I agree with Hansen, you can only possibly have an opinion on football if you have been a highly paid professional bladder punter. No man in the street who has watched thousands of games live and on TV should ever be allowed to offer their views, what do they know... What a bunch of self important tossers some former players are.
Words cannot describe how much I despise this bloke, good riddance now we need to get rid of Garth Crookes, Steve Claridge, Lawrenson, Dion Dublin, Manish and MAYBE BBC's football coverage might be bearable to watch.
He does a Friday night show on 5Live too. It used to be good when Mark Saggers or Pougatch did it. But now he treats it like it's his own personal radio station. He's like a sniggering school boy with his "in" jokes and sucking up to all the sportsmen he has on there. Then if for some reason someone is unavailable to talk to him or their mobile is off he goes into one and slags them off saying they won't be on the show again. Dan Walker presented it while Murray was at the Darts and it was a fantastic programme.
I agree with Hansen, you can only possibly have an opinion on football if you have been a highly paid professional bladder punter. No man in the street who has watched thousands of games live and on TV should ever be allowed to offer their views, what do they know... What a bunch of self important tossers some former players are.
So true.
I don't mind Murray, can see how he would irritate some people though. Bit of a feeble excuse for sacking him though, motd2 always presents itself as a sort of light hearted look at things.
If he was that good why did he only play a handful of internationals?
Hansen? Perhaps because the Scots sulked over him playing in England, preferring Willie Miller! Believe me, he was exceptionally good, arrogant or not.
I don't need to believe you thanks. I saw as much of him as any other non-Liverpool fan. Yes he was an effective centre half in an extremely well disciplined and organised team. I have always thought he was over rated and he's lapped it up ever since he quit. Got all the answers but only from a sofa for over 20 years. Never got involved and never to my knowledge been used even as a consultant by any team. Even Lawro had a stab at getting his hands dirty. And above all, Fergie didn't rate him.
I like Chappers, but he doesn't hold Savage to account they just shout at each other. I've nothing against Colin Murray, think he's quite a good presenter when he's not boisterous bantering. I'm not too sure on the media's belief that it's because the pros are heckling him, but it does shout that the old pros really need a culling. Hansen's breadth of fresh air petered out around about the time Dalglish left Newcastle, let alone since that managerial dinosaur came back.
It needs to get back to someone a la Des Lynam, that had the gravitas and intelligence to direct and manipulate a discussion. Stelling seemed to grow through the morass of morons on Soccer Staurday. I'm no great fan of Pat Nevin, nor do I dislike him, but watching Murray verbally suck Hansen's tit whilst Nevin made more accute comment than Hansen's managed in his tired hungry hippo clcihe's for years did quite anger me. It seemed Murray was a sycophant quicker than anyone on MOTD2.
If he was that good why did he only play a handful of internationals?
Hansen? Perhaps because the Scots sulked over him playing in England, preferring Willie Miller! Believe me, he was exceptionally good, arrogant or not.
Don't mind Murray, bit different to the usual bland presenters on MOTD. Heard him on five live once going on about how much he liked Charlton, a proper club and the Valley is a great place to watch a game. Not many of that crew even think there's football outside the PL.
Don't love Colin Murray, but not quite sure why people hate him so much either. I do like Chappers though, enough to listen to the Monday Night Club despite the senile ramblings of Motty, Ian McGary's (sp?) sensationlist Chelsea biased BS and Claridge's 'Bloke-down-the-pub' knowledge levels.
You only have to look at what a difference Gary Neville has made to Sky's coverage to see how valuable good quality pundits are. Nearly all the Beeb's pundits (mostly on TV, but still to a lesser extent on the Radio) are hopeless cliche merchants who seem to take almost no interest in researching their roles. Linekar is probably actually their best pundit, but he is the host. At least you get a sense he actually likes football enough to watch it when he's not at work. The other good guy the had was Lee Dixon, but inexplicably they binned him.
