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    First rule of the FF....
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    Don't tell me what the FF rules are, I bleedin' wrote 'em. : - )

    Did they let you in?
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    I talked way too much and as a result didn't take many notes, very positive return to club/fan communication particularly as MS was in attendance. Seemed very open to suggestions. Meeting was operational matters only.

    Club are aware of bar problems, trial of new queuing system in north upper bar

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    Well I hope someone else was paying more attention than Razil ; - )

    Good to see the FF back and very pleased the Club have recognised the Supporters Trust by including them.

    Long may it continue. Credit to Slater and Bradshaw for attending.
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    my full report coming up on CAS Trust website, wish I'd known about the sarnies in advance..
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    may have been..
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    edited February 2013


    Bit harsh!

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    here's the CAS Trust report
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    razil said:

    here's the CAS Trust report

    Thanks for that but the POTY event isn't organised by Bromley and NWKent Addicks. Ian and Jean/Fanny organise it for the FF and all the profit they now make, unlike in previous years, stays with the FF.

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    already corrected that, thanks tho.
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    Barn, you may want to cut back (trim?) your 'pubic meetings', particularly when you are just about to touch on groups.

    So nothing was asked then with regard to the financial aspects / stucture of the club / the recent financial losses etc ?
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    darn spill chick
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    now trimmed..
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    edited February 2013
    was amusing when MS admitted to having experienced European policing..
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    So nothing was asked then with regard to the financial aspects / stucture of the club / the recent financial losses etc ?

    no, I asked the remit and scope of the agenda and was told operational matchday experience
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    "No one mentioned the absence of the first 11 as being a factor in our cup turnout and result however."

    Bunch of cowards ;-)

    Seriously, thanks for the notes and good to hear this has been resumed, albeit with a rather limited remit.
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    I assume the fact that you were impressed with the openess of the meeting and the fact that they are back happening hasn't diminished your view of the need for a Trust?

    Did Slater ask you anything about why the Trust was being formed?
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    DRF said:

    I assume the fact that you were impressed with the openess of the meeting and the fact that they are back happening hasn't diminished your view of the need for a Trust?

    Did Slater ask you anything about why the Trust was being formed?

    I would think exactly the opposite. That the Club has recognised and met with Trust increases the value of having a trust.

    As the trust is about helping the Club long term and the Club has begun the process of working with them it is good news all round IMHO

    Shows the Trust doesn't have to be about confrontation or opposition to the Club as some have implied.
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    DRF said:

    I assume the fact that you were impressed with the openess of the meeting and the fact that they are back happening hasn't diminished your view of the need for a Trust?

    Did Slater ask you anything about why the Trust was being formed?

    I would think exactly the opposite. That the Club has recognised and met with Trust increases the value of having a trust.

    As the trust is about helping the Club long term and the Club has begun the process of working with them it is good news all round IMHO

    Shows the Trust doesn't have to be about confrontation or opposition to the Club as some have implied.
    Agreed, that is why i paid my 5 pound last week.

    As right now i would not be comfortable with a complete anti the current owners attitude.

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    There were two other attempts to form a trust during times when communication was higher than it is now.

    Also when this trust was started back in July communication was as it is today or better so I don't see the connection.

    Plus the Trust isn't only about operational issues, which the FF largely is altho it is a very important group. We'll see how things progress, but this Trust is independent and will remain in existence I hope regardless of the climate.

    We believe every club should have one in, and probably always should have.

    So no I don't agree.

    I actually see this as a small milestone and success for all concerned, but particularly the team as CAS Trust who have refused to give up
    despite a fair number of obstacles, and have worked very hard along with support from many quarters including various members of the FF to get to this position.

    We know we can't please everyone though but hopefully our research will bear up to the real world in that most fans think it's a good idea.

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    In answer to drfs other question, no MS didnt ask about the trust.
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    Trust in the Trust !
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    I have only just managed to read razil's report on the Trust site and have a couple of things to add to the discussion which took place last night regarding the Palace shenanigans...

    Both Steve Bradshaw and Michael Slater were very concerned about not only the vandalism which took place both inside the ground and in Sangley Rd afterwards, but also about the reports of the way it was perceived that the police dealt with Charlton supporters.

    However, Steve made it clear that a Post Match Investigation is due to take place & I am presuming this will happen sooner rather than later. Whether this is something which invariably occurs when there has been an element of trouble at a match or whether this is out of the ordinary, I know not. Maybe we have a Lifer or two that might throw some light on this...

    Steve also stated that the relationship between our Club and the local police unit ( based in Greenwich) is the best he has encountered thus far which must be good news for us all. I believe this is something which could not be matched by a spokesman for CP bearing in mind what maestro had to say on the matter here recently.

    Admittedly, we had covered a great deal in the 140+ minutes spent at the meeting before this item on the agenda was reached and everyone was mindful of the need for some present to get home and have a very late dinner - hence the matter was not discussed in any great detail. Suffice to say, the Club is aware of what transpired and if memory serves me right, there may be mention of this in the Brum matchday programme.

    Finally, I'd like to echo razil's thoughts in that the meeting , IMHO, was a very worthwhile one with both a recently appointed COO and the Club's Chairman having their first taste of what the group is about. I was asked to forward something to Steve after the meeting which I did last night when I arrived home. I thanked both himself and Michael for meeting with us and said I felt that the channels of communication had once again been re established between the football club and its supporters. In his response, Steve stated that he is aware of the importance that we all place on the process & whilst always needing to be mindful of commercial sensitivities he wants to communicate as much information with the group as is appropriate.He said that CAFC is a very special Club and he is proud to play a small part in the Club's evolution in the next period. And he is obviously keen to continue working with such a " passionate & knowledgeable Group".

    I'm sure our COO would have no qualms about me sharing his words with you as I believe they are honest ones & a measure of the man. We are due to meet again in April by which time I'm certain that issues raised last night will have been addressed - whether to our complete satisfaction or not remains to be seen but I am confident that every consideration will be given to the views we put forward. At this stage, in my opinion,we can ask for little more.
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