I see local boy Liam has fallen foul of the old vulgar-prank-exposed-by-the-papers, for his wiping his bum with a twenty.
dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2242272/Liam-Ridgewell-exposed-toilet-picture-20-notes.htmlAnybody apoplectic about this?

I was thinking that next trip to the toolbox we could get him to decorate the facilities.
Is he supposed to live, pretending to care about the lack of financial equality in the UK? pfft
Same old tripe comes out in the papers - "Oh, but there are people out there grafting for minimum wage. Nurses, doctors blah blah blah"
So? Has nothing to do with Liam Ridgewell or the football industry whatsoever.
I'm more annoyed that the papers felt it was right of them to publish it.
Dont look good but he has been stitched up by someone
Just another excuse for joe public to have a moan about over paid footballers.
We know how much they earn, so no idea why people are so outraged by this photo.
Who really cares though? Just a set up by a mate for a laugh-get over it and stop reading those tabloids, they'll warp your brain.
It's his money, he can do what he likes with it.
No different from pissing it up the wall on a night out.
"The vilest footballer in Britain"
Yeah of course he is
It's by no means the worst thing a footballer has done by a long shot.
Shouldn't be wiping his arse on £20 notes though, much better to use the front cover of the Currant Bun.
The only reason they have tagged him the vilest footballer in Britain is because there are a load of simple minded people out there who will just latch onto the outrage and see it as a useful way to brand Football as an evil game and promote Rugby (a game played by gentlemen, yeah alright).
BTW is that really his house? You'd think he could afford to have someone design a decent looking bog with some modern built-in porcelain wouldn't you? Plenty of money but no style, I suppose.
Anyway, he should be hung, drawn and quartered for having those truly awful tattoos.
We now know who some the dirty protest and how