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Worried about this January transfer window

With 8 wins, 9 draws and 9 defeats, at this halfway point we are an average championship side.

It seems we are getting hints of interest for 3/4 of our players and the sources look plausible.

We are probably skint and holding a tight ship so that means we don't have the funds to majorly improve our squad and also that we are more likely to accept 2 bob offers for our 1st team players.

Our owners are dodgy and can't be trusted.

Great result yesterday but we remain a team under the relegation radar.

I think we will be ok but you just never know.

Let's take caution.


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    Whatever our financial situation I do not think we will take any old offer for a player. This season is about survival and building a squad capable of doing better next season. Clubs are most likely to pay silly money in January and we should use that to our benefit. Sell a few players on inflated fees and give powell a percentage of it to wheel and deal.
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    edited January 2013
    Personally, I feel very confident about this window. I don't think we'll be forced to sell anyone we don't want to, unless a club pays an inflated price which would allow us to established ourselves as a good Championship club.

    I know it could be seen as silly Football Manager talk but for example if we could move on Sullivan, Taylor, Hollands and Wagstaff/Green whilst bringing in two proven Championship players, we'll have done very well IMO. Even BWP moved on in favour of a more proven forward at this level could be possible if the right deal comes around but for me, it's not a priority.
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    Dave2l said:

    With 8 wins, 9 draws and 9 defeats, at this halfway point we are an average championship side.

    It seems we are getting hints of interest for 3/4 of our players and the sources look plausible.

    We are probably skint and holding a tight ship so that means we don't have the funds to majorly improve our squad and also that we are more likely to accept 2 bob offers for our 1st team players.

    Our owners are dodgy and can't be trusted.

    Great result yesterday but we remain a team under the relegation radar.

    I think we will be ok but you just never know.

    Let's take caution.

    glad you cleared that one up for us all !!
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    I ain't worried about this window

    More worried about the last one
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    I ain't worried about this window

    More worried about the last one

    Too right , after all the is he going / isn't he going debacle of last Summer , its better not to worry about it , and whatever will be , will be.... i almost said we're going to ..... but can't bring myself to say it after years of heartbreak.
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    our owners didn't sell Stephens or Solly in the last window when we were apparently in financial meltdown so why should they sell now unless the fee offered is at the club's valuation, and every club will sell in those circumstances.
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    I'm rightly / wrongly, not worried at all.

    I can't see any of our important players moving on, or only doing so if it is a very good offer that any other Championship club in a similar position would not turn down.

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    edited January 2013

    Dave2l said:

    With 8 wins, 9 draws and 9 defeats, at this halfway point we are an average championship side.

    It seems we are getting hints of interest for 3/4 of our players and the sources look plausible.

    We are probably skint and holding a tight ship so that means we don't have the funds to majorly improve our squad and also that we are more likely to accept 2 bob offers for our 1st team players.

    Our owners are dodgy and can't be trusted.

    Great result yesterday but we remain a team under the relegation radar.

    I think we will be ok but you just never know.

    Let's take caution.

    glad you cleared that one up for us all !!
    So dodgy that they stood their ground and sold not one of our star players in August when 90% of Charlton Life was going into panic overdrive.

    I don't really get where this air of inevitability comes from about us selling players this window? We are an average side in the Championship with players that on the whole are Championship players at best. The only person I can see being a dead cert for the Premier League is Chris Solly. And even he doesn't have much of a high profile outside of our club.

    I wouldn't be surprised if agents, scouts etc read forums like these and used them as a tool to generate "talk". A couple of very good, stand-out performances and heavy praise on Charlton Life for Bradley Pritchard - and all of a sudden people are talking about him leaving. We don't do ourselves any favors really.
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    edited January 2013
    No im not worried.

    We would have sold Stephens in the last window if we were that hard up for cash. Not much has changed (to my knowledge) since August.

    Expect Green or Wagstaff to go and maybe a couple in.
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    edited January 2013
    I wouldn't be surprised if agents, scouts etc read forums like these and used them as a tool to generate "talk". A couple of very good, stand-out performances and heavy praise on Charlton Life for Bradley Pritchard - and all of a sudden people are talking about him leaving. We don't do ourselves any favors really.

    Tom you often talk a lot of sense , we should have been talking Leon Clarke up rather than trash talking him.
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    Dave2l said:

    Our owners are dodgy and can't be trusted.

