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  • I thought this was about Keith Peacock. Thought it may have been his holiday blog.
  • The way he talks sometimes anyone would thinkn that when he can no longer play cricket that he won't earn another penny. Full marks to the ECB for not bending over backwards to accommodate him.
  • With a Test team about to be announced I just wonder if that forced his mind a little...
  • Pietersen just got bitch slapped by Flower and the ECB.

    Moral of the story? Andy Flower won't bend the rules for anyone.
  • Also no one player is bigger than the team and that includes him
  • Andy flower runs the show. The guy stood up to Mugabe. KP needs to take a lesson from that guy.
  • Oh dam, thought Peacock had joined the board or something.
  • Michael Vaughan saying he's been told he won't be in test squad. Announcement at 2.30 I think.
  • He doesn't exactly come across as being very sincere in the interview . Love the man when he's in full flow but he is quite obviously not liked amongst his fellow professionals.
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  • Andy Flower's basically taken the stance that if he keeps up that attitude he wont ever play again while he's coach. Which, the way things have progressed under him, will be a very long time.
  • Not a team player, disruptive, grandstands, plays when he wants to. Great talent, but flawed player
  • KP is not back
  • heres what will happen, he'll manage to claw his way back into the side, give a series of brilliant performances and everyone will say "wow, maybe KP's finally knuckled down" and then he'll start giving half arsed performances again. Fallen out with a lot of people at county level, surprised it's taken him this long to fall out with the ECB
  • Bairstow in for KP
  • Dropped for the third test. Ball is your court now KP
  • oh no he's not back
  • Right decision.
  • It really weakens our team.KP is a world class player.Bairstow struggled against the West Indies.But Andy Flower and the selectors are right not to pick him.He needs to decide what he is going to do,it is not fair on the rest of the team.
  • Don't know too much about county cricket but got a mate who does, he reckons Nick Compton should be in ahead of Taylor and/or Bairstow.
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    typical kp disrupting everything just as we are about to start our biggest test match since we became number 1 and now i think most people can be safe to say we have lost that status
  • Don't know too much about county cricket but got a mate who does, he reckons Nick Compton should be in ahead of Taylor and/or Bairstow.
    my friend who knows a lot about county cricket says the same thing, just compton is a lot older
  • Apparently KP has been dropped as he sent text messages to members of the South African team slagging off Andy Flower & Andrew Strauss! Silly man. If that is true I applaud the England management for standing their ground & dropping KP. Hopefully he will have learnt a lesson, unlikely though!!
  • I thought the SA team weren't his friends !
  • I thought the SA team weren't his friends !

    well considering they let the england management know about the texts I dont think they are.
  • Yep , all a bit schoolboy stuff texting about so and so

    I wonder if he'll be back in for the one dayers v SA
  • It is totally out of order for Pietersen to send those texts.If you have got a problem with the Manager and Captain you go to see them and be man enough to have it out with them.He reminds me of Boycott in lots of ways,ego the size Of Gibraltar and not a team player.
  • edited August 2012
    I liked this comment someone added to an article in The Telegraph early this morning...

    ''Pietersen should not be picked for the Lords Test but if he is then he should be made to stand on the naughty step in the dressing room, his mobile phone confiscated and a note sent home to Mum telling her that he can collect it at the end of the match.''
  • Hope he never plays for England again. Yes he is a great cricketer, but he has an ego bigger than Jupiter, Saturn and the entire Milky way put together. No player is bigger than the team, his actions are totally unacceptable. He was given time to apologise, he didn't so he is dropped. Hope we never see him in an England shirt again.

    I'm not a fan by the way.
  • dickplumb said:

    It is totally out of order for Pietersen to send those texts.If you have got a problem with the Manager and Captain you go to see them and be man enough to have it out with them.He reminds me of Boycott in lots of ways,ego the size Of Gibraltar and not a team player.

    If it was an 18 year old rookie then he could be forgiven, not from an experience professional adult human being. Just proves he has a bad attitude & is not a team player. After KP made his big announcement yesterday that he was returning to all forms of the game, is it now possible that he won't play for England again as long as Flower is in charge?
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