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Who thinks they saw something unacceptable but didn't report it ?

Thinking about the Jimmy Savile situation & people not coming forward, it reminded me of a time at work about 30 years ago.

I was a bank cashier about 21 years old & I thought I saw a lunch time cover cashier aged about 55 years old, put a note (£20?) in his jacket pocket.

I reckon he did, but couldn't be sure, so I didn't report him.

Obviously, nothing like Savile, but nonetheless, I wasn't certain & was even more unsure of reporting a senior colleague.

It's not so easy to do something in real life.

Who else has had things they may have seen/been aware of but didn't report ?


  • I saw a cash security man robbed of his collection (post office) in the morning on Deptford High Street som years ago. Traffic was bumper to bumper so I imagine it was seen by a lot of people. This was on the day when Charlton's Play Off Final tickets went on general sale and I remember the tussle between the robber and guard, the robber getting his loot eventually. Didn't report it though as thought others would do instead.
  • Saw a bloke pull down his trousers and take a dump in archway 'highstreet' one morning. Didnt report it, didnt know what to do to be honest
  • I was at the Watford game
  • PL54 said:

    I was at the Watford game

  • My first job as a 17 year-old was as a bank clerk. The manager used to grope the young girls I worked with in the safe in the basement - they would've been 17/18/19, so not under-age. Anyway, they started asking me to go with them whenever they had to go down there, which I did, being a nice guy. This made me distinctly unpopular with the manager, who was responsible for my yearly assessment and pay rise. I had to get a transfer out, but my career was basically shot because all my bad assessments went with me. That manager was also a local councillor and a judge - a powerful man. He was never picked up on his conduct to my knowledge, so I can understand how people were able to 'get away with it'.

    As it happens the manager at my new branch was also a major to$$er...
  • Funny you should say that Saga, as at the same branch the Office Manager also used to "cuddle" the 1st cashier, putting his arms around her waist type of thing. He was in his 50's and she was about 23, although married.
  • Funny you should say that Saga, as at the same branch the Office Manager also used to "cuddle" the 1st cashier, putting his arms around her waist type of thing. He was in his 50's and she was about 23, although married.

    What's wrong with being friendly?

  • It was the pervy way he did it.
  • i have seen many people selling drugs but haven't reported it because i was next in the queue.
  • Don't care if Saville was a perv or not but I don't want my taxes wasted investigating a matter that will never come to court. And 1m plus baby sitting Julian Assange? Who authorised that? Virgin trains fiasco? Why aren't people held accountable?
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  • Don't care if Saville was a perv or not but I don't want my taxes wasted investigating a matter that will never come to court. And 1m plus baby sitting Julian Assange? Who authorised that? Virgin trains fiasco? Why aren't people held accountable?

    Think you're on the wrong thread, as this has nothing to do with the question posed.
  • Macronate said:

    i have seen many people selling drugs but haven't reported it because i was next in the queue.

    cheers man. special deal coming your way.
  • 25 years ago ehen i was about 10 or 11 I was going to the park and saw a girl getting into a car. Something about it seemed odd as though she didn't want to get in

    I made a mental note of the number plate to see if anything cropped up on the news but nothing ever did

    I still remember it now - A246 LRW, black ford Capri

    Funny how things sometimes stick in the memory
  • seen people being abused by other people. One particular occasion i remember a year of so ago going to charlton on a train and two guys were spouting loads of racist shit, and no one was saying anything - loads of people were getting pissed off, but no one said anything. These guys were massive, so i can see why no one did say anything. i wanted to tell the police when i got off at charlton but they disappeared - it was absolutely disgusting and it is horrible that people have to hear that sort of shit. you just hope that they say it in front of the wrong person one day, or they have to experience something similar themselves. idiots
  • When we were kids (aged 9 upwards)we used to hang around hornfair park, always Inumbers of 8+. There used to be this fella aged about 30, walked past, and dropped something innocent, we gave it 5 and as you do investigated, happened to be Polaroids of ladies in different 'poses' he then came back 10mins later and asked us if we've seen them so we gave them back, he asked if we wanted to see more, we all replied 'no thank you'.it was odd enough but we were sitting in charlton park one day when a couple of years later and I clocked this fella again and told everybody what he was about to, true to form he done exactly the same thing and dropped Polaroids about 20yds away just enough for us to clock them. We ran like Fck this time. Should have told someone but your more scared than ever and nobody in truth listened to a bunch of 'kids' 25 years ago.
  • When we were kids (aged 9 upwards)we used to hang around hornfair park, always Inumbers of 8+. There used to be this fella aged about 30, walked past, and dropped something innocent, we gave it 5 and as you do investigated, happened to be Polaroids of ladies in different 'poses' he then came back 10mins later and asked us if we've seen them so we gave them back, he asked if we wanted to see more, we all replied 'no thank you'.it was odd enough but we were sitting in charlton park one day when a couple of years later and I clocked this fella again and told everybody what he was about to, true to form he done exactly the same thing and dropped Polaroids about 20yds away just enough for us to clock them. We ran like Fck this time. Should have told someone but your more scared than ever and nobody in truth listened to a bunch of 'kids' 25 years ago.

