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The Boys of Winter DON'T return. Hockey is NOT here again



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    edited January 2013

    Yep some nasty youtube footage of flyers fans attacking rangers fans, all very Millwall. A mate's nephew (James Neal) plays for Pens so will be following them again this year. Looking at 48 game season starting 19 Jan.

    Yeah, I remember you said before about Neal. He's a great player - was really humming for the Pens at the end of last season. Hoping the layoff has given Crosby enough time to completely get over the neck/concussion issues.

    Damo - the Ducks have tried so hard to move away from that whole Mighty Ducks thing - but can't quite shake it off :)
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    Yep some nasty youtube footage of flyers fans attacking rangers fans, all very Millwall. A mate's nephew (James Neal) plays for Pens so will be following them again this year. Looking at 48 game season starting 19 Jan.

    I saw the Islanders play the Rangers in the NY derby last christmas and there was a small scrap in the seats in front,one steward told told them to pack it in and then they just sat next to each other for the rest of the game. Very odd to see

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    colthe3rd said:

    Croydon said:

    It's not on ESPN anymore, premier sports bought it. Try


    I use first row for football sometimes but the quality wasn't always the best, wondered if there was anyway I could watch on the TV like with MLB. Guessing not.
    You can buy a season pass from Not sure how much it costs. Alternatively, there are streams available - though a lot of them aren't much cop and get shut down regularly. I'm on a Pens fan's streaming channel - his are absolutely mint, but invite-only because of the need to keep them quiet.

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    It's back. Currently watching the Pens bashing the Flyers :o) I love hockey more than I love life itself.
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    Is Sean Kerly playing?.

    Maybe the title is a bit arrogant? There is a big difference between Hockey and ICE Hockey !!
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    leroy god i hate the pens, got out the blocks early amd that was that 3 games so far and 3 away wins, should be a great year.
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    Yeah - first period was ridiculous. Always going to be a different story after the Failures got o the board so quickly at the beginning of the second. Sutter was different gravy - really pleased with that trade.
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    Oilers still suck big style it would seem. After the surprise win over the Canucks they are back to their old ways... plus some - 6-1 down to the Sharks after the first period.
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    Yakupov getting off the mark was a plus though Exiled, got him in my fantasy team. He's going to be some player. Leafs @ Pens tonight Leroy, can't see anything but a Pens win, watched both the Pens first games and they already look good, Leafs look tighter at the back this year but can't finish for toffee. We should have destroyed the Sabres the other night but just couldn't stick the damn puck in the net. I'm recording tonights match on PremierSports and will watch in hope rather than expectation delayed tomorrow. Lets get Kessel and Lupul off the mark for the season! Malkin can score too for my fantasy team as long as he's on the losing side :-)

    Go Leafs Go!
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    Looking forward to this. Could be an absolute belter of a game, and it's always fun to watch the Laffs. Home opener may put some pressure on the Pens, but like you I can't see Toronto having enough firepower. 3-1 to the Pens.
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    Watching the front two lines of the Pens and the Blackhawks (been watching a lot of them too) the ease at which they manage to arve out chances is the massive difference and shows how far Toronto have to come to even think about Play Off hockey again. Every chance we create comes at such hard work or from a glaring error by the opposition. That just isn't the case for the better sides and it really shows. Pens to go 3-0-0 and win 4-1. Watch out for Kostka too, he's started life in the NHL very solidly, will be a star in the future if he continues on, Carlisle has had him playing a lot of hockey in the first 2 games alongside big Dion and he seems a good partner for him. Also replaced Liles on the PP team which is some going.
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    I was looking forward to this one too, only now I see it's blacked out on Gamecentre. 2 out of 3 Pens games blacked out so far. Hope its not like this for the rest of the season!
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    The GameCentre blackout is a killer, I've had to renew my PremierSports subscription as well as have GCL. So annoying.
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    Feeds, yo. I've got a sweet hookup through an invite only channel on jtv. I'm sure there must be a decent Leafs channel somewhere?
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    I hooked up with a few last season but they were quite unreliable. You never knew if you were going to get a whole game. To be honest I don;t mind paying the £80 for the whole season on GCL and PremierSports as I know I get to see every Leafs game in their entirity, I've got the PS3 app which means I can watch the GCL games in HD on the tele too so it works out perfectly for me, pricey yes but its peace of mind too. Nothing worse than being kicked out of a feed, having no hockey for months killed me enough!
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    Yeah, they can be really scratchy sometimes. The one I'm part of is run by Pens fans for Pens fans only. Never had a problem with it, so haven't bothered with the official (paid) subs.
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    Yakupov getting off the mark was a plus though Exiled, got him in my fantasy team. He's going to be some player. Leafs @ Pens tonight Leroy, can't see anything but a Pens win, watched both the Pens first games and they already look good, Leafs look tighter at the back this year but can't finish for toffee. We should have destroyed the Sabres the other night but just couldn't stick the damn puck in the net. I'm recording tonights match on PremierSports and will watch in hope rather than expectation delayed tomorrow. Lets get Kessel and Lupul off the mark for the season! Malkin can score too for my fantasy team as long as he's on the losing side :-)

    Go Leafs Go!

