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Nightmare on elm street

Saw a 7 discbox set for sale for 8 quid in the shop the other day

Haven't watched Freddie Since I was about 18 I think

I seem to recall it ticked the scary as hell box

What was the scariest movie you watched and how old were you

Freddie kicked my nightmares into a new realm when I foolishlisly watched it aged 11

Going to watch the first one again tonight just to see if it still has it


  • saw childsplay at the age of 3-4 thanks to my sisters and it ruined me lol,i still get terrified at scary movies and im 24.
  • The Exorcist when I was about 16. Also found the Grudge very unsettling when I was old enough to know better
  • Lion King 2 was well scary.
  • The entity when I was about 12 or 13 scared me too

    Do they still make decent horror films

    Went to see paranormal activity but that never

    Or am I too old now to be scared by a film
  • I love them all, nightmare on elm street was great, wes craven's new nightmare was cleverly done. The best horrors of this generation would have to be the Saw films though.
  • The first Saw was pretty good. The rest - meh. No-one does truly frightening films like the Japanese and Koreans. The original Ring and Grudge are ridiculously spooky, as is Dark Water
  • The Omen - Terrifying
  • At the Time, Halloween, hands down, although an old ghost film from about 1988 called changeling put the shits up me,
    Freddie is shat now mate, guarantee it, tried watching a year or so ago. If I can offer advice, keep the scary memories as it will look well dated.
    Decemt ones recently.... Erm other than the horror porn like saw and hostel which are crap, I'd prob go for something like Rec but ill have think.
  • I bought the box set so i am going to open tge ciders once the kids are in bed and start to watch them

    Thing is it was the 80s and i reckon SFX was not as good as i recall

    Maybe it could do with a re make
  • You know what D, try and watch Funny Games if you can, that is a fcked up non horror porn film.
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  • Massive horror fan who watched far too much bloodshed and spookyness when I was a youth in the 80s. Think it's left me jaded because I can't remember the last time I was truly scared by a film. Been grossed out by some splatter scenes but left too scared to turn the light off? Not anymore.

    These days I find the news more disturbing.
  • The film that spooked me out the most when I was a kid was 'The Watcher In The Woods'. Watched it again a few years ago - still a lot scarier than it had any right to be.
  • edited October 2012

    You know what D, try and watch Funny Games if you can, that is a fcked up non horror porn film.

    I will search amazon and grab it pal and the one you say leroy

    Anymore any one can think of as a decent scare let me know
  • Alien. First watched it when I was eleven (late at night).
  • I bought the box set so i am going to open tge ciders once the kids are in bed and start to watch them

    Thing is it was the 80s and i reckon SFX was not as good as i recall

    Maybe it could do with a re make

    the first one was re-made in 2010, almost exactly the same story but a little more believable (he was a kiddie fiddler rather than a murderer) The effects were better, I was only disappointed because I thought it was a new one/follow up not a remake.
  • Didn't know that sadie will look for it

    It's about time the guys in Hollywood thought about scaring the shite out of us 30+ folks
  • I was quite young and couldn't sleep one night, came downstairs to find the parents watching Nightmare on Elm Street, God knows what they were thinking when they let me watch that. Have to say though watching it again as an adult it wasn't as scary.

    The first Saw was pretty good. The rest - meh. No-one does truly frightening films like the Japanese and Koreans. The original Ring and Grudge are ridiculously spooky, as is Dark Water

    Agree about the Asian horror films, the original Ring was freaky as hell.
  • Are they all sub titled
  • Watched Hollyoaks once. 6 years on and still in therapy...........................
  • One, two Freddy's coming for you .....
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  • Three , four better close your door
  • Are they all sub titled

    Yes - it's a lot better than dubbed. To be honest, the storylines in them are pretty easy to follow, it's all about the atmosphere.
  • Watched Halloween when I was about 11.Scared the shit out of me for months.
  • Ghostwatch. It was a fake documentary on Halloween on bbc1 with Craig Charles and Michael Parkinson. They were in a house which allegedly had a poltergeist, like that most haunted show. All fake but I thought it was real. Sleep with the lights on for about a week after that
  • If you fancy being grossed out then check out 'Mum & Dad', a decent Brit flick starring Perry Benson. There's an Australian film called 'Storm Warning' which is good. '30 Days of Night' got to me more than it should.

    Watched the Evil Dead again a while ago. Couldn't stop laughing but I remember being scared by that when I was a young un.
  • The Omen - Terrifying

    This has stood the test of time far better than The Exorcist imo, which seems more funny whenever I watch it now...wot a potty mouth eh! The remake of The Omen was much better than I expected too.

  • Paranormal activity 1 when I was 15/16 scared the life out of me didn't sleep properly for ages, 2 and 3 scared me aswell but not to the extent that the first one did, it's scarier when watched in a cinema and if you have a particular fear of ghosts/poltergeists/demon things
  • edited October 2012
    Remember seeing Bedlam with Boris Karloff when i was a kid. Slept with one eye open for a few nights afterwards!! Haven't seen it since but probably quite tame now. Salem's Lot still gives me a chill too along with The Exorcist.
  • McBobbin said:

    Ghostwatch. It was a fake documentary on Halloween on bbc1 with Craig Charles and Michael Parkinson. They were in a house which allegedly had a poltergeist, like that most haunted show. All fake but I thought it was real. Sleep with the lights on for about a week after that

    Remember it well loved it and got shit roght up by it, remember in papers Fella actually hung himself through fear over that programme, which is why it was never shown again.
    I watched itagain last year and it is honestly laughable.
    Crap, crap crap.
  • 1StevieG said:

    Remember seeing Bedlam with Boris Karloff when i was a kid. Slept with one eye open for a few nights afterwards!! Haven't seen it since but probably quite tame now. Salem's Lot still gives me a chill too along with The Exorcist.

    Ohhhh Fck sales lot, jeeez yes, when that kid taps the window, that is closest I have ever come to touching cloth watching anything, serious that done me for years that bit.
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