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Nightmare on elm street



  • Love horrors but have an irrational fear of zombie films. The remake of Dawn of the Dead when they can run just sh*t me up, especially the first ten minutes. Saw the Exorcist when i was 5 (cheers dad) and had nightmares for ages, revisited 2 years ago at 35 and thought it was funny! Salems Lot quality too.
  • Carter said:

    For the life of me I cannot remember or never knew then name of the film but I watched something on after match of the day about ten in years ago with a little boy having an imaginary friend in the wardrobe. Scared the living shit out of me at some points but turned crap.

    I was made to watch the original nightmare on elm street at about 7 years old by a babysitter and I think I actually did a shit in my pants that scared me so much

    Did you take a picture of it?
  • colthe3rd said:

    I think my favourite horror/slasher is Dog Soldiers.

    Got some great comedy in it as well.

    "I hope I give you the s***s" is one of my favourite lines ever
    There is no Spoon!
  • Frankenstein with Robert DeNiro and Richard Briars. Brilliant film; not scary but very moving.
  • edited October 2012
    Stig said:

    Frankenstein with Robert DeNiro and Richard Briars. Brilliant film; not scary but very moving.

    Don't you mean Kenneth Branagh? Trying to imagine it with Richard Briars! But yes, good film!

  • edited October 2012
    McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    Frankenstein with Robert DeNiro and Richard Briars. Brilliant film; not scary but very moving.

    Don't you mean Kenneth Branagh? Trying to imagine it with Richard Briars! But yes, good film!

    Yes Branagh was in it (co-starring). Briers had a bit part as the blind man but stole the show (in my eyes anyway).
  • Stig said:

    McBobbin said:

    Stig said:

    Frankenstein with Robert DeNiro and Richard Briars. Brilliant film; not scary but very moving.

    Don't you mean Kenneth Branagh? Trying to imagine it with Richard Briars! But yes, good film!

    Yes Branagh was in it (co-starring). Briers had a bit part as the blind man but stole the show (in my eyes anyway).
    But not in his eyes.

  • Devil's Backbone was a properly atmospheric ghostly chiller, up there with the Tartan oriental stuff
  • Dawn of The Dead (1978) is my favourite horror film. Not necessarily the scariest but just a brilliant film. George A Romero is a genius but totally lost his touch with his more modern efforts.

    For something different check out 'Cube'. Fantastic Canadian film.
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  • I saw Silence of the Lambs at an afternoon showing the day it opened. Id not heard any reviews just rolled up to the cinema with my girlfriend to watch anything that was on. We were the only people in cinema, Yes just 2 of us in a large cinema. I must admit i was a bit on the back foot. Not overly scary but still a bit creepy.

    Another film that made me wince a bit was Hostel.
  • If you like foreign horror films, check out Suspiria. Creepy as hell.
  • Many films on here i love but Audition is the only one that made me look away.

    Also not a horror but the first 'shock' in a film that made me jump was from Jaws where the head suddenly floats into view.
  • Never really find horrors scary (still one of my favorite genres) but incidious certainly has the jump factor. Scared the living s**^ out the ms'
  • I am old enough to have been scared sh**less by the Exorcist first time round but when I first saw Freddy it did frighten me a little bit

    I didn't like it as much as this person though!
  • Some great tattoos on this page too!
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