1) "Don't worry enjoy the walk"...if I wanted to go for a walk I would hump 25kg of golf clubs with me 2) "Trees are 80% air"...really try hitiing 10 golf balls at a tree and see if 8 go straight through
I heard a woman at the bus stop at Woolwich Arsenal the other day directions to somewhere, to which the American lady replied, "I'm sorry i dont know I only moved here to Greenwich yesterday"
An American asking for directions to Shakespeare's house at Stratford station. I should add that this is Stratford, East London.
Reminds me of trying to help a Japanese tourist in distress at Paddington station some years ago, almost in tears. Seems she'd spent most the day of the asking people how to get to Heathrow for a flight to Turkey, and had been taken by a taxi driver to Paddington, thinking she was trying to get to Torquay...
I remember playing Trivial Persuit with the family at xmas one year, and I had my (now) ex-wife on my side. Asked to name a famous jockey, she replied.........
Jockey Wilson.
Similar to one I heard, some game at Christmas we were playing and one of the females in the room had the question "Name a famous Policeman" her response "John Constable".
Given my job as a military historian, my beautiful wife who I met at scholl still gets confused and occasionally calls it Napoleons Column in Trafalagar Square!
More amusing is her incapacity to remember whether she likes dupiaza or dhansak when ordering a curry, in girls world one is a lot hotter than the other!
A few years ago a fella who works for me missing for a while one afternoon finally answers his phone. I asked " What's happened you've not been answering your phone?"
He ans " Got a puncture"
Me: " Well how did the tyre go down?"
Deadly serious his ans was " WHOOOOOSSHH"
My daughter 14 yrs old at the time listening on speakerphone went in hysterics.
I said "Woosh?"
He replied "Yer it came out the side of the tyre."
Question on Blockbusters : "What 'I' is a middle-eastern religion".. he shouts out "Indu"..
A News reports about Israeli soldiers filmed beating up Palestinian children. His comment : "Jesus. And these people call themselves Christians..."
; )
1) "Don't worry enjoy the walk"...if I wanted to go for a walk I would hump 25kg of golf clubs with me
2) "Trees are 80% air"...really try hitiing 10 golf balls at a tree and see if 8 go straight through
In certain circumstances murder should be legal
Me : Rome was great
Girl : Rome? I thought you went to Italy....
Nico Classen was playing for Spurs, fan near us shouts out 'F*** off back to Holland you Belgian c***'
I should add that this is Stratford, East London.
More amusing is her incapacity to remember whether she likes dupiaza or dhansak when ordering a curry, in girls world one is a lot hotter than the other!
I asked " What's happened you've not been answering your phone?"
He ans " Got a puncture"
Me: " Well how did the tyre go down?"
Deadly serious his ans was " WHOOOOOSSHH"
My daughter 14 yrs old at the time listening on speakerphone went in hysterics.
I said "Woosh?"
He replied "Yer it came out the side of the tyre."