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Do you think Football Police are still too 'heavy handed' ?



  • They are like bouncers - good and bad but a significant percentage are dying for it to kick-off so they can wade in with fists or battons.

    Anyone who thinks having a camera pointed on you is okay, how would you have felt if some copper spent the entire event at say the olympics with his camera pointed at you and your mates/family, with no explenation!

    At times its undrstandable if trouble is brewing/likely, but its all to common-place these days. Much easier for them to film everything rather than do their job and prevent crime!!
  • Waste of well needed resource policing idiots at Football matches. IMO.
  • edited November 2012
    If an element of football fans of all clubs hadnt caused the police problems over the past 40 odd years then it's unlikely they would treat us like the scum they perceive us to be.

    I dont imagine Rugby fans get the same aggro.

    Dont seem to get it at boxing either where surely there is the same potential for aggro. Ive certainly not been treated badly by police at boxing bouts ive been to and dont even really remember any real prescence of police at them to be honest. It's surerly down to history of groups of random football blokes smashing up shops and pubs and having tear ups in public where the OB needed to get involved over the years.

    It's profiling isn't it. If you dress or look like the stereotypical hoolie then you'll likely get OTT policing in the same way blokes with beards getting off planes from the middle east are gonna have more aggro off airport security than your average middle aged dorris coming back from Majorca. Even as often is the case it's entirely unwarranted.

    Got some VictimWall mates...they love the rep and toss themselves silly over their club's football violence history and lap up any bit of "aggro" they get associated with...then in the same breath cry about the treatment they get by police and hassle they have going to away games.

    I do often wear designer clobber to football but I carry it off more like an Armani model than some wrongun from Chatam who got his mum to buy him a stone island jacket so he can try and look like a lad.

    We reap what we sow unfortunately.
  • RCT - I think there has been loads of trouble at the boxing down the years, admittidley often involving football lads.

    Just because people used to cause problems, its no excuse for continuous Ott policing, when often the problem rarely exists anymore.

    Most (not all) foreign police treat travelling England fans well these days, because we have 'cleaned up' our support. Ours should do the same!
  • Course mate but nowhere near on the same scale as at football over the years.

    I agree, shouldnt treat majority based on the minority but it's understandable why it happens.
  • I've never had a camera thrust at me at Charlton, home or away. England games very
  • Rodders are you still rocking those skintight white Armani jeans?
  • Only for you treacle. x
  • Only time the police have been heavy handed with me at the football is when I have been a complete cock and probably deserved a little word in my ear. Naive to suggest you reap what you sow?
  • Everyone was being filmed for about 15mins at Carlisle last season.
    4-0 at Wolves sticks in the memory for our away end being filmed alot, for no reason too.
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  • what is it with football being so 'oo dont hurt me or my feelings' players, officials, fans. i think everyone needs to man up a bit.
  • Everyone was being filmed for about 15mins at Carlisle last season.
    4-0 at Wolves sticks in the memory for our away end being filmed alot, for no reason too.

    Felt like a lot longer

    First time i noticed them doing it was norwich away in about 2000 and it pissed me off no end as we had done nothing to deserve it now i am so used to it that its part of the day now
  • Everyone was being filmed for about 15mins at Carlisle last season...


    I'm not too bothered, as long as I can shoot them back!
  • I assume the person who took the picture above will be hunted down and arrested for photographing the police.
  • edited November 2012
    iaitch said:

    I assume the person who took the picture above will be hunted down and arrested for photographing the police.

    Photographing the police is only an offence if they suspect you of terrorist activities, so I should be safe.... hopefully.
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