Should I get a copy of the receipts to confirm this? Have you been on the Olympic ticket site recently? They're making it up as they go along.
A) If you want to.
Yes, nearly every day for the last 3 months.
C) I very much doubt it.
TBF Those prices were for the synchronised diving & perhaps that wasn't what you meant. However, there were also no adult tickets for sale in the swimming for £35.
What I don't like is the fact that it seems tickets have purposely been held back in the knowledge that Olympic fever would hit and people would be willing to pay hundreds of pounds to watch Sudan v Mongolia in the greco wrestling for 40 minutes.
No better than a tout if you ask me!
I'm sure I read that all the tickets that werent already for sale have in fact been clawed back from Federations sposors etc, so in effect even more people can enjoy the games. As the federations get better seats, they are sold at the relevant higher prices, otherwise those punters who were lucky enough to get good tickets in the original ballot would feel cheated if similar seats were sold for less.
Anyway, doesn't the canoeing venue look amazing? The crowd are going wild!
BA - I'm not keeping score so I'm not cetain but I think its the second thread in CL history I have added facts to your hypebole.
Something put me off trying to buy tickets when they first came on sale....
You wouldn't splash out on a theatre or a football ticket without knowing at least the 'block' it was in, if not even the actual seat (regardless of your budget).
However as I understand it, the Olympics tickets were sold solely on the basis of price points, with no indication given as to where in the actual stadium the seat would be. Thus what is/was to stop LOCOG selling thousands of premium-priced tickets for the most sought-after events (eg. Mens 100m), and then on arrival leaving some ticketholders wondering why their seats aren't in a 'premium position'? Similarly who knows whether they have sold any of the standard-priced tickets at all?
I took the view that if I was going to see a new sport for the first and probably only time (eg. gymnastics, volleyball) then I would be willing to splash out as a one-off treat to ensure I would have great seats that would allow me to appreciate the skill level from close hand. The ticket website didn't allow me to do that and I wasn't willing to risk paying a couple of hundred quid for average seats.
It was such a long time ago, but I'm convinced i found a seating plan pricing structure before i applied for the price bracket for my tickets in the olympic stadium. granted, i did spend quite a lot of time doing it, but entering the ballot wasn't a race in terms of timing as there was plenty of time to do it before sending in the application.
Could it be a £30 ticket plus a £5 "admin" charge?
No postage was £6, so could have been £36 :-) for the cheapest seats for the worst event. Whereas the other chap no doubt had expensive seats for a better event.
It was such a long time ago, but I'm convinced i found a seating plan pricing structure before i applied for the price bracket for my tickets in the olympic stadium. granted, i did spend quite a lot of time doing it, but entering the ballot wasn't a race in terms of timing as there was plenty of time to do it before sending in the application.
You may be right (I didn't get as far as actually applying) but the 60+ page guide to ticketing states clearly that no seating plans were available:
"Your application is for tickets in a particular price category rather than for specific seats, which is why seating plans are not available."
I'm happy to keep on trying and letting others know when things become available so they can try too. I wont forgive myself giving up already. There is still over a week to go so more tickets will come back on sale, and it might be my turn to get some soon. who knows.
alternatively, @les_says has just found an all inclusive holiday 5* that the money for these tickets would go towards - so either way its a win win!!
so, i just put in "olympic venues" and it came up with closing ceremony, athletics for tomorrow morning and evening sessions and also the 28th July olympic park tickets. in the tomorrow night option there are tickets showing for £150.
However, if you selected 'athletics' it comes up as nothing available!
can someone else try and see if this is just my pc? odd eh?
so, i just put in "olympic venues" and it came up with closing ceremony, athletics for tomorrow morning and evening sessions and also the 28th July olympic park tickets. in the tomorrow night option there are tickets showing for £150.
However, if you selected 'athletics' it comes up as nothing available!
can someone else try and see if this is just my pc? odd eh?
What I don't like is the fact that it seems tickets have purposely been held back in the knowledge that Olympic fever would hit and people would be willing to pay hundreds of pounds to watch Sudan v Mongolia in the greco wrestling for 40 minutes.
No better than a tout if you ask me!
I'm sure I read that all the tickets that werent already for sale have in fact been clawed back from Federations sposors etc, so in effect even more people can enjoy the games. As the federations get better seats, they are sold at the relevant higher prices, otherwise those punters who were lucky enough to get good tickets in the original ballot would feel cheated if similar seats were sold for less.
Anyway, doesn't the canoeing venue look amazing? The crowd are going wild!
BA - I'm not keeping score so I'm not cetain but I think its the second thread in CL history I have added facts to your hypebole.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry @Floyd Montana I didn't realise that you were the arbiter of what's fact or not. Oddly this seems to break down into whatever you post is fact, or should I say FACT, and everything else is incorrect or just an opinion, something as off the wall as like say...some people are stuggling to get tickets or that there are empty seats.
You might want to put Lord Colin Moynihan, Chairman of the BAO, ex-Tory minister for sport in his place with some of your "facts" too then:
Went to Wembley yesterday and the Olympic Park today - to see Women's Hockey this morning; the whole atmosphere was amazing, was in the park when the shooting Gold and Gold and Silver in the paddling were being won, It was great stuff.
Had really amazing seats in the Hockey stadium right at the back with views across the park.
On the website there are £20 Athletics tickets for tomorrow morning available now. There are also £450 tickets for tomorrow night. I can't go tomorrow but after todays experience wish I could.
I'm currently queing for the £20 tickets, i've been waiting 10 mins already, 5 mins left apparently. Whats the bet the tickets wont be available as usaul when the time runs down.
I'm currently queing for the £20 tickets, i've been waiting 10 mins already, 5 mins left apparently. Whats the bet the tickets wont be available as usaul when the time runs down.
Have you been on the Olympic ticket site recently?
They're making it up as they go along.
C) I very much doubt it.
TBF Those prices were for the synchronised diving & perhaps that wasn't what you meant.
However, there were also no adult tickets for sale in the swimming for £35.
Anyway, doesn't the canoeing venue look amazing? The crowd are going wild!
BA - I'm not keeping score so I'm not cetain but I think its the second thread in CL history I have added facts to your hypebole.
Whereas the other chap no doubt had expensive seats for a better event.
"Your application is for tickets in a particular price category rather than for specific seats, which is why seating plans are not available."
alternatively, @les_says has just found an all inclusive holiday 5* that the money for these tickets would go towards - so either way its a win win!!
However, if you selected 'athletics' it comes up as nothing available!
can someone else try and see if this is just my pc? odd eh?
Friday 3rd pm £295 showing as available.
You might want to put Lord Colin Moynihan, Chairman of the BAO, ex-Tory minister for sport in his place with some of your "facts" too then:
Please accept my humble apologies for expressing a view different from yours, I'll try not let it happen again.
Had really amazing seats in the Hockey stadium right at the back with views across the park.
I am absolutely knackered now but a great day.
Get yourself into the park if you can.
Nicholas, you do not qualify for either :-)