  Subtitles required for some of the heavy Cork accents. 
    Did you watch the film too? 
  • May have been done a few pages ago but just caught up with and binge watched “The Young Offenders”.  Very funny and quite poignant in places.  Subtitles required for some of the heavy Cork accents. 
    Did you watch the film too? 
    Not yet. It’s on my weekend list if I can find it on Netflix or amazon. 
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  • What a show Band of Brothers was.

    Rewatch it every couple of years and it's brilliant every time. 
  • May have been done a few pages ago but just caught up with and binge watched “The Young Offenders”.  Very funny and quite poignant in places.  Subtitles required for some of the heavy Cork accents. 
    Did you watch the film too? 

    I watched this week, really enjoyed Young Offenders, where do I find the film?
  • May have been done a few pages ago but just caught up with and binge watched “The Young Offenders”.  Very funny and quite poignant in places.  Subtitles required for some of the heavy Cork accents. 
    Did you watch the film too? 

    I watched this week, really enjoyed Young Offenders, where do I find the film?
  • Watched the Young Offenders film this morning. I enjoyed it. Probably it suffered a little from the fact that I watched the tv series first as it has obviously developed a bit from the original concept with some excellent extra characters. 
  • edited October 2019
    Just finished El Camino. Was a little dubious about a film spin off from one of my favourite ever TV shows but glad to say I was pleasantly surprised and I loved it. Will have to start Better Call Saul once I have binged on the Breaking Bad box set. Off to remove something from me eye now....
  • Just watched El Camino.  Enjoyed it without being particularly whelmed. Problem is that it’s so long ago since Breaking Bad that I’d forgotten most of the subtleties. The recap at the beginning didn’t really help. 
  • See separate thread for Name Of The Rose. Beautifully produced but dull as ditchwater IMHO 
  • Just watched El Camino.  Enjoyed it without being particularly whelmed. Problem is that it’s so long ago since Breaking Bad that I’d forgotten most of the subtleties. The recap at the beginning didn’t really help. 
    I caught breaking bad first series on normal tv then years later on DVD so I wasnt suffering as much of a gap as those of you who were there live 

    I was pretty let down by El Camino, it was beautifully shot and the production and stuff I've begun to notice aside from what's in front of me were perfect but the story was below par and unnecessary.

    I watched it this morning and have a similar feeling as the aftermath of the last few game of thrones episodes. It wasnt shit, the finale of Dexter was shit, it was just not at the standard the rest of the show had been 
  • Spiral = TV masterclass. No other cop series is quite like it, and it is now probably the longest running of the modern genre. I can remember the first series ran at the same time as The Killing, so that makes it older than Line of Duty, while the Bridge, probably nearest to it in terms of the complexity of the main cop characters, came and went.

    if you have never seen it, its strengths are the unflinching portrayal of Paris, away from the tourist areas, on the edge of lawlessness; the insight into the French Justice system; the flawed personality of all the main cops; the frequent blunders they make, and dodgy corner cutting they ( especially Gilou) take; the complex strands of different sub-plots that give it its name; and of course Audrey Fleurot, even if she looks a bit rough right now because she is in the nick. 

    If you are up for subtitled Euro drama and have somehow missed this, give it a try. And maybe, as I did with Line of Duty, start with the earlier series, they are easy enough to get hold of. You'll thank me for it, mes amis:-)
  • I'm surprised that the French cops don't seem to carry out proper interviews & don't record the interviews (that I've seen). 
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  • Unbelievable on Netflix
  • Watched the Young Offenders film this morning. I enjoyed it. Probably it suffered a little from the fact that I watched the tv series first as it has obviously developed a bit from the original concept with some excellent extra characters. 
    Would recommend This Country BBC3 as a good watch - my favourite comedy along with People Just Do Nothing of recent years.
  • Watched the Young Offenders film this morning. I enjoyed it. Probably it suffered a little from the fact that I watched the tv series first as it has obviously developed a bit from the original concept with some excellent extra characters. 
    Would recommend This Country BBC3 as a good watch - my favourite comedy along with People Just Do Nothing of recent years.
    Not seen a lot of This Country, but the scene below where he is running the wheelbarrow up to the skip did make me laugh.
  • Watched the Young Offenders film this morning. I enjoyed it. Probably it suffered a little from the fact that I watched the tv series first as it has obviously developed a bit from the original concept with some excellent extra characters. 
    Would recommend This Country BBC3 as a good watch - my favourite comedy along with People Just Do Nothing of recent years.
    Not seen a lot of This Country, but the scene below where he is running the wheelbarrow up to the skip did make me laugh.
    Some great characters in it and very well written/observed.
  • I don't watch a huge amount other than sport, but started watching The Blacklist at the weekend and am a bit hooked already
  • I don't watch a huge amount other than sport, but started watching The Blacklist at the weekend and am a bit hooked already
    gave up about halfway through season 4
  • MrOneLung said:
    I don't watch a huge amount other than sport, but started watching The Blacklist at the weekend and am a bit hooked already
    gave up about halfway through season 4
    Similar......I loved it when it first came out - but the plot lines got too confused and ridiculous.

    James Spader is great in it though.....
  • MrOneLung said:
    I don't watch a huge amount other than sport, but started watching The Blacklist at the weekend and am a bit hooked already
    gave up about halfway through season 4
    Yeah series 3 for me.
  • I noticed it's onto series 6 I think at the moment, will see how it goes - liked the first couple though
  • Just watched Once upon a time in London on Netflix. Violent rubbish.
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