Out here in Canada I get the Premier League's own coverage for a lot of the games and, blissfully, that usually involves Curbs. He may not be full of wit and reparte (sp?) in the way the Beeb seem convinced Lawrenson is (whince) but he's knowlegable and, most importantly, tactically insightful.
People don't like him because since he took over from the equally awful Adrian Chiles he has tried to make it Colin Murray's MOTD2, starring Colin Murray. A number of years ago I took part in a focus group commissioned by the BBC before MOTD2 started and saw a number of pilots with Childs, Mark Pougatch and someone else who I cannot remember. I thought Pougatch was good but so was Childs in the pilot, no smugness, no whining about WBA and no sucking up to Alan Shearer etc. Boy did he change when he got the gig!
That's a real shame IMO, really liked him in that role, so many great moments, best probably when he did the wine tasting with Ginola who looked like he wanted to punch him.
Made the bits between highlights really watchable.
Copied from Bluemoon website by a friend of mine, I agree with all of it except the last line.
Colin Murray: W**kerman
Two things disturbed me upon reading on the Daily Mail website that Colin Murray had been axed from his role as Match of the Day 2 presenter.
Firstly it was that I was reading the Daily Mail. In being another hit on their hateful website, I feel I am somehow implicated in the pedalling of their right-wing xenophobic misogynistic bile, interspersed with unsavoury reports of ‘blossoming’ pre-pubescent girls. One can only imagine that Jimmy Savile was a real conundrum for them. On the one hand he shared their obsession with underage girls; on the other he had a caravan.
Secondly it’s the inference that Murray has been dismissed from his role as King **** of Sunday night telly because he is in some way controversial or outspoken. The article reports that he “irritated a number of BBC football pundits by the way he criticised players”. Now I’m not Murray’s biggest fan (in the same way Rose West isn’t your first choice babysitter), but that’s unfair.
Murray is anything but a loose cannon. If his biggest crime was getting up the noses of the witless waste of upholstery that is the MOTD pundit pool, I’d quite like him. But no, the reason why the Ulsterman deserves nothing but our unqualified contempt is that being part of that gang is all he’s ever wanted. The sad f**k. Imagine a bucket of the most putrid stinking corn-riddled human faeces ever shat. Now imagine the turd they didn’t let in.
It’s a horrible lot. Shearer, Lineker, Hansen and Lawrenson - like a Who Who’s of smug shiny shirt-wearing w**kers. Once great footballers left to simmer in their own self-congratulatory circle-jerk man juice until there’s nothing left but ****. And Murray wants in. The desperate pi5s stain wants to be part of that mob.
Colin Murray is everything that is wrong with modern football.
He not so much panders to the lowest common-denominator than tries to scurry up its ar**hole and wallpaper the sides. He’s a try-hard fu**wit who knows nothing about the game its popular to like. A pathetic bespecced vole of a man who stands in the way of hundreds of people qualified to do the job properly. He was s**t on Radio 1, he was s**t on Radio 5, and for a bit longer he’s s**t on Match of the Day.
He sits there week in and week out like the man who came fifth in a Sue Perkins lookalike contest, and nervously giggles and smirks his way through two hours of our national game with all the authority and charm of a chinless goblin. In between the football he laces his autocue recitation with snide remarks and inferences he desperately hopes will win him favour with the #lads and ex-pros who hate him as much as we do.
Colin Murray is a comprehensive s**t. I don’t look forward to him somehow landing another job he doesn’t deserve. And I’ve nothing against Mark Chapman but they should give the MOTD gig to Gabby Logan.
"Monkey Tennis"?
I don't mind Murray, can see how he would irritate some people though. Bit of a feeble excuse for sacking him though, motd2 always presents itself as a sort of light hearted look at things.
And above all, Fergie didn't rate him.
