From way up here in Lancashire all I can see is the tremendous amount of money that has been spent on one small corner of this country. A country that is in desperate debt that can't fund it's health care or social systems.
Having said that I wish all our participants the best of luck and hope that you Londoners enjoy it. I shall watch the opening ceremony but not the sport as whilst I enjoy sport it would be hypocritical as I disagree with the inordinate amount of money that this government has spent whilst cutting our standard of living.
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
I hardly think its very wrong It's an embarrassing mistake for which an apology should suffice. Walking off the pitch was a bit pathetic but I suppose the competitors were under threat from the party goons.
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
Or if the Charlton team ran out at the Valley wearing Palace shirts.....
so the first events of the London Olympics werent even in England -----------what a frigging joke.
Well some of them were so not really a joke, and what does it matter??
Just back from womens football at Coventry. Brilliant event, police volunteers bus drivers and all staff beyond helpful. Atmosphere was carnival, lots of different nationalities all engaged in friendly interaction.
To add balance, there was an air of rehearsal, with locog counters monitoring everything from the time (long) to go through security to the free access buses (which went through the rather less salubrious districts of Coventry, with audible comments from the international masses.) Sadly there was absolutely no food left at half time at any of the 8 catering outlet, and so there was a 30 minute delay and lots of hungry punters. Tasty when they did arrive tho.
Warm Heineken in a plastic 330ml bottle - £3.60, or an ice cold pint of Heineken er.. £3.60.
Looked like there was plenty of people running around to sort minor problems - they have done a fantastic job, even covering all the Ricoh Stadium's various sponsorship logos and making the whole area much more presentable.
From way up here in Lancashire all I can see is the tremendous amount of money that has been spent on one small corner of this country. A country that is in desperate debt that can't fund it's health care or social systems.
Having said that I wish all our participants the best of luck and hope that you Londoners enjoy it. I shall watch the opening ceremony but not the sport as whilst I enjoy sport it would be hypocritical as I disagree with the inordinate amount of money that this government has spent whilst cutting our standard of living.
Football all over the place, sailing in Weymouth, shooting in Bisley ( okay, probably part of the small corner, the way we think about Leeds being a small corner of Lacashire ;-)) The previous government committed to the games - with all party support - long before 2005, when times were much better. Food for thought perhaps mate?
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
Or if the Charlton team ran out at the Valley wearing Palace shirts.....
What a load of tosh, Andy Hunt claimed in regard to Gareth Bale, who could not play for GB, although is fit enough to play against LA Galaxy and score that he was unfit at the time of selection. The team have moved on apparently, as has Mr Bales bad back. This was a player and lets admit it would be a first choice player, not some fringe squad player. Surely not club marketing loyalty before, country ....... Surely as he was named in the original squad, an appeal could have been requested here. If Bales back is so fragile, why is he playing for spurs, let alone doing all the travelling.
From way up here in Lancashire all I can see is the tremendous amount of money that has been spent on one small corner of this country. A country that is in desperate debt that can't fund it's health care or social systems.
Having said that I wish all our participants the best of luck and hope that you Londoners enjoy it. I shall watch the opening ceremony but not the sport as whilst I enjoy sport it would be hypocritical as I disagree with the inordinate amount of money that this government has spent whilst cutting our standard of living.
I agree with many of your sentiments.
The fact is though your taxes have been spent on this vanity project for the Great and Good, regardless of your (or my) disagreement, so you might as well derive a small intangible benefit by watching the sports that you enjoy, assuming that they are on channels accessible to ordinary people of course unlike so many sports.
I think I read somewhere that the BBC was televising most of it in various ways such as red button etc which should make it accessible to those of us with freeview.
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
Spot on.
The identity of the country suffering this insult is irrelevant.
No matter what we think of N Korea as a country it is very wrong of the organisers to use the S Korea flag, how would we feel if they hoisted the German or French flag instead of the Union Jack.
Not in he least concerned about insulting North Korea. Horrible repressive malignant regime that shouldn't be given a platform to parade and preen themselves.