    Well they got it back to 6-3 in the end and actually did quite well in the 2nd & 3rd, allowing of course for the Sharks taking it a bit easy.

    There's clearly a lot of talent in the team going forwards, but they got absolutely murdered in a couple of early power-plays and had way too much ground to recover.

    I just hope they have their shit together in time for the Flames in a few games time.

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    Looking good for the Pens so far RA. That powerplay is dominant with Neal on the point, and keeping Kessel and Lupul quiet has been a breeze. Leafs really need to work on their transitions. Not moving it fast enough through the neutral zone.
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    Did not see that coming at all! Haven't seen the whole game just the highlights on GC as I knew I wouldn't be able to avoid the result all day on Twitter. I've been crying out for the Grabo/Kuli line to actually do something and it seems Carlyle sticking JvR with them really did the trick. Previously if teams kept Kessel and Lupul quiet that was it for us, one swallow doesn't make a summer but having the second line look dangerous again is very promising. It sounds like my boy Kostka was pretty decent again too? I'm looking forward to watching the full 60 when I get home now! Bring on the Islanders tonight!
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    I watched p1 & 2 live. Won't bother with the third later!
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    Much better from the Oilers tonight against the Kings. Left it late though, equalising with less than 10 seconds on the clock and then winning it in overtime. Great celebration from Yakupov.

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    That Yakupov is going to be a player of note. Just hope he doesn't turn into an annoying bitch like Ovechkin
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    this blackout that premier sports inforces is a killer i too have both premier and gcl. hawks look strong this year not sure about our goaltending thats by far our biggest problem. St Louis look strong too i take chicago v st louis in the west final and tampa bay v boston in the east.
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    I'm pretty cheesed off with Premier Sports/Gamecenter blackout situation. I get my TV from Virgin who will not be showing Premier anytime soon. I'm not going to pay £9.99 a month for their streaming service when I can't record the games and they aren't archived to catch up with later.

    So I'm stuck with 15 games a week blacked out, as well as nearly all play-off games and the Stanley Cup blacked out too.
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    Just back from the Redwings game V the Kings at the Joe, Chartonesque by conceding with 53 seconds on the clock but the a winner with 4.3 to go!

    The other similarity to SE7 was the crowd announcement, apparently 20,000 there for the 73rd consecutive sellout, I know the stadium well and there was at least a quarter empty seats, I know that many were s/t holders so already paid for but in a shortened season I was surprised by the amount of empties.

    Wings keeper Jim Howard was the star today, I dont expect them to be pulling up any trees this season but it was nice to be back in Hockey town if only for the week.

    Perhaps the Red Division could throw a live Octopus on the pitch ala "rally al" thats got to be one of the most bizzare traditions in sport?

    Driving up to Kingston for work tomorrow but will catch the game against St Louis on wednesday night before flying home to London thursday.
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    Watching the Leafs absolutely bully the Habs Saturday night was immense! Carlyle has definitely brought a stronger "edge" to Toronto this year, we're second in the fighting majors table which is stark contrast to where we were last season. The Leafs owed that performance to Mats Sundin after the farce they dished up for him at the ACC last year. I know we'll crash and burn come crunch time as usual and winning 6-0 in Montreal will be the highlight of the season, but what a highlight!
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    Just watched the leafs destroy the Flyers 5-2 so they are on fire at the moment, Grabovski walks on "bitegate" as well so all is well at the AIr Canada arena currently.

    I am watching the wings on Wednesday night and back over in March with work in Chicago so hope to catch a blackhawks game, they are looking good and have got off to a flyer!
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    Had a free ticket for tonights Canucks v Coyotes game, $170 face value (about £110). Have to say the whole North American sports thing leaves me absolutely cold from a fan culture aspect - horrible experience (3 hours of manufactured atmosphere, constant adverts from every direction and virtually everyone round me immersed in inane conversations and activities (mostly scoffing junk food). The action on the ice was an afterthought. There was simply no fan generated atmosphere whatsoever at any stage of the game.

    Biggest cheer of the night was when the camera, constantly turned on imbecelic fans dancing to snatches of music during the umpteen breaks per period, zoomed in on a drunk looking Pamela Anderson in one of the VIP boxes.

    Palace fans would feel right at home in this environment, but its not for me. Still it was better than an NBA game I was at recently (Raptors/Bulls) which was on a whole different level in terms of entertainment. Highlight that night was a mascot break dancing in the aisles and a young girl doing the Gangam Style dance on the crowd camera :(
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    Yeah - their sports fans are shit. Unless you're in a city that has a tradition of rowdiness amongst the followers of its teams (Philadelphia springs to mind) it's a pretty sanitised event going to a game. So fucking expensive too - which might account for a lot of the lack of atmosphere.

    However, hockey still rules as a sport. Shame most of the idiots in the US don't 'get' it - and that Bettman is such a prick
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    Come down to Gillingham and see the invicta dynamos in action only about 8 quid to get in I didn't fancy it a few months when my son suggested it but was suprised I must admit.
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