It needs to get back to someone a la Des Lynam, that had the gravitas and intelligence to direct and manipulate a discussion. Stelling seemed to grow through the morass of morons on Soccer Staurday. I'm no great fan of Pat Nevin, nor do I dislike him, but watching Murray verbally suck Hansen's tit whilst Nevin made more accute comment than Hansen's managed in his tired hungry hippo clcihe's for years did quite anger me. It seemed Murray was a sycophant quicker than anyone on MOTD2.
You only have to look at what a difference Gary Neville has made to Sky's coverage to see how valuable good quality pundits are. Nearly all the Beeb's pundits (mostly on TV, but still to a lesser extent on the Radio) are hopeless cliche merchants who seem to take almost no interest in researching their roles. Linekar is probably actually their best pundit, but he is the host. At least you get a sense he actually likes football enough to watch it when he's not at work. The other good guy the had was Lee Dixon, but inexplicably they binned him.
Out here in Canada I get the Premier League's own coverage for a lot of the games and, blissfully, that usually involves Curbs. He may not be full of wit and reparte (sp?) in the way the Beeb seem convinced Lawrenson is (whince) but he's knowlegable and, most importantly, tactically insightful.
On the plus side, at least ITV don't have MOTD.
A number of years ago I took part in a focus group commissioned by the BBC before MOTD2 started and saw a number of pilots with Childs, Mark Pougatch and someone else who
I cannot remember. I thought Pougatch was good but so was Childs in the pilot, no smugness, no whining about WBA and no sucking up to Alan Shearer etc. Boy did he change when he got the gig!
Made the bits between highlights really watchable.
Colin Murray: W**kerman
Two things disturbed me upon reading on the Daily Mail website that Colin Murray had been axed from his role as Match of the Day 2 presenter.
Firstly it was that I was reading the Daily Mail. In being another hit on their hateful website, I feel I am somehow implicated in the pedalling of their right-wing xenophobic misogynistic bile, interspersed with unsavoury reports of ‘blossoming’ pre-pubescent girls. One can only imagine that Jimmy Savile was a real conundrum for them. On the one hand he shared their obsession with underage girls; on the other he had a caravan.
Secondly it’s the inference that Murray has been dismissed from his role as King **** of Sunday night telly because he is in some way controversial or outspoken. The article reports that he “irritated a number of BBC football pundits by the way he criticised players”. Now I’m not Murray’s biggest fan (in the same way Rose West isn’t your first choice babysitter), but that’s unfair.
Murray is anything but a loose cannon. If his biggest crime was getting up the noses of the witless waste of upholstery that is the MOTD pundit pool, I’d quite like him. But no, the reason why the Ulsterman deserves nothing but our unqualified contempt is that being part of that gang is all he’s ever wanted. The sad f**k. Imagine a bucket of the most putrid stinking corn-riddled human faeces ever shat. Now imagine the turd they didn’t let in.
It’s a horrible lot. Shearer, Lineker, Hansen and Lawrenson - like a Who Who’s of smug shiny shirt-wearing w**kers. Once great footballers left to simmer in their own self-congratulatory circle-jerk man juice until there’s nothing left but ****. And Murray wants in. The desperate pi5s stain wants to be part of that mob.
Colin Murray is everything that is wrong with modern football.
He not so much panders to the lowest common-denominator than tries to scurry up its ar**hole and wallpaper the sides. He’s a try-hard fu**wit who knows nothing about the game its popular to like. A pathetic bespecced vole of a man who stands in the way of hundreds of people qualified to do the job properly. He was s**t on Radio 1, he was s**t on Radio 5, and for a bit longer he’s s**t on Match of the Day.
He sits there week in and week out like the man who came fifth in a Sue Perkins lookalike contest, and nervously giggles and smirks his way through two hours of our national game with all the authority and charm of a chinless goblin. In between the football he laces his autocue recitation with snide remarks and inferences he desperately hopes will win him favour with the #lads and ex-pros who hate him as much as we do.
Colin Murray is a comprehensive s**t. I don’t look forward to him somehow landing another job he doesn’t deserve. And I’ve nothing against Mark Chapman but they should give the MOTD gig to Gabby Logan.