    First name jimmy?
  • There was a fire in New Look, Oxford St back in 2007. Ended up with around 20 fire engines went on for about 2 days.

    Funny thing was that there was only one call made to the Fire Brigade and that was by one of the employees watching it on Sky!!!

    Assumption is the Brother of all Uncles....or something like that
  • The Chicken Tikka slices sold on the concourse.
  • I think there's a principle tha the more witnesses there are, the less likely they will do something about because they assume someone else will. Can't remember it's name though
  • One that makes my blood run cold now and I would be frantic if any of my boys even thought of it. We were sent on a school geography field trip to Waterloo station to count people getting on and off trains as you can imagine not very exciting for teenage boys.A bloke came up to and said I was a big boy(,Im 6f4 and was at school) then he started on about big feet Im a size 12 and boys with big feet are big elsewhere! He asked if I d like a beer in the station buffet and I went for a laugh.I drank the first pint and he got me a second beer.Half way down that he put his hand on my leg! I jumped up and yelled pervert.He then chased me round Waterloo station,never got anywhere near me.Me and my mates were pissing ourselves laughing and I never reported it or bothered about it.
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  • McBobbin said:

    I think there's a principle tha the more witnesses there are, the less likely they will do something about because they assume someone else will. Can't remember it's name though

    I think that was one of the main findings from the murder of Kitty Genovese.
  • Twice i was given coffee instead of hot choc at watford game couldnt be bothered to go back!
    Yeh it said it on side of cup
  • Thinking about the Jimmy Savile situation & people not coming forward, it reminded me of a time at work about 30 years ago.

    I was a bank cashier about 21 years old & I thought I saw a lunch time cover cashier aged about 55 years old, put a note (£20?) in his jacket pocket.

    I reckon he did, but couldn't be sure, so I didn't report him.

    Obviously, nothing like Savile, but nonetheless, I wasn't certain & was even more unsure of reporting a senior colleague.

    It's not so easy to do something in real life.

    Who else has had things they may have seen/been aware of but didn't report ?

    Not me, I'm a grass.
  • The bystander effect
  • Bystander effect - that's it! Cheers guys. If its of any interest to you, the lucifer effect by Philip zimbardi covers this kind of thing, I.e what makes good people to bad things, or do nothing when they should
  • When we were kids (aged 9 upwards)we used to hang around hornfair park, always Inumbers of 8+. There used to be this fella aged about 30, walked past, and dropped something innocent, we gave it 5 and as you do investigated, happened to be Polaroids of ladies in different 'poses' he then came back 10mins later and asked us if we've seen them so we gave them back, he asked if we wanted to see more, we all replied 'no thank you'.it was odd enough but we were sitting in charlton park one day when a couple of years later and I clocked this fella again and told everybody what he was about to, true to form he done exactly the same thing and dropped Polaroids about 20yds away just enough for us to clock them. We ran like Fck this time. Should have told someone but your more scared than ever and nobody in truth listened to a bunch of 'kids' 25 years ago.

    I am sure he got caught this fella i remember that a guy used to do the same in marion park not the animal one the other one

    we used to play footie in there near where the path goes round the back of the park and this bloke dropped some naughty pics but it was the same woman in all the pics

    he did it a few times but one day the parkie told us to watch out for a guy dropping pics as there was police in the park and they were waiting for him to do it again

    we never saw him that day or ever again but i am sure the parkie said they got him

  • I like to think I'd get involved if there was something serious happening. Am not going to report someone for dropping litter, etc, but there's a judgement call that needs to be made.

    Was having a beer with a mate a few years back and it kicked off in the pub we were in. It was about 5 a side and as the barstaff were all fairly young girls the landlord was in there trying to sort it out on his own as everyone else scarpered. Me and my mate got involved - not throwing punches or anything but grabbing glasses/stools out of peoples hands and just trying to calm it all down. Glass everywhere there was.

    Got a free pint out of it.

  • When we were kids (aged 9 upwards)we used to hang around hornfair park, always Inumbers of 8+. There used to be this fella aged about 30, walked past, and dropped something innocent, we gave it 5 and as you do investigated, happened to be Polaroids of ladies in different 'poses' he then came back 10mins later and asked us if we've seen them so we gave them back, he asked if we wanted to see more, we all replied 'no thank you'.it was odd enough but we were sitting in charlton park one day when a couple of years later and I clocked this fella again and told everybody what he was about to, true to form he done exactly the same thing and dropped Polaroids about 20yds away just enough for us to clock them. We ran like Fck this time. Should have told someone but your more scared than ever and nobody in truth listened to a bunch of 'kids' 25 years ago.

    I am sure he got caught this fella i remember that a guy used to do the same in marion park not the animal one the other one

    we used to play footie in there near where the path goes round the back of the park and this bloke dropped some naughty pics but it was the same woman in all the pics

    he did it a few times but one day the parkie told us to watch out for a guy dropping pics as there was police in the park and they were waiting for him to do it again

    we never saw him that day or ever again but i am sure the parkie said they got him

    At least one Parkie did good at Charlton then ...

  • Do parkies still exist in the same way they used to?
  • what? you mean with a brown uniform and a limp?
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