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I need a new kidney.



  • Good to hear all went well. Speedy recovery mate.
  • Great stuff mate, glad all went well. Now get your rest and take it easy.
  • You never know, you now maybe related to Yann!
  • Good news, Rob. Just take it easy now and don't try to run before you can walk....
  • Best of luck Rob
  • Best of luck Rob
  • good luck mate
  • Pleased to hear all went well
  • Bonne chance avec le nouveau rein Big Rob!
  • Heartwarming news Big Rob keep taking the meds!
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  • I'm really sorry to hear that you're not well, I bet it's a shock to you and yours that someone of your age is in need a of an organ. A few years ago my Mum had to have a liver transplant, it was very hard on everyone involved. Things have moved on a lot since then mind, technology is ever changing and has made big strides since.

    There's not a lot you can do about it is there just keep on keeping on I suppose. One thing I do know is that general fitness and well being plays a big part in recovery so keep eating drinking and exercising (If you can) as best you can.
  • Get well soon Rob.
  • The surgeon just come in to see me and said that from the results from the tests they've been doing since the op, it's been a success.

    Genuine thank you for all the messages of support from everyone. I look forward to getting back a bit more next term for a few games.

    Thanks again BR
  • Great news.
  • Brilliant news, good luck with the recovery
  • All the best, Rob!
  • so pleased for you BR
  • Nice one mate, top news. I'll let you recuperate then I'll hit you with my verbal sparring ;o)
  • Blah blah blah - now what about Whose Rack?

    Hope all goes well in coming months.
  • Normal service will be resumed asap ; )
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  • Glad it all went well's to a continued, trouble-free recovery! All the best.
  • Cyber hug - wishing you a speedy recovery
  • In my thoughts Rob,has been great news.
  • Great news mate.
  • First day back at work today, well first afternoon. Meant be laid up for another 3 weeks, but me insurers done the dirty.
  • thank god I thought you were after another one now go catch rats

  • Gently does it big lad.
  • BIG_ROB said:

    First day back at work today, well first afternoon. Meant be laid up for another 3 weeks, but me insurers done the dirty.

    You could use bits of the old one as bait.
  • Must be about 30 rats kidneys to a human one.

    Keep some in the fridge as spares.
  • Take it easy....
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