I'm pretty sure it was Moore that I can remember my mum helping me write a letter to as a young boy; I got a reply with lots of stuff about the solar system in it.
Despite being really quite young I used to really love him whenever he was on TV. I was wondering the other day if he played a part in my interest in the sciences.
Truly a great loss. RIP Sir Moore; may you admire the stars from above.
Until recently I thought he had probably died years ago. Then The Sky at Night came on and there he was - still there. It actually made me feel good to know that the old boy was still going.
One of the great characters of TV when I was growing up.
My son and I quite often visit Chichester planetarium which is named after Sir Patrick. An absolutely wonderful place to spend a few hours!! RIP Sir...a true inspiration and a great man.
Wow living here I must have missed this somehow. RIP Sir P.....I was fortunate enough to go to several of his lectures over the years and always came out asking questions...amazing man and the world is a sadder place without his itellect.
Rip top top man
Despite being really quite young I used to really love him whenever he was on TV. I was wondering the other day if he played a part in my interest in the sciences.
Truly a great loss. RIP Sir Moore; may you admire the stars from above.
One of the great characters of TV when I was growing up.
RIP Sir Patrick, you will be sadly missed.
But some of us are looking at the stars
Very few left now.
RIP Patrick. You were brilliant yet eccentric in the best sense of the word.
The world is a poorer place.
If you would like to urge the BBC not to trash one of the best remaining examples of intelligent tv, there is a petition at change.org/petitions/the-bbc-please-do-not-axe-the-sky-at-night. Thank you!
Wasn't PM a confirmed racist?
It's not really the BBC's fault if no-one is tuning in to watch it.