If you’re a Sky, Virgin, or Freesat user you will be able to access on your TV the full 24 live streams available on the BBC Sport interactive video player. These will be available through both the Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) and BBC Red Button.
These extra channels will show every Olympic sport from every venue through up to 24 simultaneous, HD-quality, live Olympic streams.
Due to limited capacity on the DTT platform, Freeview and BT Vision customers won’t be able to access all of these extra channels. In the peak evening schedule these viewers will have at least four different TV choices covering the events most people will want to see. This will consist of BBC One coverage from morning to night (except during the news where coverage switches to BBC Two), BBC Three coverage from 0900 – 2300, all day coverage on Freeview channel 301and Freeview channel 302 will be available from 7pm (both accessed via the BBC Red Button), plus BBC HD.
As part of a 3D trial, the BBC will be screening ; the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony, the men’s 100m final and a highlights package at the end of each day in 3D. All will be available to anyone with a 3D TV on the BBC HD channel.
The Olympics on mobile
To keep up to date on the latest sports news, the BBC has also launched free mobile sports apps for iOS and Android smartphones. Here users will be able to access the same 24 live streams and video highlights available on all other platforms. This will have online and offline access.
Even without downloading the app, mobile customers will able to stay informed using the BBC Olympics mobile browser site, accessible across all mobile devices, which will mirror much of the desktop experience.
Warning the thought that Greenwich might take it easy re the Olympic parking instructions is BS. Between Shootershill and Sun in The Sands 6 parking wardens and two tow trucks are in operation , this morning, Could be a big effort to get people onside.
As always the empty seats are the corporate/sponsor seats. There are still a few tickets available for events at the Olympic park, at 'normal' prices (search for hockey, handball and early rounds of basketball) as it's well worth it, the park itself is massive and well worth a visit by itself during the games.
I was at the women's basketball last night, the normal sections were largely full, but not completely (the 2nd game was GB versus Australia so that helped)
I can't find anything for under £95. Can't do day events as too late notice to take time off. so frustrating. Am getting into Judo, Handball, Volleyball and Fencing by watching on tv, so would actually go and see more or less anything - ideally in one of the new locations to say i've been, (going to olympic stadium to see Paralympics) but would have loved to have got tickets for gymnastics at 02 but it 'sold out' and I'd say 25% of seats were empty. Tons of seats for tennis are empty which I applied for. If there are spare seats at the athletics next weekend we'll all know for sure that they have messed up!
I know for a fact that two weeks ago there was almost £50k worth of 'unclaimed' Coca-Cola tickets.
I reckon nla should have a word about getting them distributed amongst those of us on here who are behind the thing - so that obviously excludes Len Glover!
Just back from the mens volleyball, an excellent day, no transport issues, excellent venue, everyone happy, no imprisoned locals in their homes to my knowledge and I wasnt robbed by a gang of travelling pick pockets......
Bimbled about town afterwards for a few hours with wife and son, a lovely atmosphere, even with the weather, cant wait for next sunday to do it all again Greco Roman Wrestling next time out, all the pre event doom gloom and drama so far looks like bollocks in the same way that I wasnt stabbed and shagged by Ukranian thugs at the Euros, funny that......I wonder if a sky "special report" will ever be based on reality, I doubt it.....
Probably a bit subjective re the above as I want the games to be a success and know quite a few are desperate for it to fail, I spoke to a fellah who volunteered in 1948 and is a games maker again this time out. He was insistant how better planned and manned this one was, lastly a footnote, the Venue Control Centre at Woolwich had 3 addicks season ticket holders working the 6 channels on Saturday proving the club does have some communicators within its ranks
Having said that I wish all our participants the best of luck and hope that you Londoners enjoy it. I shall watch the opening ceremony but not the sport as whilst I enjoy sport it would be hypocritical as I disagree with the inordinate amount of money that this government has spent whilst cutting our standard of living.
Just back from womens football at Coventry.
Brilliant event, police volunteers bus drivers and all staff beyond helpful.
