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Seriously.....WTF does someone get out of doing this......?



  • Anyway .... a tief is a tief and vandal a vandal ... but they get away with it ....
  • Greenie said:

    redcarter said:

    cafcfan said:

    Yeah, those E numbers are real evil sods. I particularly try to avoid E948 - oxygen - and have banned tangerines from the house since I found out they have E330 in them. (That's citric acid in case you didn't guess.) Seriously though, I thought I read somewhere recently that major surveys had completely discounted sugary drinks being connected in any way with hyperactivity and that it was just parents and teachers' expectations that they would cause a problem that meant the adults perceived that they did.

    On Qi they said the fizzy drinks thing is a myth.
    20 odd years of experience tell me different. But I bow to 'major' surveys and Fry. FFS, I've seen it for years, the additives and preservatives have such bad effects, you might as well give the kid a line of bizzo.
    Also had parents say that after the kids take up the training and adjust their diet, the hyperactivity slows, their concentration improves and then in turn their school work improves and grades have shot up.
    That is very true but, I'm not sure what it has to do with some knob scratching up Tim's car!
  • LenGlover said:

    Len i genuinely don't mean this to come across as offensive , but do you not agree that as you (Meaning you me and everyone else) gets older , think society gets worse and worse.

    My parents were raised in the 2nd World War and were always telling me how much better society was, how you could leave your front door open etc , and i said to them what about all the bombs dropping , the food rationing , losing family members etc.

    I agree with your comments that there is a huge decline in standards , how people treat each other , offend each other and basically are generally gits and not very nice people.

    But the flipside is a higher (overall age & standard of living) , maybe as people have got richer the downside is all the other rubbish comes with it , the people who haven't got stuff get upset and the crime starts, newspapers especially the Daily Mail are way too depressive , and should come with a health warning on the front , like fags, they don't call it the Daily Worry for nothing.

    It comes down to opinions borne of experience.

    Age breeds experience so in that respect you are right.

    The FACT though is that the attack on my grandmother in the fifties was an incident rare enough to make the front page of the national papers. Can you HONESTLY say that would be the case today?

    If not then I rest my case.
    Last night's BBC TV news had a long feature on an elderly woman who had been attacked and tortured in her home in St Georges Hill, Weybridge.

    So yes, sometimes those cases still do make the news.

    Sorry Len but I agree with MIA. There has always been crime and there has always been a view that things were better 30 years ago. What has changed is you.

    Read "hooligan: a history of respectable fears"

    During WWII there was wide spread looting of bombed houses. People in the 50s looked back to the "good old days" of 30s. In the 30s they looked back to the good old days before world War 1.

    Now people look back to the "good old days" of the 70s & 80s which I remember for riots, violent strikes, police brutality, racist attacks "paki" bashing, uncontrolled football hooliganism, getting beaten up for wearing the wrong clothes (no, not cardigans) and lots of other crime including "keying" cars.

    But now, just as then, most people try to bring their children up to have values, to respect property and other people. It doesn't always work but most young people are decent, polite and honest just as they have always been.

  • There have always been hooligans - that is very true and cars were keyed and tyres slashed for no reason in the 70s and 80s. I also accept there are kids with ADHD - but I would say that if I was a parent of such a child, I would consider it my responsibility to ensure they didn't key neighbours cars. Surely this is reasonable.
  • LenGlover said:

    With 24 hour News Tv coverage we certainly hear more about crime , bad things have been going on since time began as said above.

    Bad things have happened since time began but they happen more now than before.

    50-60 years ago an assault, robbery and leaving for dead of a woman made the front pages.

    It wouldn't come anywhere near now for all the 24 hr coverage and that is the point if the likes of BFR try to read properly!

    Turn on the news on any night you care to mention and you'll see something on crime, for example on the last couple of days there have been features on theft (Asil Nadir) and the hit and run in Leeds.

    The reality is that crime is far more likely to be covered these days than back when you were a lad in the 1850s or whenever it was. Back then news on murders, rapes and what have you was covered up as the great and the good didn't want to enbarrass the viewers by discussing lurid crimes such as rapes and especially those involving child abuse.

    But don't this this stop you have a good little whine about how life today has gone to the dogs.
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