    Harsh, considering it's the current owners who appointed Powell, got us out of L1, have invested in the academy etc

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    Haha, I'm not saying we shouldn't talk up our best players - it's something that can't be avoided really. Just suggesting that quite often discussions about a player doing really well seem to move into the territory of "what if we got a bid for x-amount" or "he could do a job at this level I reckon". Doesn't take much to put the idea in an agents head in this day and age.
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    Dave2l said:

    With 8 wins, 9 draws and 9 defeats, at this halfway point we are an average championship side.

    I'll settle for that, looking at where we finished up in league one 18 months ago.

    Plenty on here were worried about us becoming a league two side.

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    I think one of our "assets" will leave and of the three Hamer, Stephens and Solly I would prefer it to be Dale. I haven't included Bradley Pritchard in our assets as I think the Villa rumour is rubbish and in any case he wouldn't be attracting bids running into millions. 3.5 million which I think is realistic for Hamer and Solly if given to SCP would buy a lot of talent at Championship level and a bid of 2 million for dale would also IMHO take us forward if spent on replacements. Just a case of watching and waiting. I can't see too many coming in without at least one significant out plus moving on some deadwood. Apologies to Henry.
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    Not worried.

    If we sell then we sell. Its happened before and will happen again.

    Don't expect marquee signings either. Would be nice but can't see it happening but a couple of clever loans can make a difference. Look at what Wood and Campbell did for Smallwall and Ipswich.
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    Before the win yesterday or after?
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    edited January 2013
    Dave2l said:

    With 8 wins, 9 draws and 9 defeats, at this halfway point we are an average championship side.

    It seems we are getting hints of interest for 3/4 of our players and the sources look plausible.

    We are probably skint and holding a tight ship so that means we don't have the funds to majorly improve our squad and also that we are more likely to accept 2 bob offers for our 1st team players.

    Our owners are dodgy and can't be trusted.

    Great result yesterday but we remain a team under the relegation radar.

    I think we will be ok but you just never know.

    Let's take caution.

    I'd be surprised if we don't sell during this window - the squad is bigger than necessary for starters. The questions are 1) who goes and at what price, and 2) does Chris Powell get to keep some of the proceeds/savings to bolster his squad?

    In this situation the relationship between the Manager and the Board/Owners is critical. The Manager needs to fully engage with the financial objectives of the owners and work with them to ensure the right balance between raising money/reducing losses and maintaining a competitive squad. If he digs his heels in with the narrow objective of simply keeping his best players, the owners may well ignore his input and make mistakes. Avoiding relegation is now the key objective.

    Fantastic result yesterday.
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    No concerns ... also not convinced we are selling anyone unless Villa come back with another big offer for Stephens
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    Not overly concerned but nothing in football would surprise me these days.

    In some ways what happens this month could clarify greatly whether or not we are in a certain creek and have a paddle or not.
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    We have our targets already identified - as to whether we actually can get them, that's another matter!
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    Those elusive Belgians and Moroccans, eh? ;-)
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    supaclive said:

    We have our targets already identified - as to whether we actually can get them, that's another matter!

    Marquee signings?

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    What will be will be. The Board built up a certain level of trust not selling in the last winow so I trust they will either retain players or sell if forced to / an acceptable offer comes in, either of which I can live with.
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    Solly, Stephens and Pritch will go and we will get a bunch of unproven/unwanted/unintrested premiership rejects to replace #cantwait
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    cafctom said:


    Jimmy Floyds palace?

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    Fair enough and positive, no one shares my concerns.

    Sometimes it's good to review worst case scenarios. I trust Powell with the capital T but the owners appear to be unpredictable on their redundancies.
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    Dave2l said:

    Fair enough and positive, no one shares my concerns.

    Sometimes it's good to review worst case scenarios. I trust Powell with the capital T but the owners appear to be unpredictable on their redundancies.

    I think you may be right to raise concerns, albeit they might turn out to be unnecessary.

    We are not out of the forthcoming relegation battle yet and if the Owners want to raise/save money during January then the make up of the squad will no doubt need skilful management. Let's not forget that the margins between success and failure can be very narrow indeed.

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    Dave2l said:

    Fair enough and positive, no one shares my concerns.

    Sometimes it's good to review worst case scenarios. I trust Powell with the capital T but the owners appear to be unpredictable on their redundancies.

    We are not out of the forthcoming relegation battle yet ...

    Well, to be honest, neither is any club from 8th postion onwards ...
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    edited January 2013
    We only need to have a 2nd half of the season as good as the 1st half = 60 points.

    Look at how the 'back to basics' team has played in the last 2 games. There's no reason why we can't.
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