Atmosphere was carnival, lots of different nationalities all engaged in friendly interaction.
To add balance, there was an air of rehearsal, with locog counters monitoring everything from the time (long) to go through security to the free access buses (which went through the rather less salubrious districts of Coventry, with audible comments from the international masses.)
Sadly there was absolutely no food left at half time at any of the 8 catering outlet, and so there was a 30 minute delay and lots of hungry punters. Tasty when they did arrive tho.
Warm Heineken in a plastic 330ml bottle - £3.60, or an ice cold pint of Heineken er.. £3.60.
Looked like there was plenty of people running around to sort minor problems - they have done a fantastic job, even covering all the Ricoh Stadium's various sponsorship logos and making the whole area much more presentable.
The previous government committed to the games - with all party support - long before 2005, when times were much better. Food for thought perhaps mate?
The fact is though your taxes have been spent on this vanity project for the Great and Good, regardless of your (or my) disagreement, so you might as well derive a small intangible benefit by watching the sports that you enjoy, assuming that they are on channels accessible to ordinary people of course unlike so many sports.
I think I read somewhere that the BBC was televising most of it in various ways such as red button etc which should make it accessible to those of us with freeview.
The identity of the country suffering this insult is irrelevant.
Crass incompetence all round.
If you’re a Sky, Virgin, or Freesat user you will be able to access on your TV the full 24 live streams available on the BBC Sport interactive video player. These will be available through both the Electronic Programme Guide (EPG) and BBC Red Button.
These extra channels will show every Olympic sport from every venue through up to 24 simultaneous, HD-quality, live Olympic streams.
Due to limited capacity on the DTT platform, Freeview and BT Vision customers won’t be able to access all of these extra channels. In the peak evening schedule these viewers will have at least four different TV choices covering the events most people will want to see. This will consist of BBC One coverage from morning to night (except during the news where coverage switches to BBC Two), BBC Three coverage from 0900 – 2300, all day coverage on Freeview channel 301and Freeview channel 302 will be available from 7pm (both accessed via the BBC Red Button), plus BBC HD.
As part of a 3D trial, the BBC will be screening ; the opening ceremony, the closing ceremony, the men’s 100m final and a highlights package at the end of each day in 3D. All will be available to anyone with a 3D TV on the BBC HD channel.
The Olympics on mobile
To keep up to date on the latest sports news, the BBC has also launched free mobile sports apps for iOS and Android smartphones. Here users will be able to access the same 24 live streams and video highlights available on all other platforms. This will have online and offline access.
Even without downloading the app, mobile customers will able to stay informed using the BBC Olympics mobile browser site, accessible across all mobile devices, which will mirror much of the desktop experience.
As you do on a Thursday at work
I was at the women's basketball last night, the normal sections were largely full, but not completely (the 2nd game was GB versus Australia so that helped)
so frustrating. Am getting into Judo, Handball, Volleyball and Fencing by watching on tv, so would actually go and see more or less anything - ideally in one of the new locations to say i've been, (going to olympic stadium to see Paralympics) but would have loved to have got tickets for gymnastics at 02 but it 'sold out' and I'd say 25% of seats were empty. Tons of seats for tennis are empty which I applied for. If there are spare seats at the athletics next weekend we'll all know for sure that they have messed up!
Bimbled about town afterwards for a few hours with wife and son, a lovely atmosphere, even with the weather, cant wait for next sunday to do it all again Greco Roman Wrestling next time out, all the pre event doom gloom and drama so far looks like bollocks in the same way that I wasnt stabbed and shagged by Ukranian thugs at the Euros, funny that......I wonder if a sky "special report" will ever be based on reality, I doubt it.....
Probably a bit subjective re the above as I want the games to be a success and know quite a few are desperate for it to fail, I spoke to a fellah who volunteered in 1948 and is a games maker again this time out. He was insistant how better planned and manned this one was, lastly a footnote, the Venue Control Centre at Woolwich had 3 addicks season ticket holders working the 6 channels on Saturday proving the club does have some communicators within its ranks