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Who thinks they saw something unacceptable but didn't report it ?



  • Tuesday night match at The Valley once and there was a bloke who obviously had been drinking. He was swearing the whole match but then he started hurling racist abuse at Lloyd Sam, using the 'n word' a few times. Bearing in mind there were young children around, i told a steward and the next game some of the security staff sat near him to see if he did it again... of course he was as good as gold that game!
  • edited October 2012
    Off_it said:

    I like to think I'd get involved if there was something serious happening. Am not going to report someone for dropping litter, etc, but there's a judgement call that needs to be made.

    Was having a beer with a mate a few years back and it kicked off in the pub we were in. It was about 5 a side and as the barstaff were all fairly young girls the landlord was in there trying to sort it out on his own as everyone else scarpered. Me and my mate got involved - not throwing punches or anything but grabbing glasses/stools out of peoples hands and just trying to calm it all down. Glass everywhere there was.

    Got a free pint out of it.

    I did this a few years ago in a pub in Norwood. Kicked off at lunchtime seemingly out of nowhere. Me and a couple of workmates were in there and waded in to help out the barman, who was about 12 by the look of it. Got a bottle of Newcastle Brown across my swede, which f***ing hurt. Not sure I'd do it again, to be honest.

    And I got a free pint too - so seems that's the going rate!

  • Nothing major. Back packed around europe in my youth and on a few occasions older men tried to pick me up. One of them asked me if I would like to see his veranda!

    These days my level of what is unacceptable seems to be higher than everyone elses. Teenagers urinating on my neighbours gate, playing football across a busy road, no one obeying queues at bus stops, young kids smoking. I'm gradually turning into victor meldew and I don't bloody believe it!
  • seen people being abused by other people. One particular occasion i remember a year of so ago going to charlton on a train and two guys were spouting loads of racist shit, and no one was saying anything - loads of people were getting pissed off, but no one said anything. These guys were massive, so i can see why no one did say anything. i wanted to tell the police when i got off at charlton but they disappeared - it was absolutely disgusting and it is horrible that people have to hear that sort of shit. you just hope that they say it in front of the wrong person one day, or they have to experience something similar themselves. idiots

    I find laughing at their ignorance works well. Have had it on public transport both ways - racial comments from whites on blacks as well as black lads racially abusing white people. Laugh at how thick they are. It's only words spewed by people with no brains, why let it bother you or affect your day? It's their problem, their hate, something that affects them more than it affects you.

  • seen people being abused by other people. One particular occasion i remember a year of so ago going to charlton on a train and two guys were spouting loads of racist shit, and no one was saying anything - loads of people were getting pissed off, but no one said anything. These guys were massive, so i can see why no one did say anything. i wanted to tell the police when i got off at charlton but they disappeared - it was absolutely disgusting and it is horrible that people have to hear that sort of shit. you just hope that they say it in front of the wrong person one day, or they have to experience something similar themselves. idiots

    I find laughing at their ignorance works well. Have had it on public transport both ways - racial comments from whites on blacks as well as black lads racially abusing white people. Laugh at how thick they are. It's only words spewed by people with no brains, why let it bother you or affect your day? It's their problem, their hate, something that affects them more than it affects you.

    but surely laughing at them just encourages them? they won't get the irony of your laughter and the victims certainly won't.
  • as a kid aged 17 i hitch hiked around france while i was studying french a level with 2 pals (one was black) as we walked through Lyon one evening he was spat at by a gang of locals (probably about 25 in all..some white .some north african) we wanted to do something about but felt powerless...since then ,despite things not being perfect, i beleive i live in the most racially tolerant country in the world
  • bit off track but yesterday I was on my way to B & Q and stopped at traffic lights. Was a young girl waiting to cross, about 13/14, and a guy about 55 hanging back a bit behind her. She was looking occassionally over her shoulder at him nervously. Anyway, they crossed and in the middle of the road the same happened. They then crossed the road and I could see him walking behind her still, looking as if he were following her. So, instead of going straight ahead I turned right, passed them and then a few hundred yards later u-turned. As I came back she was still walking toward me but he had turned down a side road. Seems silly but I'd have never forgiven myself if I later heard something had happened to her.
  • Well played Large.
  • Bit off track along the lines of LargeAddick...
    I was driving a mate to North Greenwich Station and as there were only 4 or 5 people I saw on the way noticed a man and woman walking out of Sainsurys towards the roundabout that would lead you to Asda.
    2 minutes later I'm on my way back and I see him kind of dragging her back away from where she was (she was at this point just about on the roundabout where Asda is which they would have walked by.

    He was taking her into one of the little ecology parks, she seemed to either be putting up a bit of a resistance or grabbing his hand and laughing. It's hard to see because it's been raining and my windows are a bit damp on the side so couldn't make out facial expressions perfectly.

    Anyway I was a bit concerned so drove round the roundabout at the Woolwich flyover and came back, deliberately with the windows down so I could hear any screams. I don't think I heard any real noises. But the gate wasn't shut they had left it open, on my way back round the roundabout to head back, I looked again at the open gate and the guy was just standing there.. Staring at me...

    Probably something harmless....? I have no idea, but I saw a police van going by and followed it just in case someone had reported it (having actually seen something happen) because it would have been going the wrong way (slightly) and I would have told them where it was but it must have taken a side turning to something else because it wasn't there...

    Can't think of anything else now...
  • Was walking home one night a couple of years ago and noticed a girl a walking not far behind me. Paying no attention I made my turn into the road, however glancing back I saw the girl who must have been 18-20 and a man 50 odd closely behind her. For an unknown reason it just didn't feel right, I turned back and continued walking up the road seeing this older gentlemen close in on the girl. As she took a right into her street the man was behind and grabbed her on the upper arm, I shouted making as much noise as possible and ran over to him, he immediately ran off grinning as he looked back. The girl was pretty shook up but I dread to think what could have happened.
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  • Nice one j block.
  • j block, that reminds me a time when I was on a late train coming home from a night out in London. I was sitting next to a young lady and some lads got on and started making remarks about her and being a bit 'threatening'. She whispered in my ear "can I pretend that I'm with you?". The only answer you can possibly give in that circumstance is "yes", so I nodded and she put her arm in mine and the lads quietened down. When they got off at the next stop she said she just had a feeling that they were going follow her and attack her when she got off the train. I have no way of knowing if they would have or not, but that was my good deed done for the day.
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